
  • 网络innovative marketing;marketing innovation;creative marketing
  1. 西方学者对市场营销道德的判定及其创新营销方式

    Western Scholars ' Identification of Marketing Moral and Their Creative Marketing Modes

  2. 为此,建立新的流通体制,大力推行创新营销应是中国家电行业正确的选择之一。

    Therefore , establishing new circulation system and devoting major efforts to carrying out marketing innovation should be one of right choices for the industry .

  3. 1996年亚马逊(Amazon)开创了这种创新营销模式。

    1996 Amazon pioneered this innovative marketing model .

  4. 文章第五部分创新营销理论4C组合&网络整合营销理论结合网络市场营销的特点,介绍和总结了以舒尔兹教授为代表的一批营销学者从顾客需求的角度出发,提出的4C组合市场营销理论。

    Combination the characters of Cyber-marketing , the fifth part of this article " Innovative Marketing Theory 4C Combination - Integrated Cyber-marketing " introduces and summarizes " 4C Combination " brought forward by some marketing scholars .

  5. 并介绍了奢侈品品牌创新营销策略。

    Besides it introduce the innovative strategy of luxury goods marketing .

  6. 创新营销理念,拓展企业的发展空间;

    Innovation marketing idea , develop enterprise 's development space ;

  7. 创新营销模式,推动造纸企业转型升级

    The innovative marketing model pushes the transition and update of paper enterprise

  8. 浅析煤炭企业创新营销模式

    Analysis on the Innovative Marketing Mode of the Coal Enterprise

  9. 医药营销道德与创新营销方式的思考

    Thinking About Pharmaceutical Marketing Morals and New Marketing Modes

  10. 秉承在线生活理念,开辟创新营销空间

    Follow the Conception of Online Living , Inaugurate the Room of Innovative Marketing

  11. 前言:目的:研讨医药营销道德与创新营销方式。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the pharmaceutical marketing morals and new marketing modes .

  12. 面对这种情况,汽车厂商已通过创新营销方式来积极应对。

    Carmakers have responded in innovative ways .

  13. 以要素重组为核心创新营销策略

    The Elements Reconstruction Centered Innovative Marketing Strategy

  14. 然而,华新保险的创新营销模式在实施过程中并不顺利。

    However , the innovative marketing model of Huaxin insurance in the implementation process is not so smooth .

  15. 其中水仙花机械化生产和创新营销将是做强做大产业的新途径和重要举措,能为政府制定产业发展决策提供参考。

    For the government to decide the industrial development decision , these new ways can provide the reference .

  16. 随着竞争的日益激烈,旧有的管理模式和营销理念已无法适应当前的竞争态势,必须调整企业战略,加强精细化管理,创新营销理念,以求在通信市场中立于不败之地。

    With the increasing fierce competition , the old managerial model and marketing concept can not apply to the current competitive situation .

  17. 从国外私人银行业的经验看,综合运用各类创新营销方式,是很具有借鉴意义的。

    From the experience of the foreign private banking sector , the integrated use of all kinds of innovative marketing way is of constructive significance .

  18. 同时为确保营销策略能够得到有效实施,并进一步提出了创新营销机制,加强数据库建设等措施建议。

    In order to ensure the correct use of marketing strategy , and And further put forward the innovative marketing mechanism and proposed to strength database-building .

  19. 提出创新营销渠道的组织构架应把握的四个方面,即:减少机构设置和管理层次,提高运营效率;

    Put forward organizational frame innovating marketing channel should pay enough attention to the following four respects : reduce organizational departments and simplify administrative levels , increase running efficiency ;

  20. 在营销层面上中国医药企业应科学市场细分,正确目标市场定位;创新营销组合策略;创建优势企业品牌。

    From the marketing level , the China pharmaceutical companies should make the segments market in science and target market correctly and innovative marketing mix strategies and create a dominant brand .

  21. 创新营销方案的顺利实施将有效提升一汽丰田在烟台地区的整体销量,提升整体的服务水平和品牌形象,提升资源的利用率,最终实现品牌整体盈利能力的全面提升。

    The plan will promote the overall sales , service , brand image and resource usage of the Faw Toyota and ultimately realize the improvement of the brand overall profit ability .

  22. 创新营销,突破传统,现场磨制,制作过程公开透明,不添加任何化学物质,绿色健康让顾客吃得放心。

    Innovative marketing , breaking the traditional , on-site grinding , production process open and transparent , do not add any chemicals , green and healthy for customers to eat at ease .

  23. 文章探析了产品概念创新营销的内涵、产生的背景以及企业在运作产品概念创新营销策略时应注意的应用原则,列举了几个成功实施产品概念创新营销的案例,以示启迪。

    This paper explores the connotation , relevant background and applying principles of this new marketing mode , and enumerates several successful cases of the marketing of products concept innovation for enlightening .

  24. 论述了煤炭企业创新营销的必然性,结合煤炭行业实际情况,就创新营销的几种模式进行了探讨。

    This paper expounds the necessity of the innovative marketing of the coal enterprise , and connecting with the practical situation of the coal industry , probes into several modes of innovative marketing .

  25. 尤其创新营销模式,创新服务管理和创新人才培养方面的研究和探索更是企业营销改进和发展的永恒主题。

    In particular , the marketing model of scientific innovation , innovation management and innovation training services , research and exploration is the eternal theme in the improvement of corporate marketing and development .

  26. 只有通过优质的产品为顾客提供最大化价值的满意,强化品牌经营,创新营销体系,创新价值服务,才能确立自身的市场竞争优势。

    Only by providing customers with high-quality products of the maximized satisfaction , strengthening brand management , innovating marketing system and increasing service value , could we establish our own superiority in the market competition .

  27. 其中,成本领先要通过建立有效的组织结构、制定合理有效的人才制度和创新营销渠道来实现;品牌差异化则包括产品差异化、服务差异化和企业文化差异化。

    Among them , cost-reducing will come true through founding the effective organization , making out rational human resources system and innovating marketing channel ; Brand variation concludes product variation , serve variation and enterprise culture variation .

  28. 对此,应从完善法律环境、开发保险产品、创新营销方式、实现信息共享、改进经营观念等方面加以努力,不断深化我国银保合作。

    To this , we should develop insurance products , innovate on the marketing method , realize the using of information jointly , improve management concept and perfect law environment , so that we can deepen this cooperation constantly .

  29. 因此,大型体育场馆需要:营销理念创新营销服务创新,营销组织创新,营销组合策略创新,营销管理创新,以便改善其经营效果和效益。

    In order to improve the management effect and economic benefit , the large-scaled stadiums need renew its marketing idea , reform its marketing organization , create its marketing - mix strategies , and strengthen and perfect its marketing management .

  30. 指出:在中国,无效的客户数据、傲慢的自我意识、客户的有限需求、滞后的法律规范、隐私的商业使用可能会影响到创新营销方式的运用。

    At present , the application of the new marketing tool in China meets with some difficulties such as the invalid customer data , proud organization image , limited customer needs , lagging legislation , and the commercial using of private information .