
  • 网络limousin;LIMOUSINE
  1. 对36头西门塔尔、23头夏洛来和12头利木赞牛冷冻精子的实验结果表明:三个品种的牛冻精均能穿入去透明带仓鼠卵,并形成发育良好的雄原核。

    We detected the frozen-thawed sperm of 36 Simmental , 23 Charolais and 12 Limousin , the results showed that the frozen-thawed sperm of these three breeds could penetrate the zona-free ova of hamster , and formed male pronucleuses .

  2. 为了研究利木赞牛对互助黄牛的改良效果,本试验测定了初生、6月龄和1岁利本F1代的体尺、体重,并与本地黄牛进行了比较。

    The body size and live weight of the F_1 crossbred of native yellow cattle with Limousin at the age of 6 and 12 month-old were determined to investigate the improving effects on native yellow cattle by Limousin .

  3. 利木赞牛与本地黄牛杂交一代性能测定

    Determination of Performance for First Filial Generation of Limousin with Local Yellow Cattle

  4. 利木赞牛改良民和县浅山地区黄牛的研究

    Study on Limousin Cattle Improvement the Local Cattle in Minhe County Middle Hill Region

  5. 利木赞牛杂交改良本地黄牛的效果

    Effect of Native Yollow Cattle Improved with Limousin

  6. 为了研究利木赞牛改良民和县浅山地区当地黄牛的效果。

    To study the improvement effect of Limousin cattle and Local cattle in Minhe County Middle Hills region .

  7. 从经济效益和增重效果综合来看西门塔尔牛是改良本地黄牛体尺及泌乳性能的第一改良父本,利木赞牛是最佳终端父本。

    From the economic effect of weight gain and the whole Limousin cattle Fl is to improve the local cattle in the best male parent .

  8. 利木赞改良北流市黄牛效果调查研究利木赞牛与本地黄牛杂交一代性能测定

    Investigation on the Crossbreeding effects of Limousin on Yellow Cattle in Beiliu Determination of Performance for First Filial Generation of Limousin with Local Yellow Cattle