
fù biāo tí
  • subtitle;subheading
副标题 [fù biāo tí]
  • [subheading;subtitle] 次要标题

  • 在《汤姆大叔的小屋》中,卑贱人的生活是副标题

  1. 正如1892年剧本的副标题所强调的,《凯瑟琳》是一部“爱尔兰戏剧”。

    ' Kathleen ' was , as its 1892 subtitle asserted , ' An Irish Drama ' .

  2. 他的新书有一个副标题。

    His new book has a subtitle .

  3. 这部书的副标题是“新时代的新语言”。

    The book is subtitled ‘ New language for new times ’ .

  4. 小说《罗娜·杜恩》的副标题是“埃克斯穆尔绝恋”。

    ' Lorna Doone ' is subtitled ' a Romance of Exmoor ' .

  5. 副标题为“律师”的第二册也将获得广泛关注。

    Volume Two , subtitled ' The Lawyers ' , will also attract considerable attention

  6. 示例中的Header区包含页面标题和副标题。

    The example Header area contains the page title and subtitle .

  7. 焰火由《星球大战:没完没了的第N集:起什么副标题还重要吗,第一部》赞助。

    Fireworks sponsored by Star Wars : Episode Ad Nauseam : Does It Really Matter What We Subtitle These Anymore , Part 1 .

  8. 他在最新著作《如何创造智慧》(HowtoCreateaMind)的副标题中作出了一个极为自负的承诺:本书将揭示人类思维的奥秘。

    His latest book , How to Create a Mind , carries in its subtitle the immodest promise of the secret of human thought revealed .

  9. title和description与我们在生成图表时用于标题和副标题的内容相同。

    The title and description are the same as the ones we used for title and subtitle when generating the chart .

  10. 查询名称将出现在Queries副标题下的Navigator中。

    The query name appears in the Navigator under the Queries subheading .

  11. 他在最新著作《如何创造智慧》(HowtoCreateaMind)的副标题中作出了一个极为自负的承诺:本书将揭示“人类思维的奥秘”。

    His latest book , How to Create a Mind , carries in its subtitle the immodest promise of " the secret of human thought revealed . "

  12. 纽约时报(newyorktimes)专栏作家托马斯弗里德曼(thomasfriedman)最近刚刚出版了一本新书,书名的副标题是“美国的问题出在哪里以及我们如何东山再起”。

    Thomas Friedman , a New York Times columnist , has just published a book that is subtitled " what went wrong with America and how it can come back " .

  13. 该报告2010年版的副标题是《自信,互联,乐于变革》(Confident.Connected.OpentoChange),它剖析了第一批千禧一代,也就是“大约5000万18岁至29岁的千禧一代”。

    The 2010 edition , subtitled " Confident . Connected . Open to Change , " offered an X-ray of its first wave , the " roughly 50 million millennials who currently span the ages of 18 to 29 . "

  14. 我们使用一个标题、一个描述性的副标题、X和Y标签设置了一个图表,将图例放在了底部,并对两个数据集使用标签。

    We 've set up the chart with a title , a descriptive subtitle , X and Y labels , placed the chart legend at the bottom , and labeled the two data sets .

  15. 正如书的副标题所示,Fowler的目标是为了提高代码质量。

    Fowler 's target , as stated in the subtitle to his book , is to improve code .

  16. 华莱士二人都出生于牧师家庭,最初杂志叫“littlemagazine”,“读者文摘”是副标题,他们对文章有一个明确的要求——简短易读,但要有激励人心或是让人愉悦的效果,

    The Wallaces , both children of church ministers , had a clearly defined formula for their " little magazine " as Reader 's Digest was originally subtitled . Articles were to be short , readable and uplifting .

  17. 如果您以后希望标语div内的部分文本是图像,并且另一部分比如副标题或说明性文字保持为普通文本,您可以仅将隐藏的文本放置在span内部。

    If you later wanted part of the text in the slogan div to be graphical , and another part say a sub-title or elaboration to remain normal text , you could surround just the hidden text within a span .

  18. 新加坡前外交官KishoreMahbubani所著的一本书的副标题《世界强国转向东半球,势不可挡》所映射的,似乎比预想中来得要早。

    What the subtitle to a book by Kishore Mahbubani , a Singaporean former diplomat , called " The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East " seems to be happening faster than anyone expected .

  19. 副标题:使得你所需要的蛋白质成为一种乐趣。

    Meat make it fun to get the proteins you need .

  20. 为图表副标题、标签和图例指定字体。

    Specifies font for chart subtitle , labels , and legend .

  21. 同样地,元素为整个提要指定一个副标题。

    Likewise , the element specifies a subtitle for the overall feed .

  22. 将当前所选标题及其副标题移到其他页

    Move the currently selected topic and its subtopics to a different page

  23. 遇到感兴趣的内容,用户仅会多看一眼副标题。

    Users only look at a sub headline if it interests them .

  24. 阅读每个章节或每个副标题后面提出的问题

    Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading

  25. 不浏览标题的访问者,会注意副标题。

    Visitors who read beyond the headline , scan subheadings .

  26. 略读副标题、照片说明和所提供的概要。

    Skim subheads , photo captions and any available summaries .

  27. 对实践的提示意义和对研究的提示意义在这一部分是副标题。

    Implications for practice and Implications for research are subheadings in this section .

  28. 科技论文副标题英译的常见问题

    English Translation : Dealing with Subtitles of Academic Articles

  29. 我希望本书的副标题(设计模式)传达了这一信息。

    I hope the book 's subtitle ( design patterns ) conveys that .

  30. 因此,标题和副标题最好只有一行文字。

    Therefore use single lines of text for your headings and sub headings .