
fēn liú shù
  • shunt;bypass
  1. 目的探讨肠腔静脉C型分流术治疗食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的远期疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the mesocaval C shunt in the treatment of gastroesophageal varicosis rupture bleeding .

  2. 目的探讨CT引导下穿刺透明隔囊肿-腹腔分流术治疗透明隔囊肿的可行性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of CT-guided puncture and cystoperitoneal shunt in the treatment of septum pellucidum cysts .

  3. 肠腔静脉人工血管C型分流术的远期疗效观察

    Long-term therapeutic effect of the mesocaval C shunt with artifical blood vessel

  4. 肝内门腔静脉内支架分流术临床应用经皮穿刺脾脏门静脉造影CTⅠ.方法学

    CLINICAL APPLICATION OF PORTOCAVAL SHUNT CT During Percutaneous Spleen Portography ⅰ . Methodology

  5. 介入治疗加肠腔C型分流术治疗布加综合征

    Interventional therapy plus mesocaval C graft ( M C C ) shunt for the treatment of Budd Chiari syndrome

  6. 对18例合并主动脉至肺动脉侧支血管的患儿以及5例BT分流术的患儿在外科根治术前采用弹簧圈进行侧支血管和分流管道的堵塞术;

    Transcatheter coil embolization was performed in18 children with systemic to pulmonary collateral vessels and5 children with B-T shunts before surgical procedures .

  7. 方法行下腔静脉介入治疗(球囊扩张加支架植入术)及肠系膜上静脉下腔静脉C型分流术。

    Methods Five patients with Budd Chiari Syndrome underwent interventional treatment ( balloon dilatation and endovascular stents ) and M C C shunt .

  8. 正常压力脑积水分流术前后CT表现及脑脊液动力学变化分析

    Analysis of the change of CT findings and cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics before and after shunt surgery in normal pressure hydrocephalus

  9. 经颈静脉途径肝内门体分流术(TIPS)治疗门脉高压食管静脉血张出血的临床评估

    Clinical evaluation of trans-jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPs ) inpatients with portal

  10. 精确测定门腔H型分流术有效分流比和最佳分流口径选择的实验研究

    Precise measurement of effective shunt ratio and determination of optimal shunt diameter in " H " portal-cavity shunt in dogs

  11. 经TIPS途径治疗急性、亚急性门静脉血栓临床疗效经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术后肝性脑病的治疗

    Clinical efficacy of interventional therapy via TIPS approach for the treatment of acute or subacute portal venous thrombosis

  12. 肠腔侧侧分流术(MCS)和④肝硬变组。

    Mesocaval shunt side to side ( MCS );

  13. 有搏动性双向Glenn分流术后早期单心室负荷与功能的变化

    Changes of ventricular load and functions early after pulsatile bidirectional Glenn shunt

  14. 本院自1993年11月至1994年4月用经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)收治肝硬化门脉高压患者5例。

    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts ( TIPS ) were done on 5 patients between November 1993 and April 1994 for treatment of variceal bleeding .

  15. Glenn分流术治疗先天性心脏病50例

    Glenn shunt operation for congenital heart disease : A report of 52 cases

  16. 结果肝硬化门腔静脉分流术后运动皮层NOS和nNOS阳性细胞显著减少;

    Results The number of NOS and nNOS positive neurons in cirrhosis rats with portacaval shunts decreased obviously .

  17. 目的分析青紫型先天性心脏病(CHD)行体肺分流术后早期失败的危险因素。

    Objective To analyse the risk factors for the early failure of systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt in cyanotic congenital heart disease ( CHD ) .

  18. 结果低血流量型12例,保守治疗治愈7例,行改良的Winter分流术治愈5例,高血流量型1例保守治疗治愈。

    Results 7 cases out of 12 with low flow and 1 case with high flow were cured by conservative method ; 5 out of 12 were cured by modified Winter shunt .

  19. 结论VP分流术操作简便、严重并发症少、分流效果确切。

    Conclusion Ventriculoperitoneal shunt has many merits such as easy operation , few serious complications and exact therapeutic effect .

  20. 下腔静脉扩张、内置支架联合脾肾分流术治疗Budd-Chiari综合征

    Inferior vena cava dilatation and stent implantation combined with splenorenal shunt to treat Budd-Chiari syndrome

  21. 目的:胃粘膜病变是门脉高压病人上消化道出血的主要原因,而门脉分流术(PCS)又是治疗门静脉高压症的常用术式,本实验旨在观察PCS术后胃粘膜的功能改变。

    Objective : To observe the functional changes of the gastric mucosa in cirrhotic portal hypertension after portacaval shunt ( PCS ) .

  22. 各种栓塞操作、经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术(TIPS)和胆道介入操作等是和较高的患者辐射剂量相联系的;

    Embolization procedures , transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPS ) creation , and percutaneous transhepatic cholangio drainage ( PTCD ) are associated with higher patient dose .

  23. 与CSF分流手术相比,神经内镜三脑室造瘘术具有感染机会少,与分流术相关的并发症少,远期死亡率、残废率低等优点。

    Compared with CSF shunt , the advantages of EVT come as follows : lower infection rate , fewer complications , lower morbidity and mortality .

  24. 经颈静脉肝内门体支架分流术(TIPSS)临床应用现状

    Clinical Application of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stent Shunt

  25. 改良Sugiura手术联合脾腔分流术治疗门静脉高压症

    Combined Modified Sugiura Operation and Limited Splenocaval Shunt for Portal Hypertension

  26. 结论:1、大部分CSDH病人有较明确病因,头部外伤最常见,其次为凝血机能障碍和脑积水分流术。

    Conclusions : 1.The etiology of CSDH could be determined in most of patients .

  27. 所有患者术前均进行了CT和MRI检查,20例患者同时进行了DSA检查,16例患者术前进行了肿瘤供血动脉的栓塞治疗,5例患者术前行侧脑室腹腔分流术。

    Preoperative examinations included CT and MRI in all patients , DSA in 20 , preoperative embolization of feeding arteries of tumor in 16 , a preoperative ventriculoperitoneal shunt was placed in 5 cases .

  28. 结论Glenn分流术对复杂的或难以一期根治的CHD不失为一种很好的选择。

    Conclusion Glenn shunt operation is a good selection for complex CHD and cardiothoracic diseases which are difficult to treat with one-stage radical operations .

  29. 右心房与下腔静脉或门静脉系旁路分流术治疗Budd-Chiari综合征

    Bypass shunt between right atrium and inferior vena cava or / and portal vein system in the treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome

  30. 目的评价脑室一腹腔分流术(VPS)对小儿导水管阻塞性脑积水的疗效。

    Objective To assess the effects of ventricle-peritoneal shunt ( VPS ) for aqueduct-obstructive hydrocephalus in children .