
  1. 据英国广播公司报道,Facebook即将在明年推出加密货币。

    Facebook is on the verge of launching its cryptocurrency next year , reports the BBC .

  2. 伊士曼柯达公司近日表示,该公司将与区块链开发商WENNDigital合作推出一款名叫柯达币的加密货币和一种图像授权工具。两家公司声称,上述产品将有助于摄影师和代理机构管理图像版权。

    Eastman Kodak said it will team with blockchain developer WENN Digital , to launch a cryptocurrency called KodakCoin and image licensing tool that the companies say will help photographers and agencies manage image rights .

  3. Facebook还向美国财政部寻求有关监管和运营问题的建议,暗示该公司的加密货币计划已进入最后阶段。

    Facebook has also sought advice on regulatory and operational issues from the U.S. Treasury Department , suggesting the company 's cryptocurrency plans are in the end stages .

  4. Facebook一直在考虑支付业务的一个迹象是,该公司正在研发一种新的加密货币,旨在让人们可以将钱发送给他们消息系统中的联系人。

    One sign that Facebook has been thinking about payments is its work on a new crypto coin that is meant to let people send money to contacts on their messaging systems .

  5. 当然,任何跟随加密货币的人都会知道,几乎任何人都可以推出自己的硬币-这并不会让拥有Facebook权力或资金的公司这样做。

    Of course , anyone who follows cryptocurrencies will know that virtually anyone can launch their own coin-it doesn 't take a company with the power or money of Facebook to do so .

  6. 再看看一大批正在火人节(BurningMan)欢度春假的人群中穿梭,或者在西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)袒露健美体格的科技工作者(其中包括投资人、加密货币传道者泰勒o文克莱沃斯那犹如奥林匹斯山诸神的强健身躯)。

    Look at the hordes of young tech workers navigating the Spring Break crowds at Burning Man and South by Southwest baring their toned physiques ( including the literally Olympian torso of Tyler Winklevoss , the investor and cryptocurrency evangelist ) .

  7. 近日,网络安全公司趋势科技的研究人员在谷歌Chrome浏览器中发现了一个恶意扩展程序,它会使用多种方法从受感染的用户那里窃取和挖掘加密货币。

    Researchers with cybersecurity firm Trend Micro have uncovered a malicious extension in Google 's Chrome web browser that uses a multitude of methods to steal and mine cryptocurrency from infected users .

  8. 英国广播公司表示,Facebook希望通过将加密货币与一篮子现有货币(包括日元,欧元和美元)挂钩来解决这种波动现象。

    The BBC says Facebook is hoping to get around this volatility with its cryptocurrency by pegging it to a basket of established currencies , including the Japanese yen , the euro , and the U.S. dollar .

  9. Facebook似乎处于计划加密货币的高级阶段,因为英国广播公司报道马克扎克伯格本人会见了英国央行行长马克卡尼,讨论启动加密货币的机会和风险。

    Facebook seems to be in advanced stages of planning the cryptocurrency , as the BBC reports that Mark Zuckerberg himself met with the Bank of England 's governor Mark Carney to discuss the opportunities and risks of launching a cryptocurrency .

  10. 根据私人市场金融平台PitchBook的数据显示,在美国,一些顶级MBA课堂一直在增设有关加密货币的课程以满足需求,尤其是来自风险投资领域的招聘人员的需求。

    In the US , some top MBA programs have been beefing up cryptocurrency courses to keep up with demand , especially from recruiters in venture capital , according to data from PitchBook , a private market financial platform .

  11. 但他们也会知道加密货币是众所周知的不稳定因素。

    But they 'll also know that cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile .

  12. 加密货币是基于一种特殊的数学算法,称为密码学。

    Cryptocurrencies are based on a special field of mathematics called cryptography .

  13. 加密货币将是货币革新的第一步。

    Cryptocurrencies are the first step of this evolution .

  14. 比特币便是一种如今最广泛应用的加密货币,而且它有几百种存在形式。

    Bitcoin is the most ubiquitous cryptocurrency , but there are hundreds of them .

  15. 要想进入一个全球性程序化货币的世界,加密货币是需要迈出的第一步。

    Cryptocurrencies are the first step to a world with a global programmable money .

  16. 总的来说,它是一种加密货币。

    More broadly , it 's a cryptocurrency .

  17. 一天之前暴跌的加密货币已于周一企稳。

    Cryptocurrencies fought to find a footing on Monday after price plunges a day earlier .

  18. 这一加密货币使得人们可以建立信任并进行交易,不需要第三方。

    And this cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and do transactions without a third party .

  19. 第一代加密货币的运行速度比较慢,效率也比较低。

    So , the first set of cryptocurrencies are a little bit slow and a little bit cumbersome .

  20. 今天的这则新闻肯定让比特币听起来更像是一种犯罪分子使用的货币,而不是一种加密货币。

    The news out today sure makes bitcoin sound a lot more like a criminal-currency than a crypto one .

  21. 监管部门受到越来越大的压力,要求他们约束加密货币领域,但比特币势头不减。

    There is growing pressure on regulators to rein in the cryptocurrency sector , but bitcoin continues to flourish .

  22. 该账号周四发布了一系列推文,要求粉丝通过加密货币向一个救助基金捐款。

    A series of tweets requesting that followers donate to a relief fund through cryptocurrency was posted on Thursday .

  23. 加密货币也能够用于非法交易,就像现在的现金犯罪一样。

    Cryptocurrencies can be used for illegal transactions , just like cash is used for crime in the world today .

  24. 首次出现的加密货币就像那第一辆汽车,速度慢、令人费解,也不好操作。

    The first cryptocurrency , like the first car , is slow and hard to understand and hard to use .

  25. 但这两起逮捕事件显示,创建一种新货币,特别是基于信任的加密货币,是一件多么困难的事情。

    But the arrests show just how hard it is to start a new currency , especially crypto ones , built on trust .

  26. 去年12月,联邦证券与交易委员会就警告投资者在购买加密货币或参与首次公开售币前提高警惕。

    In December , the Securities and Exchange Commission warned investors to exercise caution before buying cryptocurrencies or participating in initial coin offerings .

  27. 多年来,克里森经常会谈起想要推广普及在线支付,使之无处不在这一话题,现在他感到,加密货币的出现与实现这一愿景恰巧不谋而合。

    Collision has talked over the years of wanting to make online payments universal and ubiquitous , and he felt crypto-currencies dovetailed with that vision .

  28. 这位自称网络安全专家的公告引发了全球科技专家的怀疑,因为围绕这种加密货币的创造仍疑云密布。

    The announcement by the self-styled security expert sparked scepticism among tech experts globally , given the enduring mystery surrounding the creation of the crypto currency .

  29. 斯坦福商学院今年被《金融时报》评为全球最好的商学院,它将在5月增设一门关于加密货币的全日制课程。

    Stanford 's business school , voted best in the world by the Financial Times this year , will add a full-time course in Cryptocurrency in May 2018 .

  30. 目前,恒星是免费发放的,以吸引更多人进入数字货币(或所谓的加密货币)这一新兴领域。

    At first , Stellar will be given away for free as a way to introduce more people to the nascent world of digital money , or so-called crypto-currency .