
ɡuā shānɡ
  • Scratches;injure by scraping
  1. 由于钛isextremely强,可耐刮伤,凹陷,和弯曲

    Because titanium isextremely strong , it is resistant to scratching , denting , and bending .

  2. 嘿!放轻松点!被我刮伤的那张CD我会买一张新的还给你。

    Hey ! Lighten up ! I 'll buy you a replacement CD for the one I scratched .

  3. 应用原子力显微镜(AFM)探针刮伤技术研究缓蚀剂对探针诱导铜镍合金加速溶解作用的影响。

    The accelerated dissolution behavior of Cu-Ni alloy induced by AFM tip scratching and the inhibition effect of corrosion inhibitors were investigated .

  4. SITI-1703全自动液压机主油缸缸壁刮伤的原因分析及修复

    Reasons of scratching the main cylinder wall of SITI-1703 type automatic machine and repair

  5. 挤压铝型材门窗、幕墙料经氧化着色后常出现白条、阴阳面、模线、粘附刮伤、V型条纹、粗砂面等表面缺陷。

    The surfaces of oxidized extruded aluminium profiles for doors and windows and aluminium glass curtain walls , often appeared defects , such as white streaks , faces of bright and dark , machining grains , adhesion scratch , stripes in form V , rough faces and so on .

  6. 实验表明,纳米SiO2的加入能显著改善涂膜硬度、耐刮伤性、拉伸强度及耐候性等,而微米SiO2或气相法SiO2只能提高聚氨酯涂膜的耐磨性和硬度。

    Experiments showed that the addition of nano_SiO 2 could evidently improve the hardness , scrub resistance , stretch intensity and weathering resistance . But micro_SiO 2 and gas phase SiO 2 could only improve the wearability and hardness of PU coatings .

  7. 割伤或刮伤都能诱导形成创伤周皮,而在伤口施用JA和IND,JA可能不参与诱导创伤周皮的形成。

    Bark cutting or scraping could induce formation of wound periderm . The experiments of application of JA and IND seemed to indicate that JA was not involved in the induction of wound periderm formation .

  8. 对SITI-1703全自动液压机主油缸壁刮伤的原因进行了分析,并提出了修复措施。

    This paper analyzes the main cylinder wall of SITI-1703 type automatic hydraulic machine and puts forward several repair measures .

  9. 采用共混法制得的涂膜的摆杆硬度、显微硬度、杨氏模量和耐磨性均随着SiO2用量的增加而增大,耐刮伤性在3%纳米SiO2用量时达到最大;

    The pendulum hardness , micro hardness , Young 's modulus and abrasion resistance all increased with nano-silica content for the coats by blending method , while only micro hardness and Young 's modulus increased and abrasion resistance nearly kept constant for the coats by in situ polymerization method .

  10. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂动力站的B3-3.43/0.981型背压式汽轮机,先后出现了轴承振动,推力盘、轴径刮伤等故障。

    B3-3.43/0.981 type back-pressure steam turbine in the power station of Nanyang Factory of Paraffin Fine Chemical has troubles of bearing vibration , thrust disc and journal scratch .

  11. 刮伤和撞伤都是临死前留下的,和这次车祸无关。

    Scratches and abrasions are antemortem , unrelated to the accident .

  12. 我全身都被玻璃刮伤。

    I had cuts all over my body from the glass .

  13. 你确定不是刮伤和乌青?

    You sure it 's not just scrapes and bruises ?

  14. 保护所有零件表面避免损害,如有刮伤须研磨。

    Protect all machined and lapped mating surfaces from damage .

  15. 针对液压缸活塞杆刮伤问题的改造

    Improvement on the hydraulic piston to prevent scratches on it

  16. 小孩用他的玩具刮伤桌面。

    The child scratched the table top with his toy .

  17. 当然受伤不轻&胳膊和脸都刮伤了。

    But he 's hurt badly-arms scratched , abrasions on the face .

  18. 他停车时刮伤了货车。

    He scraped his van while he was parking it .

  19. 清洁时,务必确保不要留下任何划痕或刮伤。

    Make sure not to leave any scores or scratches when cleaning .

  20. 丙烯酸酯聚氨酯涂层广泛用于高档轿车的罩光清漆层,近年来市场对其耐刮伤性、耐候性等性能要求不断提高。

    Acrylic based polyurethane was widely used as the high-quality auto-clear coatings .

  21. 被门刮伤了。不太严重。

    I scratched it on the door . It isn 't serious .

  22. 今天早上他匆忙地刮起胡子时把自己刮伤了。

    He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly .

  23. 他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。

    He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rosebushes .

  24. 它身上有几百处刮伤和淤血。

    He has suffered hundreds of cuts and bruises .

  25. 水性纳米复合涂料的制备及其耐刮伤性研究

    Preparation and Scratch Resistant Properties of Waterborne Nanocomposite Coating

  26. 你受伤了吗?只是一点刮伤。

    Are you hurt ? Just a little scrape .

  27. 因为纸是用木料制成的,以是会刮伤镜片。

    Paper is made of wood , and it will scratch your lenses .

  28. 他的左脚被一个钩子刮伤了。

    His left foot was hurt by a hook .

  29. 他刮伤的手臂好了以后就上班去了。

    Went back to work after she got her scraped arm fixed up .

  30. 在那桌子的表面上有几条刮伤痕迹。

    There are several scraping scar marks on the surface of that table .