
  • 网络Health Canada
  1. 尽管如此,加拿大卫生部仍支持召回,并鼓励消费者采取如下补救措施。

    Nevertheless , Health Canada supports the recall and encourages all consumers to take the corrective action outlined below .

  2. 加拿大卫生部的科学家审查了这些研究,没有发现毒性和致癌性的证据。

    These studies , which have been reviewed by Health Canada scientists , have found no evidence of toxicity or carcinogenicity .

  3. 辛普森说,事实上,在2010年开始营业之前,加拿大卫生部没有提出任何问题。

    In fact , before opening up her business in2010 , said Simpson , she ran the idea by Health Canada , which raised no concerns .

  4. 美国农业部、加拿大卫生部、加拿大食品检测局均已正式下发批文,这意味着两国已在法规程序上完成了最后一步。

    USDA , Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency have all granted approvals , completing the final step in each country 's regulatory process .

  5. 加拿大卫生部首度医学顾问表示,该部门的审查发现,该疫苗用于这一较年轻群体安全有效。

    Health Canada 's Chief Medical Advisor said a review by the department found that the vaccine is safe and effective when used in this younger age group .

  6. 他是多伦多大学的整形外科教授,也是专家组成员,负责研究硅体材料并报告给加拿大卫生部。

    Mitchell Brown , a professor of plastic surgery at the University of Toronto and a member of an expert panel that studied the devices and reported to Health Canada .

  7. 而且,加拿大卫生部要求生产商研究在什么情况下植入“挽救性”假体。因为在未来的某个时候,妇女可能要取出或者替换假体。

    As well , Health Canada wants the companies to study the condition of " retrieved " implants when , at some point in the future , women have them extracted or replaced .

  8. 加拿大卫生部说这些额外的钱,加上正在进行的加拿大主要的研究,将会有助于填补国际和加拿大科学界的主要知识空白。

    Health Canada says that this extra money , plus major Canadian studies which are currently ongoing , will help address the key knowledge gaps in both the international and Canadian scientific community .

  9. 加拿大政府卫生部关于文件转基因食品标识的规定。

    What are the Federal Government 's Guidelines Concerning Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods ?

  10. 加拿大公共卫生部官员指出,这两名多伦多居民所饮用的胡萝卜汁在早前已被检测出肉毒杆菌毒素阳性。

    According to public health officials the Toronto residents drank carrot juice that has since tested positive for a botulism toxin .

  11. 周二,加利福尼亚及加拿大西部卫生部发出警告:民众无需储备大量碘化钾。

    Health agencies in California and western Canada warned Tuesday that there 's no reason for people an ocean away to suddenly stock up on potassium iodide .