
  • 网络Animal dyes;vegetable dyes
  1. 天然染料根据来源可分为植物染料、动物染料和矿物染料。

    The natural dyestuffs can be divided into plant dyestuffs , animal dyestuffs and mineral dyestuffs according to the source .

  2. 动物染料有虫(紫)胶、胭脂红虫等。由于天然染料分子结构各不相同,染色方法也有较大差异。

    The animal dyestuffs are ( purple glue ) of worm , carmine worm , etc * Because natural dyestuffs molecular structure have nothing in common with each other , have a greater difference to dye the method .

  3. 自远古时代,来自植物和动物产品的染料就已经付诸使用。

    Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times .