
fù yè shōu rù
  • Sideline income;auxiliary revenue
  1. 加速发展时期,以合理安排从土地上解放的劳动力,增加工副业收入为主要发展途径。

    Accelerating development stage , the development focus is to arrange the work force from the countryside .

  2. 这类服务不仅帮助航空公司将自己与竞争对手区别开来,还为它们提供了急需的副业收入。

    Not only do these services help airlines differentiate themselves from competitors , they can also provide much-needed ancillary revenue .

  3. 征妇的经济来源主要有农业收入、副业收入和国家的抚恤金等。

    In general , they have three financial resources , namely farming income , sideline income and pensions from the government .

  4. 采用新的收据分析法后,联合航空的副业收入年增率超过了15%。

    For United , the refined approach led to an increase in year-over-year ancillary revenue of more than 15 percent , he said .

  5. 湖区农家收入分农业收入和副业收入两部分,收入来源仍以种植农作物收入为主副业收入以养殖家畜、纺纱织布、编织、打柴为主。

    Farm income consist of agricultural and sideline section , dominated by farming income . Ancillary revenue give priority to breed livestock , spinning and weaving , knitting , collect firewood .

  6. 家庭有无副业收入、是否牧区、个人卫生状况、产前保健宣传教育、动员住院分娩、孕期保健知识等是影响是否进行产前检查的主要因素。

    Major factors of the antenatal checkups would include the resource of income , living in nomadic area , personal sanitation , antenatal health care education , mobilization of delivery at hospital , knowledge of antenatal health care etc.

  7. 话虽如此,如今他们通过这项小副业获得的收入大概比为我工作赚的还多。

    But having said that , their little sideline is probably earning them more than they 're getting working for me now , he says .

  8. 各个子系统的经济效益也得到了提高,种植业、副业和渔业收入的灰色模型发展指数分别为-0.043,-0.214和-0.251。

    The economic benefit of each sub-system is also enhanced , the Grey Model tendency index of the benefits in agriculture , husbandry and fishing are - 0.043 , -0.214 and -0.251 respectively .

  9. 农民试图通过畜牧业和手工业等副业来增加收入,但是改革后农民的畜牧业整体上呈现衰落趋势,手工业活动也无助于缓解沉重的经济负担。

    Peasants tried to improve economic status with animal husbandry and handicraft activities . But the overall of animal husbandry appeared a trend of decline . And the peasants who had local jobs or went out for jobs did not help alleviate their heavy economic burden .