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  • razor
  1. 她的丈夫想了一会就说:“我最好是给你买一个刮胡刀和几条领带。这样我们就可以互相交换礼物了。”

    Her husband thought for a while and then replied : " I 'd better get you a new razor and some ties , so that we may exchange presents with each other . "

  2. 即使是拿着刮胡刀,他也不是WilliamStrickland的对手。

    Even with a razor , he would be no match for William Strickland .

  3. 轻揉脸颊则先用售价205英镑的杰米护士的白金剃须精油(NurseJamieEGFPlatinumShaveOil),再用稍钝些的刮胡刀处理。

    Pat down cheeks with Nurse Jamie EGF Platinum Shave Oil ( £ 205 ) before shaving with slightly blunt razor .

  4. BIC公司使用巨型刮胡刀来铲草,同时也为其产品做了广告。

    BIC used a giant razor and cut grass to advertise their products .

  5. 男人:男人的浴室里有6样东西:一把牙刷、刮胡膏、刮胡刀、一块Dial牌肥皂、一块从假日酒店里顺手牵羊的毛巾。

    A man has at most 6 items in his bathroom -- a toothbrush , toothpaste , shaving cream , razor , a bar of Dial soap , and a towel from the Holiday Inn .

  6. 给刀子或刮胡刀一个锋利的边缘。

    Give a fine , sharp edge to a knife or razor .

  7. 约翰以电动刮胡刀刮去胡子。

    John shaved off his beard with an electric razor .

  8. 刮胡刀应有锐利的刀锋。

    A razor should have a very sharp blade .

  9. 我想要一支牙刷和一支刮胡刀。

    I 'd like a toothbrush and a razor .

  10. 你有用我的刮胡刀吗?刀片钝了。

    NO15 , Have you been using my razor ? It 's dull .

  11. 从九月11日开始,男人旅行时必须买抛弃式的刮胡刀。

    Since september11th , men have to buy disposable razors when they travel .

  12. 没有转接器我就不能用我的刮胡刀或吹风机了。

    Without an adapter , I can 't use my shaver or dryer .

  13. 船上有免费的牙膏和刮胡刀,还有免费的香皂和洗发精。

    They have free toothpaste and razors , and free soap and shampoo .

  14. 我们准备在印度建立一家工厂,来制造免洗的刮胡刀。

    We want to set up a factory in India to manufactur disposable razors .

  15. 这个磁性很强的磁铁磁化了这个铁刮胡刀。

    The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings .

  16. 我们的礼品店有卖刮胡刀的。

    Our gift shop has razors for sale .

  17. 在脸部抹上吉列剃须泡沫后,再使用稍钝些的刮胡刀修面;

    Shave with slightly blunt razor and squirt of Gillette foam . Rinse face .

  18. 弗兰克喜欢买便宜的刮胡刀。

    Frank prefers to buy cheap razors .

  19. 枪枝就像是抛弃式刮胡刀,如果子弹用完了,把枪丢掉就是了。

    Guns are like disposable razors-if you run out of bullets , just throw the .

  20. 那人很可能会抓住他的手腕,把刮胡刀夺走。

    The man would probably seize him by the wrist and take the razor away .

  21. 看看这些玩意儿有旧的刮胡刀、生发水…

    Look at this stuff , you got old razors , Rogaine .... Wait a minute .

  22. 据广告讲,这种新的刮胡刀可使你修面分外光洁。

    According to the advertisement , this new razor will give you an extra smooth shave .

  23. 其中一个人拿着刮胡刀向她猛扑过去;刀刃割破了她的皮肤。

    One of the men cut at her with a razor , the blade nicked the skin .

  24. 到了3000年,自动刮胡刀不需要乱七八糟的乳液和泡沫也能让爸爸保持好的仪表。

    Auto shavers of the year 3000 will keep Dad smooth and clean without messy creams and foams .

  25. 架上有粉盒、口剂、动刮胡刀和刮脸保护液。

    On the rail there are a powder box , mouthwash , and electric shaver and aftershave lotion .

  26. 一次性使用的毛巾和刮胡刀

    Disposable towels and razors

  27. 在吉列融合之旅上,顾客可获现场刮胡子以完整体验吉列刮胡刀。

    At the Gillette Fusion tour , consumers can get a shave on-site to fully experience the razor .

  28. 它们体型不大,但嘴巴里布满了如刮胡刀般锋利的牙齿和强壮的下颚。

    They aren 't very large , but do have a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and a strong jaw .

  29. 于是这位客人把球放进嘴里,理发师继续修面时,他果然感受到刮胡刀和脸颊前所未有的亲密接触。

    The client places the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeds with the closest shave the guy has ever experienced .

  30. 剃须刀打开使用时有一个直切边包在一个容器里并形成一个手柄的刮胡刀。

    A razor with a straight cutting edge enclosed in a case that forms a handle when the razor is opened for use .