- tonsure

[tonsure] 佛教用语,指给要出家的人剃去头发
The ferule is used for conversion , tonsure , ordination and parlance .
Chen Xiaoxu was reported to still be at Baiguoxinglong Temple , the Buddhist monastery where she received the tonsure ceremony .
The influence of the modal dispersion of a multimode step-index fiber is larger than one of a multimode graded-index fiber .
All Thai Buddhist males generally get ordained at some point in their lives , though most often in their teenage years and sometimes earlier .
End checks and end splits develop for exactly the same reasons and differ only with respect to differential moisture gradients in the longitudinal or lengthwise direction of the lumber .
Finally , a shaven-headed Buddhist monk in saffron robes is invited on to the stage , to be introduced as the company 's spiritual adviser and to endorse the product .
Each year as monsoon rains sweep their way over Thailand , tens of thousands of teenage boys shave their heads and are ordained as Buddhist monks in a traditional rite of passage .
A new detection algorithm based on multi-orientation gradient voting fusion for the TV and 3 infrared target under the sea background were proposed . Firstly , the target is detected through the multi-orientation gradient of image based on the target singularity .