
pōu gōng chǎn shù
  • cesarean section
剖宫产术[pōu gōng chǎn shù]
  1. 剖宫产术后6h内运动与体位干预的效果观察

    Observation of the Effects of Exercise and Postural Intervention within 6 Hours after Cesarean Section

  2. 剖宫产术中大出血的原因分析与治疗

    The Cause and Management of Major Hemorrhage During Cesarean Section

  3. 剖宫产术前应用地塞米松对产妇及胎儿SOD和LPO水平的影响

    Effects of Dexamethasone Administered to Parturients Cesarean Section on Maternal and Fetal SOD and LPO Levels

  4. 剖宫产术式对放置IUD手术影响的探讨

    Probe into the Influence of the Cesarean Section on the Intrauterine Device Placement

  5. PCEA用于剖宫产术后镇痛的观察和护理

    The Observation and Nursing of PCEA Applied to Analgesia after Cesarean Section

  6. 药物穴位注射预防剖宫产术后PCEA患者尿潴留的临床研究

    Clinical study on prevention of uroschesis in PCEA patients after hysterotokotomy by drug injection therapy

  7. 结论Stark剖宫产术有效地增加剖宫产的安全性和减少并发症,更适宜紧急情况剖宫产。

    Conclusion Stark CS can increase the safety and decrease the complication of the CS . It is good for emergency CS .

  8. 新式剖宫产术后实施PCIA镇痛产妇的护理

    Nursing care of puerperas accepted PCIA analgesia after underwent new way of cesarean section

  9. 目的:探讨Stark剖宫产术后腹部粘连情况及其对经腹输卵管结扎术中的影响。

    Objective : To explore the status of abdominal adhesion after the operation of Michael stark cesarean section and its effect on oviduct ligation through abdomen .

  10. WAB生物粘合剂应用于剖宫产术的初步效果

    A preliminary report of application of WAB biological adhesive in cesarean section

  11. 目的探讨剖宫产术后硬膜外PCEA的镇痛效果及副作用的护理。

    Objective To study the effect and nursing of side effect of postoperative patient-controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) in lying-in women .

  12. 方法:采用3种方法(尿E3、生物物理相评分、脐动脉血流)对选择性剖宫产术前之孕妇进行监测。

    Methods : The results of urine E3 , biophysical estimation and umbilical arterial blood were analyzed retrospectively in 1195 pregnant women .

  13. 目的探讨CSEA剖宫产术中不同麻醉平面对麻醉效果的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of divers anesthesia levels on anesthesia effect and side-effect in Parturients under CSEA .

  14. 目的观察剖宫产术后使用硬膜外麻醉自控镇痛(PCEA)对产妇初乳分泌及肠排气的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of pain control by epidural anesthesia ( PCEA ) after cesarean section on parturient colostrum and intestine exhaust .

  15. 结论:剖宫产术后应用氢溴酸高乌甲素硬膜外持续镇痛效果确切、安全,并能增加PRL分泌,使初乳提前,促进哺乳。

    Conclusion : CEA with lappaconitine hydrobromide is a safe and effective method for post-cesarean section analgesia , it increases the prolactin secretion and improves colostrums .

  16. 结论CSEA行剖宫产术中疼痛特点随着麻醉平面的改变而不同。

    Conclusions The characteristics on pain during CSEA for cesarean delivery are different with the changes of level of anesthesia .

  17. 方法选择行剖宫产术后12h仍无乳汁分泌的初产妇,将单日分娩118例为观察组,双日分娩110例为对照组。黄金岁月(上)(2)n与q均为奇数;

    Methods 228 primiparas were divided into two groups who lacked milk secretion 12 hours after cesarean section : 118 cases giving birth on odd days as observation group and 110 on even days as controls .

  18. 目的探讨剖宫产术前应用地塞米松对产妇及脐带血超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及脂质过氧化物(LPO)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of dexamethasone administered to parturients before cesarean section on the levels of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and lipid peroxides ( LPO ) in maternal and umbilical cord blood .

  19. 剖宫产术后UF-50尿沉渣分析的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Analysis of Urinary Sediment with UF-50 Flow-Style Analyzer following Cesarean Section

  20. 新生儿Apgar评分,EA组显著高于GA组,P<0.05。结论硬膜外麻醉对剖宫产术新生儿的影响显著小于全身麻醉。

    Neonate 's Apgar score was significantly higher in group EA than that in group GA , P < 0.05 . Conclusion The effects of epidural anesthesia on neonates in cesarean is markedly lesser than general anesthesia .

  21. 方法56例剖宫产术后晚期子宫出血患者,运用Seldinger技术对两侧髂内动脉和子宫动脉进行选择性造影和栓塞术。

    Methods Angiography and embolism through super-selective bilateral internal iliac artery and uterine artery in 56 patients with late stage of hemorrhage in uterus after cesarean section were performed with Seldinger technique .

  22. 方法对6例剖宫产术中子宫收缩乏力性产后出血在B-Lynch缝合基础上采用子宫压缩缝合技术。

    Methods We performed an uterine compression suture technique as alternative to hysterectomy on six parturients with severe postpartum haemorrhage caused by uterine atony on the basis of B-Lynch Suture .

  23. 自控镇痛组在剖宫产术后采用0.15%罗哌卡因行PCEA,持续剂量2ml/h,首次输注bolus量为5ml,PCEA剂量为2ml,间隔时间30min;

    In PCEA group , epidural 0.15 % ropivacaine was administered at rate of 2 ml / h with bolus dose of 5 ml , and 2 ml / push at a 30 min interval after the cesarean section .

  24. 剖宫产术中及时行B-Lynch缝合术缝合子宫防治产后出血,剖宫产术后给予缩宫素20单位入液体静脉滴注促宫缩治疗。

    Timely cesarean section line B-Lynch suture repair of the uterine control of postpartum hemorrhage , cesarean section to give 20 units of oxytocin to promote uterine contractions into the intravenous fluid therapy .

  25. 方法选择1998年2月至2003年12月实施剖宫产术的重度妊高征孕妇65例,其中35例术后采用PECA为研究组,30例未采用者为对照组。

    Methods 65 cases of post-cesarean women with severe pregnancy induced hypertension were studied by retrospective analysis 35 cases were given the PECA for 48 hours after operation , and the other 30 cases without PECA as controls .

  26. 结果周氏剖宫产术与传统式横切口剖宫产术娩头困难及Apgar评分有显著差异(P<005),并且损伤两侧血管的百分率较低,出血少,不易产生血肿。

    Results There was a significant difference between Zhou 's Caesarean Birth and traditional transverse incision caesarean birth either in the difficulty of heads laboring or in Apgar Score ( P < 0.05 ) . The injury rates of blood vessels , bloodless and blood tumor were rather low .

  27. [结果]26例中手术率为96.15%,阴道分娩率为3.85%,1例阴道分娩出血量为600mL,剖宫产术平均出血量为674.55mL;

    The operation rate and vaginal delivery rate were 96.15 % and 3.85 % , respectively . Blood volume of 1 vaginal delivery was 600 mL , average blood volume of cesarean sections was 674.55 mL ;

  28. 方法:对125例剖宫产术后的产妇于产后7-10d行阴道超声检查,观察子宫切口愈合的超声学特征及其分型,以指导临床正确选择处理和治疗方法。

    Methods : 125 cases of abdominal delivery were monitored by vagina ultrasonic 7-10 days after operation . The uterus incisions ' ultrasonic characteristics and classification were observed in order to help the clinic to find the right method .

  29. 微量泵持续硬膜外麻醉用于剖宫产术后镇痛效果观察

    Analgesic effect of continuous epidural transfusion by micropump after cesarean section

  30. 吗啡单次注入硬膜外腔剖宫产术后镇痛的临床观察

    Clinical assessment of single-dose epidural infusion of morphine in postoperative analgesia