
  • 网络weighting agent;weighting material
  1. 该体系主要由XC聚合物和YDC-LN助剂以及可水溶性加重剂组成。

    It comprises XC polymer , YDC LN additive and water soluble weighting agent .

  2. 为此研发了以有机溶剂、表面活性剂和高分子聚合物(蜡晶改进剂)、渗透剂、加重剂等组成的油溶性YS-3清防蜡剂。

    To solve these problems , an oil soluble wax inhibitor / remover , YS-3 , is developed , comprising organic solvents , surfactant , polymeric paraffin crystal modifier , and infiltrating and weighting agents .

  3. 加重剂对水基钻井液润滑性能的影响研究

    Study on influence of heavyweight additives on Lubricity of water-based drilling fluids

  4. 研究表明高密度条件下,3种加重剂均有改善钻井液润滑性能的作用,保护储层加重剂的润滑效果最好;

    The study results show under the conditions of high density , all the 3 heavyweight additives can enhance the lubricity of the drilling fluids .

  5. 随着深井、超深井钻井技术的发展,高密度钻井液加重剂的回收再利用日益受到重视。

    With the development of deep well and ultra deep well technology , the reclaiming of heavy loader of high-density drilling fluid is gradually emphasized .

  6. 在现有固控系统的基础上,设计了一种高密度钻井液加重剂的回收工艺,采用双离心机分离回收系统。

    On the basis of the existing solid control system , a process for recovering weighting materials out of the high-density drilling fluid is developed .

  7. 车漆是树脂、黏合物、加重剂等成分的组合(典型的说,是溶液,有时候是水)。

    Automotive paints are a mixture of ingredients including resins , binders , fillers , additives , and carrying agents ( typically solvents , sometimes water ) .

  8. 川东北地区抗高温超高密度钻井液研究高密度钻井液加重剂再利用的几点思考

    A Study on the High Temperature High Density Drilling Fluids for Use in Northeast Sichuan . Several Thoughts about Reclaiming Heaver Loader in the Drilling Fluid of High Density

  9. 还可用作表面涂布剂、上浆剂、加重剂,亦用于颜料、陶瓷、蓄电池、搪瓷、油漆、涂料等。

    Also can be used as surface coating agents , sizing agents , increasing agent , is also used in paints , ceramics , batteries , ceramic , paint , coatings , and so on .

  10. 结果表明,CNS病变程度随着惊厥持续时间的延长而加重,抗惊剂可以保护CNS免受损伤。

    The results showed that the degree of CNS lesions were aggravated with the prolongation of the duration of convulsions and that anticonvulsants protected CNS from damage .

  11. 为了有效地解决海水钻井液中加重材料的悬浮稳定性问题,开发出了抗盐、抗钙、抗温性好的新型加重材料的活化剂。

    In order to solve effectively the suspend stability of weighting materials in sea water drilling fluid , a new activity agent of weighting materials is developed , which can resist against salt , calcium and high temperature .