
  1. 当代制度创新理论与我国企业制度创新

    Modern theory of institutional innovation and institutional innovation of Chinese Enterprises

  2. 从制度创新理论分析集体土地流转问题

    Transferences of collective land from the theory of institutional innovation

  3. 统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区土地制度创新理论研究

    The theory research on Land System Innovation in urban and rural comprehensive complementary reforms pilot area

  4. 本论文以制度创新理论、人力资本理论、规模经济理论和教育经济学理论等做为教育资源整合研究的理论基础。

    This paper researchs educational resources integration according to human capital theory , scale economics theory and education economics theory .

  5. 阐明了农业产业化经营组织创新的理论解释是制度创新理论,并受到各种因素的制约;

    It is the theory of innovation concerning institution that serves as the explaining of the innovation of Agricultural Industrialization .

  6. 在制度创新理论的分析框架中,经济转轨过程中金融制度创新包含有正式金融制度创新和非正式制度创新两种主要类型,它们各具不同性质。

    The article discusses main contents and types of financial institutions innovations in transitional economy based on the frame of institutions innovation theory .

  7. 其理论基础笔者认为主要是委托代理理论、制度创新理论和社会福利学说。

    The writer thinks the principal-agent theory and the innovation in system theory and the social welfare theory are its main theoretical foundation .

  8. 第二章基础理论与相关概念的界定,包括公共选择理论、政治系统理论、制度创新理论、显示性偏好理论的概述与总结。

    The second chapter contains basic definitions including public choice theory , political system relationship , system innovation theory and revealed preference theory .

  9. 对诺思的制度创新理论加以研究,对处于转型期的中国来说,无论是在理论上还是在实践上,都具有重要的借鉴意义和解释力。

    To go into further study of Worths ' institution innovation theory will be both theoretically and Practically meaningful and useful to our china during the stage of economic transition .

  10. 通过案例分析和制度创新理论的研究,揭示政府在农业产业基金中的重要作用和具体操作手段。

    Through the analysis of the cases and the research of the system establishing theory , the Chinese government plays an important role in the operation of the investment fund for agricultural industry .

  11. 制度创新理论属于制度经济学派研究的一个重要内容,发展至今,制度创新也成为理论界和社会主义建设中的一个重要课题。

    The theory of institution innovation is an important content in the research of institution economic school . So far institution innovation has been an important research subject of the theoretical circle and Chinese socialist construction .

  12. 本文拟从公共选择理论、委托-代理理论、制度创新理论等几个方面对建立我国现代国库管理制度进行一些粗浅的研究。

    In the paper , I has been engaging on the research on establishing of treasury management system of china , such aspects as public choice theory , thrust-agency theory , institutional evolution theory and so on .

  13. 本论文在教育社会学的结构功能理论、社会冲突论和制度创新理论指导下,对二十世纪九十年代以来日本高等教育改革的政策进行深入分析。

    Under the guidance of structural-functionalism theory , social conflict theory and institution innovation theory in sociology of education , a deep study on policies of Japanese higher education reformation since the 1990 's has been made by this dissertation .

  14. 20世纪70年代以来,制度创新理论在西方取得了较大的发展,其中新制度经济学关于制度创新的理论获得了大多数人的认同,影响较大。

    Since the 1970s , a great progress has been made of the system innovations theory in the West . The study of system innovations theory in the new system economics has got a general approval by most people and has a great influence .

  15. 本文力图运用制度创新理论,结合银行理论搭建一个初步的银行制度创新理论框架,以此揭示西方全能银行产生、发展的规律,为我国银行制度的改革创新和全能银行的发展提供理论依据。

    This paper tried to use the theory of institution innovation , combined with the banking system theory to put up a preliminary frame of institution innovation theory for banks , by which disclosed the origin and evolution of universal banking system in western countries .

  16. 第二章我国民营企业制度创新的理论基础。

    Second chapter is the theoretical foundation of Chinese private enterprise system innovation .

  17. 军人保险制度创新若干理论问题思考

    Theoretical issues of armyman 's insurance system innovation

  18. 论国有企业产权制度创新的理论与实践

    Oa Theory and Practice of the Innovating Property Rights System of the state-owned Enterprise

  19. 第一部分阐明了治理制度创新的理论和实践意义。

    The first part clarifies the significance in theory and practice of the governance institution innovation .

  20. 研究的内容主要包括制度创新的理论渊源、中国传统高等教育行政体制存在的弊端、创新的可能性及实现途径、目标模式展望等。

    The contents of the research include the theoretical origins of system innovation , the drawbacks in the traditional administrative system of higher education in China .

  21. 各种创新行为可纳入三种普遍的创新范畴:科技创新(包括知识创新和技术创新)、制度创新与理论创新。

    All kinds of innovations belong to three universal categories : the innovation of science and technology , the innovation of institution , and the innovation of theory .

  22. 研究目的:以制度创新的理论为基础分析中国集体土地产权制度创新的切入点、路径、动力所在及关键点。

    The purpose of this paper is to explore method and key points as well as motivations of collective-owned land right reform in China on the basis of theory of institutional innovation .

  23. 技术创新与制度创新的关系理论研究

    Study the relation of technology innovation and institution innovation

  24. 国有经济制度创新的几个理论与实践问题研究

    On a few Theoretic and Empirical Problems about Institutional Change of State-Owned Economy

  25. 系统阐述了大学科技园及制度创新的基础理论,为后续的研究构建一个理论基础。

    Systematically expounded the University Science Park and the basic theory of institutional innovation , as the follow-up study to build a theoretical basis .

  26. 关于我国农村土地制度创新,目前理论界主要有三种观点:一是继续坚持集体所有制,但要加以完善;

    There are mainly three propositions among theorists about the rural land system innovation in China : insistence on collective ownership but to be perfected ;

  27. 本文研究的运思路径是:首先,系统分析和总结国内外城市基础设施建设投融资模式及制度创新方面的理论研究成果、实践经验与主流趋势;

    The methodology of this thesis is as follows . First , the theoretical research progress , practical experience and trends in financing and institutional innovation in the field of urban infrastructure at home and abroad are reviewed and summarized .

  28. 对其进行分析阐释,可见其在不同领域内产生的新型生育文化的意识形态效应、经济社会发展效应、可持续发展效应、人口现代化效应、制度创新效应和理论创新效应。

    Through explanation and analysis , we can see the new type of birth culture has different effects in different fields , including ideology , economic and social development , sustainable development , population modernization , system renovation as well as theoretic renovation .

  29. 规划理论作为一种制度创新&论规划理论的多向性和理论发展轨迹的非线性

    Planning theory as an institutional innovation : then on-linear trajectory of planning theory evolution

  30. 论国家助学贷款的制度创新:功能金融理论的分析

    A Discussion on the Institution Innovation of GSSL : The Analysis Based on the Theory of Functional Finance