
qián yè
  • eve
前夜 [qián yè]
  • [eve] 前夕

前夜[qián yè]
  1. 新年前夜,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。

    On New Year 's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains

  2. 圣诞节时,客人们在节日前夜开始逐家拜节。

    At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day .

  3. 运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。

    The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match .

  4. 感恩节前夜已经很晚了。

    It was late on Thanksgiving Eve .

  5. 这是是一艘泰坦级的宇宙飞船来自太空游戏《星战前夜Online》

    And this is a Titan class ship in the space game , EVE Online .

  6. 无线通信网络的发展正处于3G的前夜,基于电路交换的无线通信系统将最终演变成以IP有线网为核心,无线网作为接入方式的全IP网络。

    The mobile communication system based on circuit exchange will become an all-IP network consisting of IP core cable network and radio access network .

  7. 不是AmbassadorStevens,而是他的合作者之一,在《星战前夜》里真是个大人物。

    not Ambassador Stevens , but one of his collaborators , was a really big shot in Eve Online ,

  8. 希腊大选前夜,希腊国家队在欧洲杯(EuropeanChampionships)小组赛中意外战胜俄罗斯队,首都雅典陷入狂欢。

    The night before the Greek elections , Athens exploded in joy . The Greek national team had won an unexpected victory at the European football championships .

  9. 有一个指示标是这样写的:“周一到周五、新年和圣诞前夜通往大都会大街(MetropolitanAv)。其他时间乘坐F线到德兰西街(DelanceySt)转J线。”

    There are signs that say : " To Metropolitan Av weekdays & eves . Other times take F to Delancey St for J. "

  10. 结果显示:住院当日两组病人焦虑、抑郁、恐惧分值及生命体征指标无显著性差异(P>0.05),而手术前夜两组间有显著性差异(P<0.001);

    Results showed that there was no significant difference in the scores of anxiety and depression and in the vital indication on the hospitalized day ( P > 0.05 ), but significant difference on the eve of operation ( P < 0.001 );

  11. 圣诞节前夜,家住密歇根州安阿伯的斯科特(BrandonScott)还在等着他上周六在亚马逊订购的46寸三星(Samsung)电视机和凯特丝蓓(KateSpade)手表。

    On Christmas Eve , Brandon Scott was still waiting for a 46-inch Samsung TV and Kate Spade watch he ordered from Amazon on Saturday .

  12. 在G20峰会前夜,此二人应意识到,面对20世纪30年代以来最严重的经济下滑,我们所做的还远远不够。

    On the eve of the G20 summit the two men should be concerned that too little is being done to respond to the worst economic slump since the1930s .

  13. 我最近去了Reykjavik参加了《星战前夜》迷们的聚会,相当的令人惊叹。

    And I was just recently at the Eve Online fan festival in Reykjavik that was quite amazing .

  14. 我是PaulaHancocks,现在在伯利恒,大约15000名游客正在庆祝圣诞前夜。

    I am Paula Hancocks in Bethlehem , where some 15000 visitors are here to celebrate Christmas eve .

  15. 他在球员生涯中曾被裁过几次,包括1990年圣诞前夜口袋里装着送给Cassandra的订婚戒指那次。

    He was waived several times during his playing career , including Christmas Eve of1990 while carrying Cassandra 's engagement ring in his pocket .

  16. 前夜从中国传来的消息并不令人放心:汇丰(HSBC)8月份采购经理人指数(PMI)初值跌至九个月来新低。这是表明中国经济正在放缓的另一个迹象。

    The news out of the Middle Kingdom overnight wasn 't very reassuring : HSBC 's August PMI for China hit a nine-month low , another sign that the economy in China is slowing down .

  17. 由于担心飓风古斯塔夫(Gustav)影响墨西哥湾产量,原油价格前夜上涨,也影响了这家炼油商的表现。

    An overnight increase in crude oil prices amid concerns that hurricane Gustav could affect production in the Gulf of Mexico also hurt the refiner .

  18. 万圣节、圣诞前夜还有新年在D22的演出总是很火爆。

    The Halloween , Christmas Eve and New Years shows at D-22 are always a blast .

  19. 三是在CPI明显上涨时,往往已处于金融泡沫破裂的前夜,因此在衡量周期变化上,CPI特别是核心CPI会相对滞后。

    Thirdly , when CPI rises significantly , it has already stated at the eve of the financial bubble burst . Therefore , for measuring the periodic variation . CPI , especially the core CPI , will be lagging .

  20. 香港文华东方酒店Pierre餐厅的新年前夜盛宴从餐前鸡尾酒开始,包括小吃和一杯香槟,每位定价4388港币,加收10%的服务费。

    The Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 's Pierre restaurant offers a New Year 's Eve banquet complete with starting cocktails , canap é s and a glass of champagne for HK $ 4388 per person plus 10 % service charge .

  21. 阿拉巴马州和密西西比州共和党人在投票选举总统参选人的前夜,在伯明翰城区装饰一新的老剧院里,NewtGingrich和RickSantorum进行了最后的造势演说。

    THE night before Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi voted in their primaries , Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum made their final appeals at a forum in an ornate old theatre in downtown Birmingham .

  22. eve:前夕,前夜真正的Waldorf圣诞前夜draw:画line:线,界线Eleanor圣诞节定好了规矩只能有我,她和Dorota。

    Blair : Well , a real Waldorf Christmas eve . Eleanor drew the line at Christmas day . That 's only for me , her and Dorota . -

  23. 戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)于2008年2月被摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的大宗商品部门聘用。他前夜隐瞒的石油期货头寸事实上获利了,但银行发现之后还是将他辞退了。

    David Redmond , employed by the commodities team at Morgan Stanley in February 2008 , in fact made a profit from the positions in oil futures that he concealed overnight , but was nonetheless sacked by his bank after they discovered his actions .

  24. 所以,在今年新年前夜午夜后不久,我从马克斯(Max)和阿里(Ari)的派对上出来,把十根香烟留在大堂的暖气片上。为了祈求好运,我点燃第11根烟,吸着它走进夜色里。

    And so shortly after midnight this New Year 's Eve , I left my 10 cigarettes on the lobby radiator on my way out of Max and Ari 's party , lit the 11th for good luck and smoked it out into the night .

  25. 至此,天主教的三大节日&众圣人节前夜,众圣人节,万灵节,被统称为“Hallowmas”(即“万圣节”之意)。

    The three Catholic celebrations , the eve of All Saints ' , All Saints ' , and All Souls ' , were called Hallowmas .

  26. 罗琳在Pottermore上宣布,她将会从12月12日开始每天发布一篇新的《哈利波特》故事,直到圣诞节前夜。

    The author announced on Pottermore that she would be releasing new Harry Potter stories every day at 8 / 7c from Friday , Dec. 12 all the way through Christmas Eve .

  27. 当时全国处于第一次革命的前夜。

    The country was on the eve of the First Revolution .

  28. 圣诞前夜商店和街道都装饰得非常漂亮。

    The stores and streets were beautifully decorated on Christmas Eve .

  29. 如果你想的话,《星战前夜》是一个人造宇宙,

    Eve Online is an artificial universe , if you wish ,

  30. 在万圣节前夜,孩子们按照习俗从一个房子跑到另一个房子。

    Children go from house to house in costumes on Halloween night .