
  • 网络institutional norms;institution norm;System specification
  1. 在管理模式上,过分重视制度规范而忽视人文关怀;

    As for administration pattern , institutional norms lie high above humanistic caring ;

  2. 只有凭借文化启蒙、制度规范、自我反思以及社会评价的转变,教师才能实现由自在自发转向自由自觉的理性化、创造性和个性化生存。

    Depending on culture enlightenment , institutional norms , self-reflection and social value change , teacher ′ s teaching life will transform from spontaneous way to rational , innovative and individual way .

  3. 从流程规范到管理制度规范,从建立秩序到打破秩序,保持与企业发展速度同步的人力资源管理变革,这是JF人力资源管理者最迫在眉睫的工作。

    In order to maintain its competitive advantage the human resource management must be effected a transformation from the work flow to management rules , from old management model to new management system standard .

  4. 婚姻是立于生产的基点,对人类性行为的制度规范。

    Marriage is based on production , which regulates human sexuality .

  5. 会计造假行为的法律治理与制度规范

    The Law Governance and System Regulation of Deceptive Behaviors in Accountancy

  6. 外国媒体和记者在华采访制度规范研究有关异性访问时间的规则

    Research about the Interview System of Foreign Medias and Journalists in China

  7. 新旧企业收益分配制度规范的比较与思考

    On comparison and Ponder of new and old enterprise income distribution system

  8. 行政许可设定权是行政许可制度规范化的基础。

    Administratively permission enactment right is the foundation of administrative systems standardization .

  9. 这一文化系统主要由标识性文化要素、制度规范文化要素以及意识形态文化要素组成。

    It contain the factor of identifier , system and criterion , ideology .

  10. 上机匣成形中的质量缺陷及对策我国独立董事制度规范的缺陷及对策

    Limitations and Countermeasures of Legislations in the System of Independent Board in China

  11. 提高我国会计信息质量的探究&基于制度规范方面的思考

    Research on How to Enhance Our Country Accounting Information Quality from Improving Some Current Systems

  12. 公民道德的制度规范研究

    Research on System Criterion of Citizen Morality

  13. 军队采购制度规范运作探讨

    Standardizing operation of troops material acquisition system

  14. 靠规章制度规范人,旨在建立廉政建设的约束机制;

    To normalize people through rules and regulations , aiming to set up the constrain mechanism ;

  15. 目前,我国的环境审计工作缺乏这样一种制度规范,因此,开展环境审计准则的构建研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    At the present , it lacks environmental audit regulations and systems like this in China .

  16. 我国农村土地流转的形成机理、运行方式及制度规范研究

    On Formation Mechanism , Mode of Operation , and Institution Regulation of China Rural land Circulation

  17. 文化事业单位的改革需要构建一整套与之相应的理论体系与制度规范。

    A set of theoretic systems and institutional criteria should be constructed in the reform of cultural institutions .

  18. 三要建立制度规范,促进手机媒体长效管理;

    Thirdly , we should establish regulations to strengthen the effective management of mass media on mobile phone ;

  19. 我国地方预算改革中,较具代表性的有制度规范和阳光财政两大主流模式。

    In the reform of China 's local budgets , the typical models are system model and sunny finance .

  20. 坚持法院对调解协议效力的最终确认权是调解制度规范运行的重要保障。

    In addition , adherence to the final confirmation by the court is the important safeguard applied to regulation system .

  21. 作为借鉴,介绍了美国现有成熟的相关制度规范和管理办法。

    And the paper uses the Volunteer Environmental Monitoring System in USA for reference , introduce their methods and experiences .

  22. 而且,不同类型的家事调解与本国法律理念、制度规范紧密相关,并体现出不同特点。

    Furthermore , different types of family mediation are closely related to the native idea of law and institutional rule .

  23. 公司严格按现代企业制度规范管理,以人为本,信誉第一,视质量为企业生命。

    Company strictly according to modern enterprise system standard management , humanist , prestige first , apparent mass for enterprise life .

  24. 制度规范与社会秩序的崩溃,促成了庄子内在人格的觉醒与追求。

    The break-down of the social norms and order brought about the awakening and pursuit of his inner personality and moral qualities .

  25. 从国外相关研究资料来看,主要集中在影响机票价格变动因素分析、国外机票行业的制度规范、国外机票营销手段。

    Relevant researches from abroad of view , focus mainly on the analysis of the changing ticket prices , trade system , ticket marketing .

  26. 完善我国农民专业合作社的制度规范:一是限定最低资本金,二是切实加强外部监管,三是做好合作社教育。

    To improve the norms of farmers ' specialized cooperatives : limit the minimum capital , effectively strengthen the external supervision and do co-operative education well .

  27. 如何在构建和谐社会的实践中进一步深化体制改革,完善制度规范,作者提出了若干亟需探索的问题。

    The author raised several issues on how to further deepen the reform and improvement of the system in the process of building up a harmonized society .

  28. 环境会计是一门新兴的学科,在国外也没有很成熟的理论和制度规范可以借鉴。

    A new developing discipline that environmental accountant is , does not have a very ripe theory and system norm that can be drawn lessons from abroad .

  29. 本文最后一部分在前文提出问题和分析问题的基础上,从制度规范建设和监督机制建设的方面提出了加强行政道德制度建设具体措施。

    The last part of this paper puts forward some feasible institutional policies from the aspects of standard construction and supervision mechanism construction in administrative moralities build .

  30. 但该行业作为一种非正规化的就业形式,由于缺乏统一的法律制度规范,在其迅猛的发展过程中,暴露出了许多的问题。

    However , it as a non-standard form of employment , has exposed many problems during its rapid development , due to the lack of integrate legal system .