- bisect;section;profile;cross section

[section] 物体切断后呈现出的表面。也叫截面、断面
The illustration shows a section through a leaf .
This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust .
a diagram representing a cross section of the human eye
The perfect injection profile contamination correct technology is provided by WATCH platform .
~ ( 14 ) C Dating of Paleosol and Animal Remains in Loess Deposit : A Comparative Study
Q value structure of the upper crust along the profile from Baicheng to Da Qaidam
Using Pg wave data from Profile I and ⅱ of deep seismic sounding in Hainan Island , the velocity image of the basement in the region is reconstructed .
At the region of profile where crossed over the faults the lateral variations of Pg interface velocity are quite distinct besides the depth variation of it .
Ground Penetrating Radar Image Characteristics and Interpretation of Gritty Soil Under Different Water Conditions
The design principle and transmission properties of non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber with core-depressed and W type of profile are studied by finite-element method .
The amount of pyrite , exchange and hydrolytic acidity decrease with the development of the soils , and the most acid layer goes downwards in the profile .
AVO attribute section processing by time-window fitting method
Acidic leaching is regarded as a major factor affecting REE enrichment and differentiation in the weathering profile .
Both goethite and hematite were pre-sent in the clay of red B_2 horizon in the secondary yellow-red soil with black-yellow-red color profile but only goethite in the clay of yellow B_1 horizon .
Seismic section reconstitution by SVD technique
Temperature Sensor of High Precision CTD Profiler
For a discontinuous medium , Jordan et al . have derived an approximate reconstruction formula , which is only suitable for weak-scattering conditions .
A profile-comparison of oxygen isotope ratio and hydroxyl content shows a consistent change with depth between δ ~ ( 18 ) O value and OH content in garnet , omphacite and other minerals .
The results of the seismic prospecting , seismic tomography and magnetotelluric sounding show that there is a low velocity , low density and low resistivity abnormal body , suggesting a magma chamber in the crust of this region .
A Kind of Distortion of Mean Velocity Profile in Pipe Poiseuille Flow and Its Stability Behaviour
Two depth sections are obtained by processing TE and TM modes separately , the best estimate of the actual reflector position is the location of the coincidence of the two sections .
Relationship Among Phosphorus Forms in 0 ~ 100cm Soil Profiles After 23 Year Application of Fertilizers
The methods for retrieval water leaving radiance ( L_w ( 0 ~ + )) are analyzed by using non-linear regression of light spectrum with water depth .
The faults in the northwest direction are well-developed , and one of which is Min River fault with 2.0-3.0 km amplitude on Moho-surface .
2-D crustal structure as well as velocity ratio ( v __P / v __S ) is revealed by processing S-wave data from two wide-angle reflection / refraction profiles in and around Jiashi in the northeastern Pamirs , with the results of P-wave data taken into consideration .
EoFs analytic representation of the ionospheric electron density profile
Zero offset ( ZO ) section , which is just the goal of CMP stacking in conventional processing , is an important intermediate result in seismic reflection imaging .
The singular value decomposition ( SVD ) technology is a very effective method to eliminate the noise in a simple structure , especially that on the horizontal layer .
It consists of the First paleosoil ( S1 ), Malan loess ( L1 ) and Holocene paleosoil ( S0 ) .
The iterative method reported here with the aid of FFT algorithm provides an approach for reconstructing the profiles of layered media , which can be smooth or possess discontinuities , from the reflection data in frequency domain .