
  • 网络Garland;Garand;galland
  1. 请给加兰德法官一次听证、投票的机会。

    Give Judge Garland a hearing . Give Judge Garland an up-or-down vote .

  2. 她是幸福的,这无须怀疑,加兰德先生说。

    " Happy she is , beyond all doubt ," said Mr. Garland .

  3. 加兰德法官经验丰富、为人正直,出任这一职位对他而言实至名归。

    Judge Garland is a man of experience , integrity , and unimpeachable qualifications .

  4. 但时至今日,大部分的共和党参议员依然拒绝与加兰德法官会面。

    But so far , most Senate Republicans have refused to even meet with Judge Garland .

  5. 加兰德法官能够赢得两党的共同尊敬是有原因的。

    There 's a reason Judge Garland has earned the respect of people from both political parties .

  6. 加兰德说,维生素D能给人们带来好处就像是吸烟能引发肺癌一样,这两者都是非常明确的。

    He said the benefit of vitamin D was as clear as the harmful link between smoking and lung cancer .

  7. 正因如此,一轮又一轮的民意测验说明,大部分美国人都认为共和党参议员应该做好自己的工作,给加兰德法官一次听证和投票表决的机会。

    That 's why poll after poll shows a majority of Americans think Senate Republicans should do their job ; give Judge Garland a hearing ; and give Judge Garland a vote .

  8. 过去19年里,加兰德法官一直在华盛顿特区巡回法院供职,这一法院通常被称为“全国第二高等法院”,过去的3年里,他还是该法院的首席大法官。

    For the last 19 years , Judge Garland has served on the D.C. Circuit Court-often called " the Second Highest Court in the Land " - and for the past three years , he 's served as that court 's Chief Judge .

  9. 参议院的一些共和党人士称加兰德法官是“一位成就突出、才智出众的人”、是“诚实而有能力的人”、是一位“声誉无可指摘的人”。这些言论都来自于参议院的共和党人之口。

    Judge Garland is someone who Senate Republicans are on record saying is " a man of accomplishment and keen intellect ; " a man who 's " honest and capable ; " a man whose " reputation is beyond reproach . " Those are all quotes from Republicans in the Senate .