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  1. 中国海洋湖沼学会第六届理事会理事长、副理事长、常务理事、秘书长

    Members of the Sixth Council of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology

  2. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。

    In2009 , Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center .

  3. 设置年度理事长(1位)和年度副理事长(若干位)。

    One ( 1 ) Director-General and several Deputy Directors will be elected annually .

  4. 同时担任中国民办教育协会副理事长。

    Cao is also a vice chairman of the China Association of Private Education .

  5. 贾勇是中国残疾人联合会副理事长。

    Jia Yong is the vice president of China 's Disabled Person 's Federation .

  6. 张晓强是中国国际经济交流中心副理事长。

    Zhang Xiaoqiang is a vice chair with the China Center for International Economic Exchanges .

  7. 在理事会内部选举产生理事会理事长和副理事长。

    Committee may from time to time elect among themselves , a Chairman , a Vice-Chairman .

  8. 第二十一条本基金会的理事长、副理事长、每届任期3年,不得连任。

    Article XXI the term of office of the foundation 's chair and vice chair is3 years , not be reselected consecutively .

  9. 理事会是艺术独立论坛的最高权力机构,有理事长、副理事长、常务理事和理事;

    The board is the highest authority of the Art Independent Forum , with Chairman , Vice Chairman , Executive Director and Director .

  10. 在基金会召开理事会会议时,如理事长未能出席,则副理事长将代其主持会议。

    The Chairman of the Executive Committee and in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Foundation .

  11. 四川亚联橡塑机械有限公司是中国橡胶工业协会废橡胶综合利用分会副理事长单位。

    Sichuan Yalian Rubber & Plastic Machinery Co. , Ltd is director unit of Scrap Rubber Comprehensive Utilization Branch of China Rubber Industry Association .

  12. 中国数学会副理事长、2002年国际数学家大会筹款委员会主席侯自新说,这是本届大会收到的数目最大的一笔个人捐款。

    Deputy director of the Chinese mathematics association , chairman of the fundraising committee of imc2002mr.hou Zixin said , this is the biggest individual donation this Congress had been received .

  13. “由于美国的次贷危机,美国商人往往缩减订单数量,要么就是延期支付,”中国家具行业协会副理事长朱长岭是这样回答的。

    " Because of the subprime lending crisis in the U.S. , American merchants are reducing their orders or not paying on time ," says Zhu Changling , vice-president of the China National Furniture Assn.

  14. 中国家具协会副理事长朱长岭对此给出了一个形象的比喻:“人们买高档的服装不会去超市买,因为档次上不去。”

    China Furniture Association , Vice Chairman Zhu Changling which gives a vivid metaphor : " People buy high-end clothing does not go to the supermarket to buy , because grades can not go up . "

  15. 常务理事会,设理事长一人,副理事长五人;设常务理事会秘书长一人,副秘书长若干人,下设理事会办公厅处理日常各项事务。

    Routine council , supposes director a person , vice-director five people ; supposes routine council secretary general a person , assistant deputy secretary-general certain people , next supposes the council office processing daily each business .

  16. 董事长施建平兼任中国医疗器械行业协会保健品分会副理事长和行业专家委员会副主任委员。

    The group 's Chairman of Directors Shi Jianping is also a deputy chairman of the Health-Care Products Branch of China Medical Equipment industry Association , and a deputy director of the Experts Committee of the association .

  17. 通信学会副理事长刘彩说,从1998年开始的电信改革破除了垄断、入了竞争,电信价格总体水平持续下降。

    According to Liu cai , vice chairman of the Executive Council of the China telecommunication society , the telecom reform that started in1998 has breached monopoly and introduced competition , which has resulted in the continuous decline in the price level .

  18. 上海营养学会副理事长蔡美琴表示,麦当劳公司专注于少盐、好油、更均衡的饮食,与今年公布的最新版《中国居民膳食指南》的饮食建议不谋而合。

    Cai Meiqin , the vice chairperson of the Shanghai Nutrition Society , said McDonald 's focus on less salt , better oil , and a more balanced diet fits well with the overall theme of " The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " released this year .

  19. 尽管海地仍然处于优先地位,UNICEF副常务理事HildeJohnson告诉VOA,仍有许多其他紧急事务是非常关键的,必须予以解决。

    While Haiti remains a , UNICEF Deputy Executive Director , Hilde Johnson tells VOA there are many other emergencies that are critical and must be addressed .

  20. 2019中国企业500强去年的营业收入总额达到79万亿元,比上年500强增加了11%。这份榜单由中国企业联合会发布,朱宏任是该联合会了常务副会长兼理事长。

    The enterprises on the list posted record gross operating revenue of 79 trillion yuan last year , those again up 11 percent Zhu Hongren is with China Enterprise Confederation which released the list .

  21. 会长、常务副会长、副会长、常务理事和理事在规定日期内未交会费,视为自动辞去会内职务。

    If the president , vice-standing president , vice-president , standing directors and directors fail to pay their fees during the required time , they 're assumed to resign from their positions .