
  • 网络Education;training;Education and training;EDUCATE;education & training
  1. 我国全科医学教育培训的现状与思考

    The status and reflection on the education of general practice for medicine in China

  2. 而且随着我国加入WTO,教育培训的市场化运作范围还会进一步扩大。

    And , with our country joined the WTO , the market of education training turns to extend further .

  3. 此外,针对民办学校和教育培训机构责任人,还可采取依法罚没违法所得、责令停止招生,以及吊销从业许可证等问责方式。

    In addition to those punishments , private schools and tutoring institutions can be fined , ordered to stop student enrollment8 , and have their operating permits and business licenses9 revoked10 .

  4. 安委会和应急管理部要求当地政府加强群众安全教育培训,开展经常性熟悉演练,防止出现险情时手忙脚乱或不知所措。

    The commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management also asked local governments to better educate the public about evacuation procedures and to carry out drills so they won 't panic when accidents happen .

  5. 对于校外培训机构乱象,群众反映日益强烈今年一季度,12315在线平台的教育培训服务投诉举报达4.71万件,同比增长65%。持续加大校外培训市场监管力度

    The first quarter of 2021 saw surging complaints about the tutoring industry , with the total number of complaints filed by consumers via the online service platform " 12315 " topping 47100 , up 65 percent from a year earlier .

  6. WTO与教育培训体系

    WTO and Vocational Training System

  7. XT公司教育培训处的岗位绩效考核方案设计

    Design of Performance Evaluation for Trainning Department of XT Company

  8. X公司必须结合内外部实际,注重公司人力资源发展,员工的教育培训工作必须吸收不断创新和变革的教学培训管理和教学模式。

    This requires that Company X must combine external and internal reality , focusing on the development of human resources , education and training must absorb innovation and change management , and teaching and training teaching mode .

  9. 面对加入WTO新的经济环境,以及建设银行女职工队伍的现状,一是要强化教育培训,增强女职工的竞争意识,提高业务水平与操作技能;

    Confronted with the new economic environment after the entrance of WTO and the present situation of the women employees in China Construction Bank , we should first strengthen their educational training , enhance their sense of competition and increase their professional and operational skills .

  10. 首先分析了建立政府CIO制度面临的障碍以及可行性,最后就政府CIO教育培训提出了自己的一些见解。

    The establishment of the first government CIO system and the obstacles faced feasibility of the construction of the final system of government CIO has some of their own views .

  11. 作为虚拟环境的一部分,虚拟实验室(VL)对科学研究、教育培训等领域产生了日益重要的影响。

    As a part of virtual environment , virtual laboratory ( VL ) is playing a more and more important role in area such as science , technology , education and training .

  12. 同时对于百海教育培训学校固定资产管理系统中涉及到的数据库进行了设计,包括数据表基本关联,数据库连接,核心数据表E-R图,以及数据库的表结构描述。

    Hundred Sea Education Center fixed asset management system related to the database design , including basic data table associated database connection , core data tables E-R diagrams , as well as the database table schema .

  13. 电力系统远程教育培训网络建设的思考

    Consideration for distance education training network buildup for electric power system

  14. 对烟台市企业教育培训现状的思考

    Consideration on the Present Education & Training Situation of Yantai Enterprises

  15. 衡水市干部教育培训体系研究

    Research on System about the Cadre Education and Training in Hengshui

  16. 农民工职业教育培训的市场运作机制探讨

    The Research on the Market Operation Mechanism of Training of Peasants

  17. 二是完善教育培训机制。

    Second is to improve the education and training system .

  18. 重点是要建立学习能力教育培训体系。

    The key is to set up learning ability education training system .

  19. 开展中小学教师远程教育培训的指导思想与原则

    The Main Principles of E-learning of School Teachers In-service Education

  20. 读解蓝天潜在王牌(上)&兼论民航安全队伍素质建设中的教育培训之思考与对策

    Education and Training of Civil Aviation Safety and Security Staff

  21. 而目前教育培训中,英语与IT是的两大支柱。

    Education and training , English and IT are the two pillars .

  22. 中国企业的教育培训投资分析

    The Analysis of Education and Training Investment of China Enterprises

  23. 构建符合企业实际的继续教育培训体系

    Establish a Training System of Sustained Education Conformed to Enterprises ' Reality

  24. 整合企业优质资源,发展职业资格远程教育培训体系

    Integrating Excellent Resources in Enterprises Developing Distance-training Career Certification System

  25. 加强教育培训管理夯实安全生产基础

    Strengthening Education Training Management to Ram Safety Production Base

  26. 二是强化教育培训基地。

    Two is to strengthen education and training base .

  27. 护理继续教育培训管理现状及建议

    Present Situation and Suggestion for the Training and Management of Continuing Nursing Education

  28. 中法警察教育培训之比较

    Comparison of Education and Training of China and France

  29. 加强立法工作,积极推进农民教育培训工作法制化建设。

    Strengthen the legislation work to advance the legal construction of peasant training .

  30. 辽宁省农机教育培训现状及发展分析

    The Present Situation and Development Analysis of Agricultural Machinery Training in Liaoning Province