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  • molecular distillation
  1. 分子蒸馏耦合脂肪酶催化浓缩菜籽油脱臭馏出物中维生素E研究

    Molecular Distillation and Enzymatic Reaction for Concentration of Vitamin E from Rapeseed Oil Deodorizer Distillate

  2. 超临界CO2萃取-分子蒸馏对当归的提取分离

    The Extraction and Separation of Radix Angelicae Sinensis by Supercritical Fluid CO_2 and Molecular Distillation

  3. 超临界CO2-分子蒸馏制备大蒜注射液

    Preparation of Garlic injection by SFE-CO_2 and MD

  4. 分子蒸馏提纯合成维生素E的工艺及过程模型的研究

    Study on the Concentration of the Synthetical Vitamin E by Molecular Distillation and Its Process Model

  5. 超临界CO2萃取和分子蒸馏对边翘化学成分的提取、分离

    Extraction and Separation of Chemical Components of Forsythia Fructus by Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Molecular Distillation

  6. 研究超临界CO2萃取和分子蒸馏最佳操作条件的选择。

    To study the selection of the best operation condition of supercritical CO2 extraction and molecular distillation .

  7. 超临界CO2流体萃取-分子蒸馏提取丁香精油的研究

    Studies on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction-molecular Distillation of Essential Oil from Clove ( Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb . ) Bud

  8. 分子蒸馏(MolecularDistillation)也称短程蒸馏(ShortPathDistillation),是一种特殊的蒸馏分离技术。

    Molecular Distillation ( MD ), also termed as Short Path Distillation ( SPD ), is a special distillation technology .

  9. 并通过天然维生素E生产、废润滑油回收、鱼油精制、异氰酸酯单体脱除、烷基多苷脱醇的工业化实例,阐明了分子蒸馏技术在绿色精细化工中的广阔应用前景。

    Examples are given to expound the broad prospects for the application of molecular distillation in green fine chemical industry .

  10. 利用分子蒸馏对超临界CO2萃取得到的姜油树脂进行纯化从而得到姜精油。

    Molecular distillation was used to purify the essential oil from ginger oleoresin extracted with supercritical CO2 .

  11. 超临界CO2萃取-分子蒸馏对白术挥发油的提取分离和GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Essential Oil from Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae by GC-MS with Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Molecular Distillation

  12. 分子蒸馏技术在降低涂料中游离TDI含量上的应用

    Application of Molecular Distillation Technique in Reducing Free TDI from Polyurethane Coatings

  13. 利用计算机对分子蒸馏过程进行流体力学(CFD)数值模拟,是一种较新的理论研究方法。

    Moreover , computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) simulation belongs to an innovative method of studying molecular distilling process .

  14. 研究了二级分子蒸馏法精炼MCT的工艺方法。

    Technique of refining MCT with two-step molecular distillation was studied .

  15. 分子蒸馏技术在游离TDI分离上的应用

    The use of molecular distillation technique in removing the free TDI from the isocyanate pro_polymer

  16. 由于GML是热敏性难分离物质,所以需要采用分子蒸馏(MolecularDistillation)提取高纯度的GML产品。

    Because GML was thermal unstable and hard to distill , Molecular Distillation was used to purify crude product containing GML .

  17. 方法:超临界CO2对大蒜有效成分进行萃取,用分子蒸馏进行分离纯化,用超滤法过滤除菌。

    METHODS The effective components of Garlic were extracted by supercritical CO 2 fluid extraction ( SFE-CO 2 ), separated and purified by molecular distillation ( MD ) .

  18. 分子蒸馏精炼MCT工艺的研究

    Refining of MCT with molecular distillation

  19. 应用VISUALBASIC6.0中MatrixVB技术把VISUALBASIC的可视化设计同Matlab处理数据的优越性相结合,初步建立了分子蒸馏过程仿真软件,具有界面友好、操作简便的特点。

    ( 2 ) MD process software was developed combining the advantages of Matlab data-processing with object oriented design of Visual Basic 6.0 by Matrix VB . The software had the characteristics of friendly interface and conveniently processing .

  20. 以DBP和DBS混合物进行了模拟计算,详细考察了进料浓度和进料速率对分子蒸馏过程的影响,并与实际蒸馏效果作了对比分析。

    The influences of feed concentration and feed rate on molecular distillation were carried out with simulation of DBP and DBS mixtures .

  21. 在真空条件下用10.6μm波长的二氧化碳脉冲激光及连续激光,对维生素E和卵磷脂进行了激光分子蒸馏实验,发现真空下激光分离效果比常压下的好。

    Under vacuum condition we used carbon dioxide impulse laser with 10.6 μ m wavelength to do the distillation experiment for the vitamin E and lecithin then found vacuum having much better separating effects than normal pressure condition .

  22. 研究分子蒸馏技术纯化八角精油的工艺条件,利用GC-MS对精油及分离纯化的馏分进行化学组成分析。

    The technology of molecular-distillation ( MD ) for purifying star anise essential oil was researched , and chemical constitutions of essential oil and distilled substance were analyzed by GC-MS.

  23. 以琥珀酸酐,分子蒸馏单甘酯为原料,合成了各项质量指标均符合FAO/WHO标准的琥珀酸单甘酯。

    Succinylated monoglyceride was synthesized by reacting succinic anhydride with distilled monoglyceride , and their quality indices were in accordance with the standards of FAO / WHO .

  24. 结果表明:花生奶生产中使用0.2%的分子蒸馏单甘酯与0.12%的CMC-Na,工艺上采用均质,高温杀菌,可获得可靠的稳定效果。

    The results show that a reliable stability can be got by producing peanut milk with homogenizing and high temperature sterilizing , and adding 0.2 % distillation glycerin monostearate , 0.12 % CMC-Na into it .

  25. 结果表明,经分子蒸馏后的馏分中,脂肪酸得到了有效富集,GC-MS分析中杂质碎片峰干扰小,总含量高达84.12%。

    It was indicated that the fatty acids are concentrated efficiently with the total content of 84.21 % by molecular distillation , meanwhile the fragment peek of impurities have fewer interference by assayed GC-MS.

  26. 为此,作者在已有的刮膜分子蒸馏过程数学模型基础上,对DBPDBS混合物分子蒸馏过程进行数值模拟。

    Based on the mathematic model of the wiped film distillation in Ref. , the numerical simulations were performed to simulate the molecular distillation of DBP-DBS mixture in a wiped film still .

  27. 实验表明,尿素沉淀法能够将EPA、DHA乙酯提纯到90%,分子蒸馏法能提纯到70%以上。

    The results showed that the purity of ethyl ester of EPA and DHA obtained by urea inclusion method were 90 % , while that obtained by molecular distillation method were more than 70 % .

  28. 利用分子蒸馏技术对经超临界CO2萃取所得干姜油进行了分离纯化,并利用GC-MS联用技术对姜油及分离纯化组分进行了化学组成分析。

    The isolation and purification of essential oil extracted from Rhizoma zingiberis by supercritical CO 2 fluid technique had been studied by means of molecular distillation technique , and their chemical constituents analysis had been done by GC MS technique .

  29. 研究了三级分子蒸馏法精练MCT的工艺方法,通过进料量、压力、温度的控制,可得到高纯度的MCT和高含量的中碳酸偏酯。

    Technique of refinement of MCT with three-step molecular distillation was studied . By controlling feed materiel quantity , pressure and temperature , high pure MCT and Medium-chain partial glycerides were attained .

  30. 经DBP-DBS物系数值模拟,系统研究分段冷凝和分段蒸发对分子蒸馏过程的影响。

    ( 2 ) Influences of divided evaporator and condenser on MD process were investigated by the simulation of DBP-DBS mixture distillation .