
  • 网络Coronation Street
  1. 其他获奖者有:在《X音素》上获胜出道并转型成演员的肖恩·沃德,他凭借在《加冕街》中饰演的爱丹·康纳一角被评为最佳新人奖。

    Other winners included X Factor winner-turned actor Shayne Ward , who was voted best newcomer for his role as Aidan Connor in Coronation Street .

  2. 该剧打败了竞争对手《加冕街》、《艾玛镇》和《圣橡镇少年》,获得了最佳连续剧奖。

    It beat rivals Coronation Street , Emmerdale and Hollyoaks to receive the prize for best serial drama .

  3. 名列第五的是英国电视问答节目TheChase的主持人、曾出演电视剧《加冕街》的布拉德利•沃尔什。他今年56岁,比抖森大21岁。

    In fifth place was The Chase presenter and former Coronation Street star Bradley Walsh , who at 56 is 21 years older than Hiddleston .

  4. 随着年龄渐长,她这身服装也使得她比加冕街的贝特林奇看起来更“惊艳”。

    It 's also ageing , leaving her looking more like Coronation Street 's Bet Lynch than a blonde bombshell .

  5. 英国电视肥皂加冕街将成为第一个电视台黄金时段表明对英国使用产品安置在签署了一个处理在全国建设社会。

    British television soap Coronation Street becomes the first prime time television show in the UK to use product placement after signing a deal with the Nationwide Building Society .

  6. 《加冕街》自1960年开播以来,至今仍未结束,它以曼彻斯特郊区为场景,并被认为是一部能代表英国北部工人阶级生活的剧集。

    Coronation Street has been on since 1960.It is set in a suburb of Manchester and it 's supposed to represent working class life in the north of England .

  7. 它已经在圣赫勒拿岛上见证了28任英国督察的更迭,经历了自乔治四世到伊丽莎白二世共八代英帝国君王的加冕,而唐宁街10号已然更换了51任英国首相。

    In his time on St Helena he has seen 28 British governors come and go . Eight British monarchs from George IV to Elizabeth II have been crowned during his lifetime and 51 British Prime Ministers have served at 10 Downing Street .