  • dig;excavate;deduct;exclude

  • plane;planer;planing machine;rutter
  • plane;shave
  • 挖掘:~坑。~土。~根问底(喻追究底细)。

  • 减,除去:~去五天。

  • 推刮木料等,使其平滑的一种工具:~子。~床(推刮金属材料使平滑的机器)。

  • 用刨子或刨床推刮。


(刮平木料的工具) plane:

  • 角刨

    angle plane;

  • 平刨

    flat plane


(刨床) planer; planing machine; rutter:

  • 牛头刨

    shaping machine


(用刨子刮) plane; shave:

  • 刨木头

    plane wood


(挖掘) dig; excavate:

  • 刨地

    dig the ground;

  • 刨坑儿

    dig a hole [pit];

  • 刨马铃薯

    dig (up) potatoes


[口] (除去; 减去) deduct; exclude; minus:

  • 15天刨去5天, 只剩下10天了。

    Fifteen minus five -- there are only ten days to go now.

  • 这列火车,刨去行李车和邮车,有20节车箱。

    The train has twenty cars, the baggage and mail ones excluded.

  1. 大耙子被用来刨土。

    A big fork is used to dig the earth .

  2. 她让他把雪刨走。

    She got him to dig away the snow .

  3. 种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。

    The stallion pawed the ground impatiently .

  4. 然后把木头刨光。

    Then plane the wood smooth .

  5. 尸骨被刨出,移到了墓地。

    The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site .

  6. 我将原木放到了地上,刨掉了树皮。

    I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark

  7. 用耙刨地使土壤透气。

    Aerate the soil by spiking with a fork .

  8. 鸡鸭在棚子周围到处乱刨。

    Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings .

  9. 他们把在新泽西的花园刨了个遍,然后将里面的东西一样不落地搬回了家。

    They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock , stock , and barrel back home .

  10. 狗在后院刨坑。

    The dog is digging in the backyard .

  11. 15天刨去5天,只剩下10天了。

    Fifteen minus five -- there are only ten days to go now .

  12. 这列火车,刨去行李车和邮车,有20节车箱。

    The train has twenty cars , the baggage and mail ones excluded .

  13. 那位木工用刨刨平了一块木板。

    The carpenter evened a board with a plane .

  14. 这块板子刨得溜平。

    This board has been planed smooth .

  15. 他刨去泥土,下面露出一块松木瓦块。

    He scraped away the dirt , and exposed a pine shingle .

  16. 如果采用火焰气刨,则应将其打磨至可见光亮的金属表面

    If back-gouging is applied , grinding to bright metal is required .

  17. 经销车,刨,铣,磨,钻等金属切加工设备。

    Marketing of processing machines for lathing , planning , milling , grinding and drilling metals .

  18. 他刨出出来的是一颗不知什么时候遗落在庭院里的珍珠“你也许这是个宝贝”,公鸡大人说,“对于人类来说,他们会珍惜你,但在我看来,我宁可要一粒大麦也不想琢一粒珍珠。”

    What did it turn out to be but a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard ? " You may be a treasure , " quoth master pock , " to men that prize you , but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls . "

  19. 基于CT扫描的计算机模拟薄木刨切

    Computerized Simulation of Veneer Slicing Based on CT Scanning

  20. 翼板(wingplate)、腹板(web)对接焊缝正面焊接后,反面要求碳弧气刨清根;

    Carbon arc air gouging is required for the reverse side of butt weld of the wing plate and the web .

  21. 基于神经网络PID的刨煤机工作面液压支架控制系统

    Control system of hydraulic powered support on coal-plough face based on neural network PID

  22. 基于ADAMS软件的铣刨转子设计和运动学参数分析方法

    Based on ADAMS Milling Machine Rotor Analysis and Design of Kinematics Parameters

  23. SDH结构刨析及疑难故障探索

    SDH Structure Analysis and Difficult Breakdown Discussion

  24. 介绍了数控刨削系统的软硬件结构及基于API的加工功能的实现。

    The software and the hardware structure of this special system are introduced . All functions are realized by using API .

  25. 为了胶粘聚氯乙烯(PVC)薄膜及刨切微薄木饰面的胶合板,我们应用两种醋酸乙烯共聚乳液在不同复面工艺中进行试验。

    For adhering the PVC film and sliced thin veneer to wood-base panels , the laminating processes of two vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion adhesives were studied .

  26. 采用雨流法、线性Miner疲劳累积损伤模型,对刨链疲劳寿命进行预测。

    Rain flow counting method and linear Miner fatigue cumulative damage model are used to predict fatigue life of plow chain .

  27. 裸鼠移植实验表明,实验组刨面愈合早于对照组,可见EPC参与大量新生小血管形成,真皮支架5周完全降解。

    After athymic mice transplanting , histo-logical analysis revealed that EPC participated in neovascularization and the dermal substitute was completely degraded within 5 weeks .

  28. 本文论述了用X射线衍射法间接测定双■轮刨片机GCr15钢制刀片的工作温度。

    This paper deals with the indirect determination of the operating temperature of cutting tool with GCr 15 steel , on the knife ring flaker .

  29. 目的:小结微刨非体外循环下房间隔缺损(ASD)封堵术的临床应用经验。

    Objective : To review the experience of atrial septal defect ( ASD ) closure with occluder by minimally invasive and non-extracorporeal circulation ways .

  30. 这给BX系列新型鼓式削片机、双鼓轮刨片机和筛环式打磨机用于竹材碎料的生产、竹材的综合利用开发提供了可靠的理论和现实依据。

    Supply theoretical and actual data for BX series drum chipper , knife-ring flaker and double-steam mill to produce bamboo particles .