
  • 网络Auxiliary factory building;auxiliary rooms of power house
  1. 主副厂房全长103.25m,宽19.20m,高51.20m(最高处)。

    The length of main house and auxiliary plant is 103.25m , the width is 19.20m , the height is 51.20m .

  2. 顺德电厂副厂房粘钢加固抗振实例

    An Example on Vibration Resistance of Steel-bonded Reinforcement for Auxiliary Workshop of Shunde Electric Power Plant

  3. 主变位于上游副厂房,尾水系统由尾水管、出口闸门组成。

    Modification is in upstream of main auxiliary powerhouse , and tail water system is made up of draft tube , the exit gate .

  4. 设置天井是电站副厂房实现自然通风与采光的一种途径和一种传统节能技术。

    The layout of light-court is a traditional energy-saving technique and a common way to realize the natural ventilating and lighting for the auxiliary powerhouse .

  5. 工程总体由首部枢纽、引水渠、前池、压力钢管、主副厂房、尾水渠等建筑物组成,采用建坝和新开一段明渠的引水方式。

    The engineering is made up with head hinge , diversion canal , fore bay , steel penstock , lord factory building , and the tail channel .

  6. 该厂房机墩的谐响应位移在规范允许的范围内。当考虑主厂房上部结构和副厂房时,机墩的谐响应位移最大。

    It meets the criterion on harmonic displacement of pier base , which is the largest as the upper structure of the main powerhouse and the assistant powerhouse are considered .

  7. 来宾冷却水电站扩建工程的发电厂房采用圆筒式厂房,上部副厂房及安装间扩宽成矩形,由下部的厂房筒壁及支承排架支承。

    The power plant of the Laibin cooling hydropower station extension project was cylindrical , and the upper auxiliary plant and unloading bay were expensed rectangle , being supported by lower plant cylinder and bay .

  8. 指出尾水管及尾水副厂房对结构自振特性的影响,对力学模型选取范围问题进行了分析研究。

    Point out the effects of considering hydraucone and auxiliary plant of tail water on the inherent vibration characteristics of supporting composite construction , and study the problem of choosing the range of the mechanical modal .

  9. 主副厂房分缝处用一段垫层管取代伸缩节后,无论是常规荷载作用还是常规荷载与温度荷载共同作用,分缝处两侧最大相对位移均不大,远小于伸缩节相对位移设计值;

    By using a pipe surrounded with soft cushion to replace the expansion joint , the displacement difference between the main and auxiliary power plant is quite small under both water pressure and thermal 1 oad .

  10. 本文主要介绍了江口水电站左岸地下厂房系统布置的优化设计,主要包括安装场设计、主变开关站设计、副厂房设计、通风(出渣)洞设计等。

    The paper introduces the optimization design of underground chamber system in Jiangkou hydropower station , involving the design of erection bay , the main transformer switch station , the auxiliary plant and the draft or tapping hole .

  11. 由于地面式钢衬钢筋混凝土管道受底部基岩的约束,主副厂房分缝处伸缩节难以起到减缓管道温度应力的作用,因此设置伸缩节不宜作为减小管道轴向应力的措施。

    Because of the restrain of lower rock foundation to the steel lined-reinforced concrete penstock , the expansion joint between the main and auxiliary power plant can not be used to lessen the thermal stress of the penstock and therefore is not necessary for this kind of penstock .

  12. 并阐述了在漫湾水电站副厂房修改设计中,通过详尽的非线性有限元计算,采取了有效的结构措施,从而大大改善了应力的情况,它既节省了造价,又加快了施工速度。

    As example , in the additional design of auxiliary station of Man-Wan hydroelectric project , with the detailed analyses of non-linear finite element , the structural measure have effectively reduced the high tensile stress , thus , the cost shall be economized and the construction period shall be accelerated .