
  • 网络Innovation Source;source of innovation;The Sources of Innovation
  1. 这些公司视工人为潜在的创新源,并创建了致力于向客户提供更好服务的文化与团体。

    These companies view workers as a potential source of innovation , and build a culture and community that delivers better services to customers .

  2. 就融资制度而言,其创新源于新制度的效率高于旧制度。

    In regard to financing system , the source of innovation comes from the new institutional efficiency that is higher than old one .

  3. 理论的创新源于实践的需要。

    The innovation of theory is rooted into practical needs deeply .

  4. 科技创新源于文化的交流、融合;

    Technical innovation originates from cultural exchange and fusion .

  5. 高等院校是企业技术创新源的重要源头之一。

    Institutions of higher learning are a major source of technological innovation of enterprises .

  6. 创新源于实践

    Creation Being Originated from Practice

  7. 创新源理论与应用:国外相关领域前沿综述

    The Theories of the Sources of Innovation with Applications : A Review on State of the Art Abroad

  8. 提高吸收能力可以帮助企业在相同外部创新源维度的条件下更大幅度地提高创新绩效。

    Improving absorptive capacity helped enterprises to dramatically improve innovation performance in the same condition of external innovation sources .

  9. 技术创新源的研究是创新理论的重要组成部分,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Research on the sources of technological innovation is one of the important parts in the field of innovative theory .

  10. 因此,客户希望和我们一起定制多个从业知识和创新源。

    As such , clients are looking to us to connect and customize multiple sources of practitioner knowledge and innovation .

  11. 有许多学者从创新源、知识流动方向、机理模式等方面进行了探讨。

    Many researchers discusses this point in terms of the innovation source , knowledge flow , mechanism and so on .

  12. 论创新源对文化环境的依赖&诱致工业实验室发生区域转移的一种文化解释

    Innovational Source Relying on Cultural Circumstance : & A cultural approach to cause the transfer of industrial laboratory in different region

  13. 本文提出应用品质分析和需求评估进行创新源分析的方法,从创新的源头寻找产品创新可能的路径。

    A method based on property analysis and requirement evaluation is put forward to search the possible route from the beginning of innovation .

  14. 通过进一步分析乘数效应与加速效应的技术创新源以及产生的正、负经济效应,得出知识创新产权制度安排的重要性。

    The positive and negative economic results of both new effects have been discussed further , which indicates the importance of the intellectual property rights system .

  15. 根据本文的概念模型和理论假设,构建外部创新源对技术创新绩效影响的结构方程模型。

    According to this article the concept of model and theoretical assumptions , building external sources of innovation in technological innovation performance of structural equation modeling .

  16. 世界银行集团在公共和私营部门的开发、实施经验、研究与学术等领域,具备丰富的全球最佳实践经验。因此,客户希望和我们一起定制多个从业知识和创新源。

    The Bank Group is a repository of global best practice in development , combining implementation experience , research , and learning , drawing on both public and private sectors .

  17. 在宏观尺度上,与创新源区位势相差不大、技术通道外环境类似的区域将最先进行技术扩散,而距离对宏观尺度上的技术扩散影响不大;

    In macro-spatial scale , regions which have little technology potential gap to innovation headstream and provided with similar transfer exterior-environment firstly accept innovation , whereas distance does not matter .

  18. 同时企业的技术联盟和组织因素有利于获取外部创新源,并最终影响企业的创新绩效。

    Building upon the rich qualitative data , we conclude that technology alliance of enterprise and organizational factors could help to acquire external innovation sources and influence innovation performance of enterprise .

  19. 企业技术创新源主要有用户、制造商、部件供应商,通过对三种主要的创新源比较分析,不同的企业选择不同的创新源。

    The major source of technological innovation by users , manufacturers , parts suppliers , through three main sources of comparative analysis of innovation , different companies choose different sources of innovation .

  20. 技术创新源于技术推动与市场拉力的综合,而R&D活动则是实现技术推动的主要途径。

    The technological innovation origins from the synthesis between the technical impetus and the market pulling force , then the R & D activity became the main way to realize the technical impetus .

  21. 由外部创新源来获得企业进行技术创新所必需的创新资源的角度,探究同外部创新源合作促进通信企业技术创新绩效的作用机理。

    From external sources of innovation to obtain the resources required for technological innovation of enterprise innovation perspective , exploring cooperation for communication with external sources of innovation mechanism of enterprise technology innovation performance .

  22. 已有研究表明,创新源于对问题的质疑与发现,而归纳、类比、猜想、灵感、直觉等是发现问题、提出问题的重要手段。

    The research indicated , innovation derives from the question to problems as well as discovery , but induces , analogy , suspicion , inspiration , intuition are all methods of finding and proposing problems .

  23. 企业要想获得并持续拥有竞争优势,充分创造企业价值,必须强化价值链意识,发挥科技创新源的增值作用。

    To obtain and continuously maintain the competitive advantage and create enterprise value fully , the enterprise must strengthen value chain consciousness , make the technological innovation source play the role of value-added in the value chain .

  24. 本文介绍了国外对技术创新源和领先用户的有关研究,在此基础上,对移动电话进行了创新源的研究,并根据研究结果进行了移动电话厂商的领先用户研究。

    This article introduces the oversea researches about technological innovation source and lead user , based on which we analyze the innovation source of the industry of mobile telephone , and conduct the lead user research for manufactures .

  25. 因此,培育创新源成长的关键在于形成一个有利于创新源生长的社会价值取向、行为方式、资源配置格局、规制条件和环境氛围。

    Therefore , it is critical for innovational source growth to develop a kind of social value orientation , behavior manner , and social distribution of resources , rule-systems condition and environment atmosphere , which are beneficial to innovation .

  26. 因此,企业在与外部创新源建立联系的基础上,同时要提高自身的潜在吸收能力与实现吸收能力,积极地将外部创新源提供的创新资源获取、消化、转换和利用到内部创新过程中。

    Therefore , enterprises should improve its potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity based on the collaborations with external innovation sources , it will actively help enterprises to digest , convert and utilize innovation resources and knowledge obtained from external innovation sources .

  27. 通过对企业价值活动的分析及与竞争对手价值链的比较,确定创新源,针对创新源进行技术创新,从而构建企业低成本或歧异化的竞争优势。

    Enterprise can find out the innovation source through analyzing the value activities and comparing its value chain with that of the rivals . Aiming at the innovation source , enterprise can develop the competition advantage , such as low cost ofr differentiation by carrying out technology innovation .

  28. 创新源理论与应用是企业创新理论中一个非常重要的研究领域,而粘着信息和用户创新工具箱的研究在创新源理论与应用中占据举足轻重的地位。

    The theories of the sources of innovation with application are very important research fields in the innovation theory of firm . It is of great significance to study sticky information and user toolkits for innovation for further development of the theory of the sources of innovation with application .

  29. 众包的实施能够实现企业的开放式发展,跨越组织边界利用外部的智慧与能力网络,整合企业的内外部资源,拓展企业的创新源,优化和重塑企业的创新模式和组织形式。

    The application of crowdsourcing can help companies achieve the goal of open development , across organizational boundaries to use the wisdom of the external network , integrating resources both inside and outside , expand the source of business innovation , optimization and reshaping innovation models and organizational forms .

  30. 作为创新的源动力&创造力就显得格外引人注意。

    Creativity , as the source of innovation is particularly noteworthy .