
cì tòng
  • sting;pricking;prickling;stabbing pain;twinge;smart
刺痛 [cì tòng]
  • [sting] 感到剧烈的烧灼样的疼痛

  • 使他的手感到刺痛的一掌击

  • 因切口刺痛而叫喊

刺痛[cì tòng]
  1. 医生,每次我喝咖啡,我的右眼都有刺痛感。

    Every time I drink a cup of coffee , Doctor , I have a stabbing pain in my right eye .

  2. 普通的手术会带来很多女性不止是生理上的刺痛,更多的是精神上的伤害。

    The ordinary surgery will bring many females to continue will be in the physiological stabbing pain , what will be more will be in the mental injury .

  3. 我在割破的地方抹了点抗菌剂,一时间十分刺痛。

    I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment .

  4. 他冲她微微一笑,想使他的话不至于刺痛她。

    He smiled at her , trying to take the sting out of his words .

  5. 这些润肤乳往往会使皮肤有刺痛感。

    These lotions tend to give the skin a tingly sensation .

  6. 水面上耀眼的阳光刺痛了我的眼睛。

    The sun 's dazzle on the water hurts my eyes .

  7. 如他所愿,这句带刺的话刺痛了她。

    The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would .

  8. 同时,她觉得脖子上一阵刺痛。

    At the same time she felt a prick on her neck .

  9. 11月的空气刺痛了我的脸颊,预示着冬天就要来临。

    The November air stung my cheeks , a harbinger of winter .

  10. 他受伤的腘绳肌感到一阵轻微的刺痛。

    He felt a slight twinge in his damaged hamstring .

  11. 双手可能会有种刺痛感或灼热感。

    A sensation of burning or tingling may be experienced in the hands .

  12. 他是个敏感的小伙子,有些批评刺痛了他。

    He 's a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him

  13. 他大腿后侧感到刺痛。

    The backs of his thighs tingled .

  14. 有一次,我听见她在卧室里哭泣,这深深地刺痛了我的心。

    I once heard her weeping in her bedroom , which cut me to the quick .

  15. 千万不要将任何精油抹到眼睛周围。它们有很强的刺激性,可能会使眼睛产生刺痛感。

    Never put any essential oils near the eyes . They are very strong and could sting

  16. 这些喷剂会使敏感肌肤感到刺痛。

    Sprays can sting sensitive skin .

  17. 先甜后苦,在舌头上留下一丝刺痛感觉的味道

    a taste which is first sweet , then bitter , leaving a tingling sensation on the tongue .

  18. 明亮的光线会刺痛我的眼睛。

    The bright lights hurt my eyes .

  19. 她根本就不理睬我的样子深深地刺痛了我的心。

    I was deeply hurt by the way she just ignored me .

  20. 他的忘恩负义刺痛了她的心。

    His ingratitude cut her to the heart .

  21. 那句话刺痛了她,使她情不自禁地哭了起来。

    The remark cut her to the quick and she gave way to tears .

  22. 她仍记得第一次因为价格太高而没有交作业所经历的那种刺痛。

    She still remembers the sting of her first experience skipping an assignment due to the high prices .

  23. 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但绝不是真用利剑。

    I will speak daggers to her , but use none .

  24. 这条坏消息刺痛了他的心。

    The bad news is a dagger to his heart .

  25. 我坐过在荨麻上的那个部位觉得刺痛

    I tingle where I sat in the nettles .

  26. 严寒使我的手指有刺痛感。

    The cold caused a tingle in my fingers .

  27. 她想象着他所描绘的一切,心里不禁有些刺痛

    Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her . "

  28. 我的脸颊冻得有点刺痛

    My cheeks tingled with the cold .

  29. 在这里,在阴郁、倦怠之中,伯莎发现了一种刺痛人心的魅力。

    There in the melancholy , in the dreariness , Bertha found a bitter fascination .

  30. 这样不仅很疼,还可能导致手肘到手指的部分产生刺痛或麻痹感。

    As well as being painful , this can lead to tingling3 or numbness4 from the elbow to the fingers .