
  • 【中医】subject of acupuncture and moxibustion technique
  1. 刺法灸法学的学科具有技术方法和临床治疗两方面的特点。

    The study of acupuncture and moxibustion possesses the characteristics of both technological methods and clinical treatment .

  2. 解析担字所包含的平衡之意,并以此分析针灸学中经络学、腧穴学、刺法灸法学、针灸治疗学等内容中平衡内涵的存在,从而揭示了针灸学处处体现的平衡观念。

    Analyze that the word dan contains meaning of balance , and from this analyze connotation of balance in meridians science , acupoints science , needling and moxibustion methods , acup-moxibustion therapeutics and so on , so as to reveal that acup-moxibustion science reflect the concept of balance everywhere .