
  • 网络Chinese buffalo;bubalus bubalis;Bubalus bubalis Linnaeus
  1. 强PAS阳性的胶体见于成年中国水牛腺垂体各部及神经垂体。

    The strongly PAS-positive colloid was found in all parts of the adeno-hypophysis and neurohypophysis in the mature Chinese buffalo .

  2. 中国水牛肾脏的光镜和电镜观察

    Observation of the histological structures of Chinese buffalo Ren

  3. 中国水牛mtDNAD-loop区遗传多样性与母系起源

    MtDNA D-loop Genetic Diversity and Maternal Origin in Chinese Swamp Buffalo

  4. 中国水牛(BubalusbubalisLinnaeus)瘤胃内纤毛虫的调查

    Ciliate protozoa in the rumen of Chinese water buffalo , Bubalus bubalis Linnaeus

  5. 中国水牛Bubalusbubalis皮肤的微细结构

    The histological skin structure of water buffalo , bubalus bubalis

  6. 用自然感染的中国水牛食道上的梭形肉孢子虫(Sarcocystisfusiformis)的包囊喂猫6只、犬5只、仔猪2头及3名自愿受试者。

    Six cats , five dogs , two pigs and three volunteers were fed cysts of Sarcocystis fusiformis from naturally infected buffalos .

  7. 中国水牛血红蛋白多态性及命名研究

    A study on hemoglobin polymorphism of Chinese buffaloes and genotypes renewed

  8. 中国水牛梭形肉孢子虫的生活史研究

    Experimental study on the life cycle of Sarcocystis fusiformis in Chinese Buffalos

  9. 中国水牛瘤胃纤毛虫分布与挥发性脂肪酸的研究

    Rumen Ciliate Protozoal Fauna and Volatile Fatty Acid Concentration of Buffalo in China

  10. 中国水牛血清淀粉酶多态性及型命名研究

    Study on serum amylase polymorphism and genetypes named of the buffaloes in China

  11. 中国水牛脑垂体的光镜与电镜观察

    Observation of the histological structures of Chinese buffalo pituitarium

  12. 中国水牛及其杂交改良效果

    The Chinese indigenous buffalo and its crossbreeding efficiency

  13. 中国水牛的外薛氏沟较发达,形成半球外侧面最明显的脑沟。

    In the Chinese buffalo , the ectosylvian sulcus is much more well developed .

  14. 中国水牛脊髓颈膨大部灰质结构的特征

    The features of the gray matter structure of the spinal intumescentia cervicalis in Chinese buffalo

  15. 摩拉、尼里及其中国水牛杂交后代的若干泌乳生理特性的观察

    Observation on characteristics of lactation physiology in murrah , nili and their hybrids with Chinese water buffaloes

  16. 同时在中国水牛群体中检测到江河型水牛14个个体,其为中国水牛与江河型水牛的杂交后代。

    At the same time , water buffalo type were detected with 14 individuals in Chinese buffaloes .

  17. 本文为中国水牛中枢神经系统解剖研究的第二部分,对中国水牛小脑和脑干的解剖结构作了较详细的描述。

    The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail .

  18. 中国水牛血液蛋白多态性研究Ⅲ·水牛血液蛋白多态性遗传分析

    A study on blood protein polymorphism of Chinese buffaloes ⅲ . the genetic analysis of buffaloes blood protein polymorphism

  19. 研究结果发现中国水牛颈胸段脊髓存在22种核团。

    Twenty-two nuclear groups were found in the spinal gray matter of the cervical and thoracic regins of the Chinese buffalo .

  20. 本文还对中国水牛与印度水牛及其他动物在脊髓节与椎骨的位置对应关系和脊髓节长度的变化情况等方面进行了比较。

    Comparisons were made of the segment-vertebra relationship and segment length variations of the Chinese buffalo with those of the Indian buffalo or other animals .

  21. 本文还对中国水牛垂体各部分的形态结构、细胞分布和胶体出现情况等方面与牛及其他动物进行了比较。

    Comparisons were made of the morphological features of various parts of the hypophysis , distribution of cells and the occurrence of colloid of the Chinese buffalo with those of the ox or other animals .

  22. 中国部分水牛线粒体D-环全序列多态性与系统发育关系研究

    Study on the Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Mitochondrial D-loop Sequence Polymorphic in Chinese Water Buffalo

  23. 陕西近年出土的水牛遗存及中国本土水牛的进化战斗机是美国的水牛式。

    The Remains of Buffalos Recently Unearthed from Shaanxi and the Evolution of the Buffalo in China Proper ; The fighters are American Buffaloes .

  24. AGG是中国沼泽型水牛支系B的一个显著而独特的特征。

    AGG is the second stop codon of swamp water buffalo , and it is a significant and unique characteristic of lineage B in Chinese swamp water buffalo .

  25. 为了更好地了解FSHβ基因的进化情况,我们利用PCR方法对中国沼泽型水牛的该基因的基因组序列进行了克隆测序。

    For better understanding of the phylogenic diversity and evolution of FSH p molecule , we have isolated and sequenced the genomic sequence encoding Chinese swamp buffalo FSH p precursor molecule by PCR .

  26. 采用醋酸纤维薄膜电泳法首次系统分析了中国12个水牛地方类群1071头水牛的血红蛋白多态性。

    Blood samples from 12 buffalo native groups in China were used to measure hemoglobin polymorphism by acetate film electrophoreses .