
  • 网络entrepreneurial economy;entrepreneurship economy
  1. 发展创业型经济与合肥创建创业型城市的思考

    The Development of Entrepreneurial Economy and the Thought of Hefei Establishing Entrepreneurial City

  2. 创业型经济的发展需要个人,创业主,机构和政府的共同努力。

    The vigorous development of entrepreneurial economy needs joint efforts by individuals , enterprises , institutions and governments .

  3. 创业型经济与中小企业管理持续创新

    Entrepreneurial Economy and Sustained Management Innovation in Small and Medium Firms

  4. 创业型经济生态体系的构建及政策设计

    The Economic Ecosystem and Policies Design of Entrepreneurial Economy

  5. 管理科学知识的广泛应用和市场经济体制的逐步建立,催生了我国的创业型经济;

    The extensive use of management knowledge and the gradual establishment of market economic system promote the development of entrepreneurial economy .

  6. 创业型经济不仅促进了经济的发展,而且推动了就业的显著增长、技术的创新进步。

    Entrepreneurial economy enhanced the development of local economy , increased the job opportunities and contributed to progress of technology significantly .

  7. 此后越来越多的学者认识到创业型经济对经济发展的重大作用。

    Since then a growing number of scholars had recognized that the entrepreneurial-based economy take a major role in economic development .

  8. 东北老工业基地发展创业型经济的主角是个人,关键在环境。

    The key in the development of the old industrial base in northeast China is individual , and environment is very important .

  9. 国家创新战略推动了创业型经济的发展,并成为经济发展的强劲推动力。

    National innovation strategy , promoting the development of the " entrepreneurial " economic , becomes a strong driving force for economic development .

  10. 而且创业型经济对于解决就业和促进经济增长等方面的重要作用已经为世界众多学者所认同。

    And the world has been recognized by many scholars that the entrepreneurial economy play the important role for employment and economic growth .

  11. 中国应该突破当前经济结构来开发一条符合中国国情的创业型经济路线。

    China should make breakthroughs in structural adjustment and explore the development path of entrepreneurial economy in line with the current national condition .

  12. 创业型经济改变了经济增长的逻辑:一方面,促进了经济增长由单引擎推动向双引擎推动的转化;

    It changes the logic of economic growth in two aspects : propelling the transformation of economic growth from single engine to twin engine ;

  13. 创业型经济以创新推动科技进步、以创业带动就业,并促进经济的持续发展、维护社会的和谐稳定。

    Entrepreneurship economy achieves innovation-driven advances in technology , drives the implementation of employment , promotes the level of economic and maintains the harmonious society .

  14. 要振兴创业型经济不仅是对这些企业提供简单的支持或优惠政策,还要建立一个健全的创业型经济体系。

    Fundamentally , boosting entrepreneurial economy means not only to simply offer support or preferential policies to startups but to establish an entrepreneurial economic system .

  15. 创业型经济的诞生是新创成长型中小企业推动和既有企业特别是大企业内部创业推动的结果。

    The emergence of entrepreneurship economy results from propulsion of new growing small and medium-sized enterprise and that of existed enterprises , self-innovation of big enterprises in particular .

  16. 我们应该抓住这个战略机遇来规划一个适合中国的创业型经济,建立符合中国的创业型经济体系并扩大再相关领域的投资。

    We should grasp the strategic opportunity to formulate an action guideline of China 's entrepreneurial economy , establish entrepreneurial economic system and expand investment in such field .

  17. 创业型经济带动原有市场的有效消费与新兴市场的潜在消费,二者的合力成为启动内需的关键举措。

    Entrepreneurship economy will bring the original and effective consumer and emerging markets , the potential consumption , both together to become a key initiative to expand domestic demand .

  18. 当前,我国正致力于构建创业型经济,创业效应的研究可以从理论上对我国政府行为促进创业活动提供依据。

    Currently , our country is devoted to constructing entrepreneurship-oriented economy . The study on entrepreneurial effect will provide theoretical support to how government behaviors promote entrepreneurial business . 4 .

  19. 高校作为一个传播知识、培养人才的,负有高度责任的社会组织,必须满足创业型经济背景下,对于创业创新型人才的需求。

    University , as a social organization which takes seriously responsibility for knowledge dissemination and talents training , should meet the needs of entrepreneurial creative talents in the background of entrepreneurial economy .

  20. 论文认为,创业型经济是我国农村区域社会发展变迁的重要变革力量,农民创业有利于农村贫困缓解。

    The paper holds the view that national entrepreneurship policy driven and entrepreneurial economy is the vital reforming strength for the rural social transition and the peasants entrepreneurship can ease the rural poverty .

  21. 1985年,彼得·德鲁克在其著作《创新与企业家精神》一书中指出:目前的经济已经开始由管理型经济转为创新型经济,再转变为创业型经济。

    In 1985 , Peter F.Drucker in his book " Innovation and Entrepreneurship ", a book that : the current economy has begun by the " management-based economy " to " innovation-based economy " and then into " entrepreneurial economy " .

  22. 创业型经济以知识要素为核心,转变了经济发展对资源、环境等传统要素的倚重,有助于加快转变经济发展方式,成为现代经济增长的新引擎。

    Entrepreneurship economy , that bases knowledge as the core and changes in the economic development of resources and the environment rely heavily on traditional elements , will help to speed up the transformation of economic development mode to become the new engine of modern economic growth .

  23. 随着经济发展和市场的完善,创业型经济体对我国经济体系的完善和科学技术市场化起着不可估量的作用,创业型企业特别是农业创业型企业的发展越来越被我国所重视。

    With the development of economy and the perfection of the market economic system , undertaking to our country economic system and the market of science and technology plays an important role , entrepreneurial enterprises especially the agricultural business enterprise development more and more attention by our country .

  24. 首先,创业型企业在现代经济活动中非常活跃,并发挥了重要的作用;

    First , entrepreneurial firms play an active and important role in modern economic activities .

  25. 创业型企业在现代经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,关于创业和公司创业精神的研究热潮正悄然兴起。

    Because entrepreneurial companies have been playing an important role in the current economy , the research on corporate entrepreneurship is rising .

  26. 并阐述了创业型人才在知识经济中的作用。第三章:湖南省高职院校开展创业教育的现状调查与分析。

    And introduce the knowledge-based economy the role of entrepreneurial talent . Thirdly , there is an analysis for current enterprise education of Hunan higher vocational colleges .

  27. 过去10年,数以千计的创业型企业推动了经济超乎寻常的增长,这些企业在一个又一个行业中确立了全球最高效率生产商的地位。

    The extraordinary economic growth of the past decade has been fuelled by thousands of entrepreneurial companies , which in one sector after another have established themselves as the most efficient producers in the world .

  28. 创业无论是对个人发展还是社会进步都有巨大的推动作用,而创业型企业对于经济发展和促进就业更是具有不可替代的作用。

    Entrepreneurship has significant role both in personal development and social progress , and entrepreneurial enterprise has an irreplaceable role in economic development and promoting employment .

  29. 在知识经济时代下,开展大学生创业教育不仅是缓解当前就业问题的权宜之计,也是高校创新人才培养模式,培养创业型人才的要求,更是中国创业型经济发展的迫切需要。

    Entrepreneurship education in college , in the circumstance of knowledge economy , is not only an expedient measure to relieve the employment pressure , but also an innovative training model in college , meeting the demand of entrepreneurial talents and of the entrepreneurial economical development in China .