
fēn liú tǎ
  • fractionating tower
  1. 分馏塔法兰的可靠性分析与设计

    Reliability analysis and design about the flange of fractionating tower

  2. 分馏塔系统仿真数学模型的建立

    The Establishment of Simulation Mathmatical Model in the Fractionating Tower

  3. 基于PCA的重油分馏塔故障监测与诊断分析

    PCA-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis with Application to Heavy Oil Fractionator

  4. 分馏塔产品质量估计MIMO软测量

    MIMO Soft Measurement for Quality Estimation for the Products of Hydrogen Cracking Fractional Column

  5. 用aspenplus模拟汽油分馏塔系统

    Simulation of gasoline fractionator system by Aspen Plus

  6. 本模型用MATLAB实现,仿真结果表明能较好地描述分馏塔的动态特性。

    The model implemented by MATLAB , the result of simulation shows that the model better described the dynamic characteristics of distillation column .

  7. CLIPS专家系统与神经网络在FCCU分馏塔装置的应用

    The Application of CLIPS Expert Sysytem and Neural Network in the FCC Fractional Column

  8. 在重油分馏塔Shell模型上的仿真实验结果表明,这种混合智能控制策略比原有控制策略在控制品质上有显著提高。

    Simulation results on Shell model of heavy oil distillation column show that the control quality of this hybrid intelligent strategy is markedly improved compared with original control strategy .

  9. 齐鲁乙烯汽油分馏塔和急冷水塔施工的HSE管理

    HSE Management on the Construction of Gasoline Fractionator and Quench Tower in the Ethylene Plant in Qilu

  10. 进行了利用超临界CO2精密分离技术从薄荷原油中提纯薄荷脑的研究,分别考察了分馏塔温度梯度、升压速率等操作参数对分离效果的影响。

    The purification of the menthol from peppermint essential oil has been investigated with supercritical carbon dioxide fractionation at different temperature gradient and step-by-step pressure increasing programming .

  11. 基于BP网络、RBF网络、PLS算法建立了加氢裂化分馏塔航空煤油干点软测量模型。

    Based on the BP network , RBF network and PLS algorithm the model of soft sensor for the dry point of jet fuel in hydrocracking fractionator has been developed .

  12. 反映流化催化裂化装置(FCCU)主分馏塔产品质量指标的重要参数是粗汽油的干点和轻柴油的倾点。

    Crude gasoline endpoint and light diesel oil pour point is important parameters to reflect product quality indicators of FCCU main fractionators .

  13. VRDS装置常压分馏塔系统的问题分析

    Problem Analysis of the Atmospheric Tower System of VRDS Unit

  14. 用FRI技术诊断催化裂化主分馏塔的极限操作

    Diagnosing FCC main fractionator ultimate operation with fri Technology

  15. 针对加氢裂化分馏塔多个产品的质量指标需同时预报的一类MIMO软测量建模问题,研究了适用于MIMO软测量建模的一种改进的PLS算法。

    An improved PLS algorithm which is suitable for modeling in MIMO soft measurement is investigated . MIMO soft measurement is adapted in simultaneous estimation for multiple products of hydrogen cracking fractional column .

  16. 在原油常压分馏塔中应用BJ塔板,可改善产品分馏效果,提高常压拔出率。

    And the application in crude distillation column showed that the fractionation effect was improved and the distilled oil yield was increased .

  17. 工业应用试验结果表明,在焦化分馏塔中应用BJ塔板,可有效解决焦粉夹带问题;

    The industrial application of BJ trays in coker distillation column showed that the trays could solve the problem of coke powder entrainment ;

  18. 对延迟焦化流程分析研究后,利用流程模拟软件aspenplus建立了主分馏塔及吸收稳定系统的精确模型,并选择合适的热力学方法及算法进行求解。

    Process simulation software Aspen Plus is adopted to establish the main fractionator and the absorption-stabilization system accurate model after the analysis of delayed coking process and select a appropriate thermodynamic method and algorithm to solve the above problems .

  19. 用非线性PLS建立了FCCU主分馏塔轻柴油凝固点的软测量模型,设计了直接控制轻柴油凝点的质量控制方案。

    Nonlinear PLS is used to build soft sensor of fluidized catalytic cracking unit ( FCCU ) host fractionator light diesel pour point , and quality controller is designed to directly control pour point .

  20. 3.5Mt/a重油催化裂化装置主分馏塔工艺模拟和操作状况分析

    Process Simulation & Operation State Analysis of Main Fractional Column of 3.5Mt/a Heavy Oil FCCU

  21. 在此基础上使用有界微分网络建立了延迟焦化主分馏塔柴油95%点软测量模型,结果表明该方法比使用PLS方法建立的软测量模型结果要好。

    On this basis , establishes the soft-sensor model of diesel 95 % point of delayed coking main fractionators using the bounded derivative network , results show this method is better than the results with PLS .

  22. 本文主要研究了软测量建模方法及常规PLS模型的在线更新技术,并应用于独山子石化公司某分馏塔航煤干点的估计。主要内容包括:第一,对软测量技术进行综述。

    Soft sensor modeling methods and on-line updating technique based on traditional PLS model are investigated in detail , and have been applied to estimate the dry point of aviation kerosene Oil of the Dushanzi Oil-field .

  23. 分馏塔直径由3.4m扩大为4.6m,增加两层塔板;

    Fractionation tower diameter has been expanded from 3.4 m to 4.6 m and two trays have been added .

  24. 在VAX和TDC3000上实现了这一先进控制策略,用于实时控制RFCCU主分馏塔轻油产品质量。

    This scheme is applied to VAX and TDC3000 for real time controlling light oil product quality of RFCCU host fractionation tower .

  25. 兰州炼油化工总厂(兰炼)柴油加氢装置加氢反应器后的分馏塔塔顶冷凝系统发生的腐蚀是由H2S-HCl-H2O介质腐蚀所引起,严重影响了装置的正常生产。

    Through investigation , it was found that the corrosion appeared in the fractionator cooling system of diesel hydrogenation unit at Lanzhou Petroleum Processing and Chemical Complex was caused by the H 2S HCL H 2O system .

  26. 炼油厂分馏塔多功能一体化软件包MIRT-1

    Mirt-1 multifunction integrated software package for refinery tray columns

  27. 借助流程模拟软件PRO/Ⅱ详细分析了吸收稳定系统富吸收油返回催化裂化或延迟焦化主分馏塔温度对操作及热量回收的影响。

    With the help of the process simulation software-PRO - ⅱ, the impact of variation of feedback temperature of rich absorption oil on the energy recovery and the operation of the main fractionator in fluid catalytic cracking or delayed coking units was analyzed in detail .

  28. 根据中国石化齐鲁石化股份有限公司烯烃厂乙烯装置改扩建中汽油分馏塔和急冷塔的施工特点,从危害分析入手,制定相应的HSE管理措施,保证了施工的安全进行。

    According to the construction features of the gasoline fractionator and quench tower in the expansion of the ethylene plant in Qilu , corresponding HSE control measures are developed based on the hazard analysis , thus ensuring the security of the construction .

  29. 采用河北工业大学开发的新型大通量高效塔板&立体传质塔板(CTST),在石家庄炼油厂催化重整装置的芳烃抽余油分馏塔扩产技术改造中成功应用。

    The combined trapezoid spray trays ( CTST ) developed by Hebei University of Technology have been successfully used in the technical transform of the reformer raffinate fractionating column in Shijiazhuang Refinery .

  30. 建立了FCCU主分馏塔的动态数学模型,提出对产品质量进行多变量广义预测控制的策略,并采用双层控制结构以保证操作上的安全性。

    The FCCU main fractionator dynamic model is built . Based on this model the multivariable constrained generalized predictive control strategy is carried out to maintain the product quality at desirable specifications . The cascade control structure is adopted to ensure the operation security .