- Dose equivalent;dosage equivalent

The newly-issued national standards - " Basic Standard of Health Protection of Radiation " and " Regulations of Radiation Protection " have got rid of the previous concept of " Maximum Permission ", but the effective annual dosage equivalent that radiation-exposed workers receive is 50 mSv .
The effective dose equivalents for ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays
" Direct reading , personal dose equivalent and / or dose equivalent rate monitors for X and gamma radiation "
The advance in the research on the effective dose equivalent & the problem of HE evaluation on X , γ ray external irradiation
For the measurement of ambient dose equivalent H ·( d ), the instrument shall be required to have isotropic directional response .
Current methods for H ′ ( 0.07 ) measurement are discussed in this paper . A weighted integration method using plastic scintillator detector is introduced .
The dose equivalent rates in tunnel of the maze are less than 10-6 of the absorbed dose rate from the useful beam at the isocenter .
Calculation of effective dose equivalent and derivation of Ali and DAC by inhalation of short-lived radon daughters
The parameters of input-window thickness and plastic scintillator thickness are studied by Monte Carlo calculation for their influences on the energy response and angle response for electrons for measuring H ′( 0.07 ) .
The concepts of ambient dose equivalent rate constant Γ δ, H and directional dose equivalent rate constant Γ δ, H ′ for isotropic point source of radionuclides emitting photons were presented in this paper .
[ Results ] The collective effective dose levels of the public from 19 types of diagnostic X-ray procedures in 1996 and 1998 in Shanghai were 520.92 and 546.93 person · Sv respectively .
Calculations of Dose and Ambient Dose Equivalent in Radiation Field for Am-Be Neutron Source
Results The effective dose equivalent from 134 Cs 137 Cs and 131I were 66 μ Sv 88 μ Sv and 1728 μ Sv respectively .
In the paper the neutron and γ photon yields are estimated based on the measurement of neutron and γ dose equivalent retes from the Ta target bombarded by the 5.2 MeV / u 32 S.
Theoretical correction on measuring neutron dose equivalent for the intermediate energy heavy ion reaction with the 10-in single-sphere rem-meter
During the five years , the total collective dose equivalent from external exposure is 7.0 man · Sv for radiation workers , and the annual man averaged dose equivalent is 0.58 mSv .
Collective committed effective dose equivalent is 2.2 × 10 - 2 man · Sv and the per capita annual committed effective dose equivalent is 9.5 × 10 - 2 mSv for the 231 workers .
The dosage per person in a year is 0.8mSv/a .
The maximum annual effective dose equivalent to resident ( adult ) caused by ingesting the food and inhaling the air is 9 . 27 X 10-7Sv / a and the collective effective dose equivalent is 0 . 36 man-Sv / a.
According to the nuclear industry planning of China , in the year of 2000 , it is estimated that the total annual collective effective dose equivalent resulted from the whole nuclear industry is 59 man . Sv .
The contribution of honeycomb briquette burning to indoor radon and thoron is 0.98 and 0.53 Bq / m ~ ( 3 ) . The equivalent dose to male and female residents of indoor radon from honeycomb briquette is 15.91 and 13.98 μ Sv .
The annual effective dose equivalent per capital groin natural γ radiation , cosmic ray and natural penetrating radiation was 0.43, 0.25 and 0.68 mSv respectively , and the annual collective effective dose equivalent was 4.0,2.3 and 6.3 × 10 ~ 3 man · Sv , respectively .
The additional annual effective dose equivalent to the nearby residents is 2.1 × 10-2 mSv from radon daughters and 5.6 × 10-2 mSv from γ radiation . The sum is about 7.7 % of the dose limit for the public .
Because of taking environmental tritium in the area , the annual committed effective dose equivalent was 0.19 μ Sv which is only one five thousandth of annual limited dose to the public proposed by ICRP and one ten thousandth of the natural background estimated by UNSCEAR in 1982 .
In this paper , a follow up study on chromosome aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes of 36 persons exposed to 137 Cs γ ray source in a period of 5 months was reported . The accumulated doses equivalent were 0.005-2.1 Sv .
A design of ambient dose equivalent dosimeter and its dosimetric performance
Portable neutron ambient dose equivalent ratemeters for use in radiation protection
Experimental method research on neutron equal dose - equivalent detection
Application of effective dose equivalent in medical exposure dose assessment
An approximate method of evaluating cumulative effective dose equivalent from internal exposure