
jiàn shù
  • swordsmanship;swordplay;kendo;art of fencing
剑术 [jiàn shù]
  • (1) [swordplay]∶舞剑或用剑刺杀的技艺或技能

  • (2) [kendo]∶日本用木棒对刺的一种体育运动--亦称剑道

剑术[jiàn shù]
  1. 中华剑术文化与当今剑术套路演练之研究

    The Chinese culture of the art of fencing and the practice of fencing routines

  2. 实施记忆策略提高初级剑术教学效果的实验研究

    Experiment and study of putting the tactics of memory into practice to improve the teaching result of elementary art of fencing

  3. 第二任妻子马拉(Marla)帮他赢得了或许是他最钟爱的新闻标题——她赞美他在床上的“剑术”。

    His second , Marla , earned him perhaps his favourite headline when she complimented his " swordsmanship " in bed .

  4. 几年前,他曾经对自己的剑术自信。

    Years ago , he was once confident about his swordsmanship .

  5. 我更愿意看到你在剑术比试里获胜。

    I 'd wanted to see you win the sword fight .

  6. 击剑、拳击、剑术的行家。

    Is an expert single stick player , boxer and swordsman .

  7. 我女儿连续两年蝉居州剑术冠军哦

    Eloise was state archery champion two years in a row .

  8. 中国拳术,剑术,各种器械。

    Chinese boxing , Fencing , A variety of instruments .

  9. 当位列世界第一的剑术家登场时全场一片寂静。

    A hush fell in anticipation of the world 's greatest swordsman .

  10. 可是,我的剑术要比你的好。

    I can fence much better than you , though .

  11. 你知道剑术的第一步是什么?

    Do you know the first thing about sword fighting ?

  12. 那时我才感到这是真正的剑术!

    By then I really understand what the swordsmanship is !

  13. 久闻殿下是剑术高手。

    We hear that your highness is an expert swordsman .

  14. 除剑术和拳击之外,其他运动我不太喜欢。

    Bar fencing and boxing I had few athletic tastes .

  15. 初级剑术的教学方法探讨

    Probing Into The Teaching Method In Primary Sword Skill

  16. 初级剑术综合教学法的实验研究

    A study of the experimentation of the comprehensive teaching method of elementary escrime

  17. 哥萨克人以骑术和剑术著称。

    Cossacks were famous for their horsemanship and their skill with the sword .

  18. 他以精湛的剑术闻名。

    He is known for his expert swordsman ship .

  19. 一种在剑术比赛中所用的一种剑。

    A sword used in the sport of fencing .

  20. 吟游诗人现在得到剑术掌握了。

    Bards can now gain the blade master discipline .

  21. 对剑术套路指定动作的扣分及其影响因素的分析

    Analyses on Deduction of the Series of Skills in Swordplay and the Effects

  22. 我的岳父对我的剑术很赞赏。

    My father-in-law was impressed with my swordsmanship .

  23. 我在舞蹈和剑术上表现杰出。

    At dancing and fencing , I excelled .

  24. 您的剑术再加上这盾牌,定会所向披靡。

    With your sword craft and the shield , I guarantee you 'll win .

  25. 气功、剑术和书法8.女子家教

    Women 's Prison Qigong , Fencing And Calligraphy

  26. 现代女子剑术的技术风格研究

    On Women Swordsmanship Style in Modern Time

  27. 善于[不善]剑术

    Be a good [ bad ] swordsman

  28. 剑术与其它武术运动项目相比有其自身的特点。

    Compared to other traditional Chinese wushu forms , sword movement has its own characteristics .

  29. 就算这个侍卫队长大他十岁,剑术强他一百倍也没戏。

    Even if said captain was ten years older and a hundred times the swordsman .

  30. 其实去扮演一个武功高强剑术高超的剑客挺具有挑战的。

    It was very intimidating to go out and portray a very skilled fighter and swordsman .