- Buddhist ceremony;Buddhist service;Buddhist ceremony(or service)

[Buddhist ceremony(or service)] 和尚或尼姑诵经拜佛之事;亡者之家请僧尼念经超度亡灵
In economy , they made money through doing Buddhist ceremony , making laymen become monks and even digging tombs and so on ;
This has expected and Liang Zhou for a short while having translated the magnanimous Buddhism ancient book and record , has appeared everywhere to open cave statue in large scale waiting for Buddhist ceremony to use personal influence .
Temple is the prime place to carry out the fundamental Buddhist activities .
Buddhism and Buddhist activities are the core tradition of the Dai nationality .
It 's good manner to give seat to the old in the bus .
It is indeed a case of " our voice doing the Buddha 's work " .
Death is an occasion for neither mourning nor celebrating , but one for solemn Buddhist practice .
It is worth noting that the Buddhist activities between the two governments included the political and military purposes .
Puji Temple is the Buddhist activity center of Mt Putuo and all the major Buddhist activities are held here .
The flourish of the Buddhist activities had much effect on almost all aspects of society , including politics , thoughts , Buddhist theories and culture .
This trip is a gentle way to see Chiang Mai Buddhist people life ; Rise early before breakfast to take part in a daily Buddhist ceremony .
The man 's relatives were in a Buddhist mourning hall , reciting prayers over the dead body , when it gasped and woke up , the Shanghai Daily reports .
Teach reform shun As a variety of buddhist art , Buddhism and rarely hold many buddhist centre on occasions-buddhist temple , the development of Buddhism and have very important role .
The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of the development of the Buddhism , then temples as a landmark of the Buddhism and a place for Buddhist activities were increasing with the development of the Buddhism .
As Buddhism spread in China 's far-reaching , the mid-Ming , was the construction of the temple hill , the fine-sounding name " poke its famous " can be seen at the time of-sheng a Buddhist .
In the social and cultural aspect , the flourish of Buddhism on one hand brought burden to the social economy and on the other hand accelerated the prosperity of native culture and the communication of international culture .
About the latter , the Western Xia government begged the Northern Song for Buddhist scriptures for seven times and then translated them into Tangut language , and also printed Buddhist scriptures extensively , held Buddhist activities and built Buddhist temples .
" Buddhism furniture of Han areas " is defined for the monks and devotees offer sitting , lying or supporting and storing items of artifacts in life , ceremony , ritual or carried out all the relevant Buddhist activities in Buddhist temples .