
  • 网络Functional Fiber
  1. 粘藻纤维是一种新型的功能性纤维,具有优良的性能。

    Viscose with alqin fiber is a new kind of functional fiber with perfect functions .

  2. 夜光纤维是一种无毒无害,无放射性,并可循环使用的功能性纤维。

    Luminous fiber is a non-toxic harmless , non-radioactive , and can be recycled functional fiber .

  3. 纳米银/托玛琳复合材料在功能性纤维中的应用

    Application of nano silver / tourmaline composite material to functional fibers

  4. 负离子纤维作为一种新型的功能性纤维。

    The Negative Ion fibre as a new functional material .

  5. 所谓的功能性纤维就是以使纤维获得某种特殊的使用功能为目的制得的。

    The purpose of manufacturing functional fibres is to get some utilizing functions .

  6. 功能性纤维低聚糖的研究现状及发展前景

    Current Research and Advance Prospect of Functional Cello-oligosaccharide

  7. 特种纸用化学品日用功能性纤维制品的新发展

    Specialty paper chemicals : an overview New development of functional textiles for daily use

  8. 日本流行的功能性纤维

    The Current Functional Fibres in Japan

  9. 功能性纤维的开发现状与前景

    Present and future of functional fibres

  10. 加快我国功能性纤维材料新世纪发展的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking to Speed up Development of Domestic Functional Chemical Fibre Material in the 21st Century

  11. 功能性纤维性能评定法

    Evaluation Methods of Functional Fibers

  12. 功能性纤维:一门发展中的学科

    Functional fibers a developing science

  13. 阐述了采用静电纺丝和熔体纺丝法制备含纳米粉体功能性纤维的方法及其研究现状。

    The methods and developments of fabricating functional fibers containing nanoparticles by electrospinning and melt spinning were reviewed .

  14. 因此,本课题的研究将为功能性纤维材料的开发提供思路。

    The research of this topic will offer a new train of thought for thedevelopment of functional fibrous materials .

  15. 高吸水纤维是在高吸水树脂的基础上发展起来的一种功能性纤维。

    Super water-absorbent fiber ( SAP ) is a kind of functional fiber , which develops on the base of super water-absorbent polymer ( SAP ) .

  16. 银纤维是一种天然无害、抗菌除臭、调节体温、促进血液循环和医疗保健作用的功能性纤维。

    Silver-coated nylon filament is a natural and harmless fiber , which can regulate body temperature , promote the blood circulation so achieve health care effect .

  17. 功能性纤维及其针织新产品的一条龙开发是九五期间我国纺织工业科技发展的重点。

    The coordinated development of functional fibre and new knitgoods is among the main points of textile science and technology in the time of ninth Five-year Plan of our country .

  18. 随着物理变形、化学改性、生物等技术的迅速发展,利用合成纤维开发各种超仿真及生态环保功能性纤维已成为纺织材料的重要发展趋势。

    With the development of texturing technology , chemical modification and biological technology , studying on varieties of simulation and eco-functional fibers has became an important direction of the textile materials .

  19. 消臭和抗菌实验结果显示,这种功能性纤维对硫化氢、氨气、三甲胺的消臭率分别达到100%、92.1%和80.4%。

    The results of deodorizing and antibacterial experiment indicate that the fiber has 100 % deodorizing activity on hydrogen sulfide , 92.1 % on ammonia and 80.4 % on trimethylamine within 90 min .

  20. 阐述了汽车工业发展对汽车内装饰材料的要求,介绍了汽车内装饰材料用的各种功能性纤维及其使用效果。

    The requirements of interior decorating material for automobile on development of auto-industry were demonstrated . Various functional fibers used for producing interior decorating material for automobile and their operating effects were also be discussed .

  21. 利用新研制出的享有“内衣小空调和绿色维他命”美称的延年素功能性纤维与棉、毛混纺交织生产出亚纳米功能呢。

    The nanometer functional worsted fabric is woven with cotton fiber , wool fiber and Yanniansu ( tourmaline ) fiber that is a new developed fiber and enjoying a famous title of underwear conditioner and green Vitamin .

  22. 珍珠共混再生纤维素纤维(简称珍珠纤维)是由东华大学和上海新型纺纱技术开发中心合作共同研发的一种新型功能性纤维,并已于2004年申报了国家发明专利。

    Pearl fiber which is short for Pearl Mixed Regenerated fiber is co-researched by Donghua University and Shanghai New Spinning Technical Center and it has applied to National Invention patent in 2004 as a new type of functional fiber .

  23. 本文分别详细介绍了阻燃抗热防护服装所经常使用的各种功能性纤维材料的性能及发展现状,以及针对非阻燃常规纺织纤维的阻燃改性技术和针对常规纤维纺织品的阻燃整理技术。

    The present state and the performances of various functional fibers which are often adopted in manufacturing flame-retardant and high-temperature resistant garments , the techniques for flame-retardant modifications of common textile fibers and for flame-retardant finishing of common textiles were introduced in detail in this paper .

  24. 从吸水性材料、换热器结构及布水方式入手,设计了采用功能性纤维套、铝箔椭圆管和间歇性供水方式等强化换热措施的间接蒸发冷却器结构。

    Starting from absorbing water materials , configuration of heat exchanger and supplying water ways , designs the configuration of the indirect evaporative cooler ( IEC ) adopted the measures of intensify translating heat of functional knitting , ellipse type aluminum foil tube , intermittent water supply .

  25. 光催化竹炭纤维,是一种绿色环保、健康保健的新型功能性纤维,开发光催化竹炭纤维织物前景广阔。

    Photocatalysis bamboo charcoal fiber is a new kind of functional fibers for its green environmental protection and health care . It has a board prospect to develop photocatalysis bamboo charcoal fiber fabrics . First , the morphological structure of photocatalysis bamboo charcoal fiber was observed via SEM .

  26. 陶瓷材料在功能性PET纤维中的应用

    Use of Ceramic Powder in Functional PET Fiber

  27. 介绍了陶瓷材料应用于功能性PET纤维生产中通常应具有的特性;

    The properties of ceramic powder used in the production of functional PET fiber are introduced ;

  28. 结合日本利用陶瓷材料进行PET纤维材料的开发技术,介绍了这种功能性PET纤维制品的性能和应用。

    According to the development technologies of PET fiber and its textiles with ceramic powder in Japan , the properties and the use of the functional fiber products are introduced .

  29. 用电子自旋共振(ESR)X射线衍射法研究了功能性蚕丝纤维的结构,以及对氨气、硫化氢气体的消臭机理。

    The structure of functional silk fiber and the mechanism of removing ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen gas were studied by electron spin resonance ( ESR ) and X-ray diffraction .

  30. 功能性涤纶纤维及其产品的吸湿导湿性能

    Moisture Absorption Moisture Conductivity of Functional Polyester Fiber and Its Products