
  • 网络Separation density;tromp cut point
  1. 采用扫描电镜(SEM)研究了稀释剂(矿物油)粘度对热诱导相分离高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)微孔膜微孔结构的影响。

    The effect of diluent ( mineral oil ) viscosity on the micropore structure of HDPE microporous film via thermally-induced phase separation was studied with SEM .

  2. 方法:采用密度梯度超速离心法分离不同密度LDL亚组份;分析冠心病(CHD)患者和健康人群LDL亚组份分布特征。

    Methods : LDL subfractions were isolated directed from plasma by non equilibrium density gradiant centrifugation , and distribution of LDL subfractions in CHD patients were analyzed .

  3. 用改良的葡聚糖、Mg~(++)法沉淀分离高密度脂蛋白(HDL),用新合成的分离剂Ⅱ号漂浮极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)。

    HDL lipoproteins were separated by a modification of the methed of dextran sulfate-Mg + + . VLDL lipoproteins were floated by a new synthetic Separation - I .

  4. 方法:1.采用Percoll分离液密度梯度分离法,体外分离及纯化SD大鼠MSCs,经过形态学特征、表面标志物表达及多向分化潜能等多方面鉴定所得细胞。

    S-D rats bone marrow MSCs could be separated and purified in vitro by the Percoll density gradient separation , . Morphology characteristics , cell surface markers and the potency of multi-directional differentiation were applied to identify the cells .

  5. 分离:密度梯度离心法(蔗糖&氯化铯)。

    Purification : Density Gradient Centrifugation ( Sucrose & CsCl ) .

  6. 康滇地区重力场分离、密度反演与地壳构造

    Gravity field separation , density inversion and crustal tectonics in Kang-Dian region

  7. 这样的分离导致密度波的旋涡模式的不稳定性。

    Such divorce makes the spiral mode of density waves in a disk-shaped galaxy unstable ;

  8. 对蔬菜绿叶通过组织匀浆,差速离心分离,密度梯度离心分离、纯化、提取叶绿体。

    The green leaves of vegetables through tissue homogenate , differential centrifugation separation , density gradient centrifugation purify sample of chloroplast .

  9. 指标检测:倒置显微镜下,每天观察贴壁分离、密度梯度离心不同培养条件下细胞的生长情况和活体形态特征。

    Index detection : Growth condition and morphologic feature were observed in different culture conditions of adherence separation and density gradient centrifugation under inverted microscope .

  10. 【方法】取健康成人外周静脉血,分别及联合应用紫外线、高温和臭氧进行诱导,采用淋巴细胞分离液密度梯度离心分离外周血淋巴细胞。

    【 Methods 】 After inducing peripheral blood of healthy adults through ultraviolet light , hyperthermia , ozone , respectively and jointly , we separated peripheral blood lymphocytes by means of lymphocyte separation medium density gradient centrifugation .

  11. 推导了基于NASA标准解体模型的碎片分离速度概率密度函数,建立了计算航天器与单颗碎片碰撞概率的时间积分算法。

    Space debris delta-velocity probability density function was deduced by NASA 's standard breakup model , and time integral algorithm of collision probability between spacecraft and any debris was built .

  12. 结论优化大鼠周龄、分离液的密度、细胞培养方法有助于获得多向分化潜能保持良好的MSCs。

    Conclusion The optimization of rats ' age , the density of Percoll , the methods of cell cultivation are conducing to obtaining a pure population of MSCs with good differential activity .

  13. 目的:从血浆中分离获得低密度脂蛋白(LDL)和进行99m锝(99mTc)标记,为LDL作为抗癌靶向载体研究作准备。

    OBJECTIVE : To purify low density lipoprotein ( LDL ) from human plasma and label LDL used 99m Technetium ( 99m Tc ) for the advanced research of LDL as a carrier targeting antitumor drug to cancer cells .

  14. 浮选是从液体中分离出低密度固体物或液态颗粒。

    Flotation is a process for separating low density solids or liquid particles from a liquid phase .

  15. 目前国外采用较多的有荧光激活细胞分选法、磁活化细胞分选法、免疫磁珠分离法、密度梯度离心法。

    Various methods of enrichment exit : fluorescent activated cell sorting , magnetic-activated cell sorting , immunomagnetic beads , density gradient .

  16. 方法用胶原酶法分离、Ficoll400密度梯度离心法纯化胰岛。

    Methods : Islets were isolated using digestion by ductal injection of collagenase , and purified by centrifugation of Ficoll density gradient .

  17. 采用淋巴细胞分离液按密度梯度离心法分离成人骨髓,反复贴壁法纯化扩增骨髓基质细胞。

    Human marrow stromal cells ( hMSCs ) were isolated from human bone marrow by density gradient centrifugation method using lymphocyte isolation liquid .

  18. 用单向拉伸、溶胶凝胶分离、交联密度测试、动态力学分析等实验手段,研究了醇胺类助剂在铝粉/丁羟复合物中的作用。

    The behaving of ethanolamine additives in Al / HTPB composites has been investigated utilizing the means of tensile testing , chemical analysis , dynamic mechanical measurements , etc.

  19. 科斯特纳知道,混合物经过离心机的快速转动可以分离开来,密度大的物质会向外移动,密度小的则朝着机器的中心位置移动。

    Costner knew that a centrifuge can help separate mixed substances by spinning them . A denser material will move outward , while a lighter one will migrate toward the machine 's center .

  20. 以猪脑为材料,经匀浆、差速离心、蔗糖密度梯度离心分离突触体.Percoll密度梯度离心分离牛精子初探

    Synaptosomes were isolated from pig brain by homogenization , differential centrifugation and sucrose gradient centrifugation . Study on Bull Sperm Separation by Percoll Density with Centrifuge

  21. 人参的分析&Ⅲ.人参单体皂甙的提取分离与薄层光密度法测定

    Analysis of ginseng ⅲ . isolation and determination of ginseng saponins

  22. 松质骨源性人成骨细胞的分离培养和细胞密度效应

    Isolation and culture of human osteoblast from trabecular bone and the cell density effect

  23. 正态检验表明:分离群体色素腺体密度的分布为平阔曲线。

    The normal test showed that the distribution of pigment gland was a flat curve in segregation population .

  24. 旋流分离槽是分离密度小于凝固液的凝胶珠的设备。

    The cyclone separator is the equipment for separating the gel beans which are lower in density than the solidifying liquid .

  25. 方法采用肝胰管内灌注胶原酶消化分离胰岛及Ficoll400密度梯度离心纯化。

    Methods The islets were isolated from rat pancreas by hepatopancreatic duct perfusing with collagenase and purified with Ficoll 400 discontinuous density gradient centrifugation .

  26. 密度梯度离心法:Ficoll分离液组选用的Ficoll分离液密度为1.077;

    Density gradient centrifugation : 1.077 Ficoll was used in the Ficoll separating medium group ;