
  • 网络institutional history
  1. 而故事作为典籍中一个常见词汇,其内涵一直被制度史、思想史研究者忽视。

    Gushi as the word in a common vocabulary , its meaning has been ignored by the institutional history and history of ideas researchers .

  2. 这些改革已成为英国国民保健制度史上影响深远的一件大事。

    The reforms have been a seminal event in the history of the NHS .

  3. WTO上诉机构的建立揭开了国际司法制度史上的崭新一页,对于整个争端解决机制的维护与发展具有深远的意义。

    The establishment of the WTO Appellate Body ( AB ) turns over a new page in the international judicial system . It is of far reaching significance to the maintenance and development of the whole Dispute Settlement Mechanism .

  4. 知识产权法律制度史初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Legal History of Intellectual Property

  5. 国际代议和议会制度史委员会

    International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Ins

  6. 新中国高考制度史研究综述

    The Review on College Entrance Examination System in New China

  7. 中国公文工作制度史研究

    Research on Chinese Official Document Working Regulations History

  8. 救济法案在美国土地制度史上占有十分重要的地位。

    Relief Acts occupied a very important place in the history of American land system .

  9. 《中国政治制度史》是政治和行政学专业的基础课程。

    《 Chinese History of Political System 》 is a basic course for politics and executive science .

  10. 通过判牍内容所反映的案例现实,来侧观清代中期江西地方诉讼状况,为研究清代江西地方司法制度史创造了有利条件。

    All this make condition for us to research the history of Jiang Xi local judicial system .

  11. 唐代租庸调制和两税法在中国赋役制度史和财政史上占有重要的地位。

    The Zu-Yong-Diao System and Two-Tax Law of Tang Dynasty played an important role in revenue system .

  12. 简论辛亥革命在中国政治制度史上的意义

    A Brief Discussion on the Significance of the Revolution of 1911 to the History of Chinese Political System

  13. 拓荒者争取免费土地的斗争贯穿美国早期土地制度史的始终。

    The pioneers ' struggle for free land ran through the whole early period of American land system .

  14. 免费分配土地问题在美国土地处理制度史上占有重要的地位。

    The problem of free allocation of land occupied a very important place in the history of American land system .

  15. 法律史学以法律制度史和法律思想史为研究对象。

    The study object of China legal history is China legal history of system and China legal history of ideology .

  16. 农村土地转让权的赋予以及农地流转的出现可谓是新中国土地制度史上的又一次重要改革。

    The right of the rural land transfer and emergence of the rural land transfer is an important reform in Chinese system .

  17. 本篇主要目的是要探讨土地制度史研究中地租率这一个老大难问题。

    The main focus of this article is rent rates , a very difficult problem within the historical research of land system .

  18. 唐代县级地方行政机构既是唐史也是政治制度史研究的一个重要内容。

    The administration system for County district in Tang Dynasty is an important problem for both Tang period and the political system history .

  19. 中国古代外交史的创新奠基之作&评《汉唐外交制度史》中国古代谏议制的现代启示

    Commentary on History of the Diplomatic Institutions in the Han and Tang Dynasties Modern Hint of Giving Advice to the Emperor of China

  20. 考察制度史和制度经济学有关研究的发展,从中可以看到历史发展观由进化的直线发展观向非线性发展观的变迁。

    History development fluxed from evolution linear development to nonlinear development with reviewing on the research development of system history and system economics .

  21. 近代中国地方权力结构的变迁&对衡山县地方政治制度史的解释

    Changes in the Structure of Local Authority in Modern China & some explanations on the history of local political system of Hengshan County

  22. 它是中国古代史研究领域的创新之作,也是中国古代外交制度史的奠基之作。

    It is a original work not only in the study of ancient Chinese history but also in the study of ancient China 's diplomatic institutions .

  23. 1992年,山东烟台,中国法律史学会法律制度史研究会年会暨学术研讨会。

    Attended the annual meeting and academic seminar of the institution of history of legal system under Chinese legal history association , 1992 , in yantai , shandong .

  24. 对罗马法的研究是西欧法律制度史的一个里程碑,也是西欧社会发展进入一个新的历史时期的重要标志。

    The study of Roman law is a milestone of Western European legal history , also a major mark of the development of Western Europe into the new period .

  25. 传统的中国古代政治制度史研究存在着内容单调,视野狭隘,方法老化,手段落后等明显不足,这种状况不利于政治制度史研究的深入。

    There are distinct disadvantages in the traditional study of the history of ancient Chinese political system : dull contents , narrow prospects , out-dated approaches and backward methods .

  26. 本文从制度史研究视角切入,凸显制度史与思想史、教育史的互动关系。

    This paper emphasizes the interaction relationship between the history of institutions and the history of ideas , and the history of education from the perspective of institutional history study .

  27. 虽然这种办法在国家制度史上起过很大的作用,但是许多国家,而且恰好是最发达的国家,都是不需要它的。

    In spite of the great part it has played in the constitutional history of states , very many states , and precisely those most highly developed , have not required it .

  28. 从法律制度史考察,刑事立案监督制度是前苏联创制的制度,现今的俄罗斯仍然沿袭了这一制度。

    Study the history of the legal system , criminal case supervisory system created the system of the former Soviet Union , Russia is still followed by the system To this day .

  29. 立法与行政关系是近代以来人类政治生活中一对重要的政治关系,是近代中国政治制度史上引人关注的问题。

    The relationship between legislation and administration is an important political relationship in human political life since modern times , and also an attractive question in the political system in modern China .

  30. 在中国古代的监察制度史上,唐代的御史制度是官僚制中极具特色的一部分,且是成熟的典型的监察制度。

    As one characteristic part of Tang Dynasty 's bureaucrat system , Tang Dynasty 's YuShi system is the mature and typical one in the history of Chinese ancient time supervision institution .