
fēn hónɡ qū
  • flood-diversion area
  1. 分洪区数字地形模型建立及其应用

    Development and application of digital topographical model of flood diversion zone

  2. 分洪区一般位于坡度平缓的平原地区,洪水在分洪区内的运动属于显著的二维非恒定流运动。

    The propagation of flood in flood diversion area is two-dimension non-invariableness flow .

  3. 滞洪、分洪区铁路选线设计研究

    Route Selection and Design of Railway Line in Flood Detention and Diversion Area

  4. 河道两旁的分洪区能够为河流分蓄超额洪水发挥重要作用,分洪区扒口分洪后口门的展宽和刷深过程的模拟对于抗洪工作具有较为重要的现实意义。

    The flood detention areas play an important role in flood-preventing project of river , because it can divert and store the excessive flood from the river .

  5. 初步水力学计算表明,大江干流上一次洪峰期分洪的水量不到大型分洪区库容的百分之一。

    Preparatory calculation indicates that the diverted water of one flood peak is not as much as one percent of the cabage of a big flood water storage zone .

  6. 针对穿越分洪区的高速公路建设问题,利用分洪区平面二维洪水演进数学模型,对分洪区内高速公路工程修建前后的分蓄洪过程进行了数值模拟。

    To solve the problem of freeway construction in flood retention area , a plane two-dimensional numerical model was employed to simulate the flood propagation process in the flood retention area .

  7. 通过各种方式开展有关洪水信息的宣传,提高区内居民的防洪意识,是荆江分洪区未来防洪减灾的重点工作之一。

    Strengthening the dissemination of flood information add upgrading the consciousness of flood preparedness for the families inhabited in the JDA is becoming one of the major priorities of flood disaster reduction in the future .

  8. 在分洪区内建设高速公路前,采用数学模型分析工程对区内洪水的影响是一项必不可少的工作.公路建设对分洪区内洪水演进影响的数值模拟

    When an expressway traverses a flood diversion area , analyzing its infection to the area by mathematic model is an absolutely necessarily technical index . Mathematical model for flood routing infection of highway construction in flood diversion area

  9. 比较并总结了洪水保险费率的各种计算方法;针对洪水保险的风险特征,引入资本资产定价模型运用于洪水保险费率的计算,并以荆江分洪区农作物保险做实例研究。

    In chapter 3 , with the reference to the hazard transfers method of many countries , the flood insurance police that suits for the flood detention district is educed , Draw the CAPM model and it is utilized for the rate calculation of flood insurance .

  10. 分蓄洪区口门流量计算研究

    Computation of Discharge Process at Inlet of Flood Diversion Area

  11. 含井字形河渠的分蓄洪区洪水演进数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of flood evolution in flood diversion and detention area with well-shaped canals

  12. 分蓄洪区架空送电线路工程水文分析方法

    The Hydrological Analysis Method of the Aerial Transmission Line in the Store Floodwater Areas

  13. 基于斜对角笛卡尔方法的分蓄洪区水流数学模型研究

    Improvement of 2D flow numerical model using the diagonal Cartesian method for flood retention area

  14. 洪湖分蓄洪区洪水淹没风险动态识别与可能损失评估

    Dynamic inundation risk identification and estimation of the potential loss in Honghu flood diversion area , China

  15. 洪湖分蓄洪区启用对降低长江水位效果分析

    Analysis of effect of application of Honghu flood diversion area on lowering water level of the Yangtze River

  16. 北展分滞洪区是黄河下游的重要防洪工程。

    Beizhan flood detention area is a very important project for flood disaster reduction in the Lower Yellow River .

  17. 分蓄洪区,要加强道路,通讯设施、安全区等的建设。

    In flood-water storage and discharge areas , construction of roads , telecommunications facilities and safety areas should be strengthened .

  18. 在分蓄洪区就近高地和重点垸年建设集中居民点和小城镇。

    Residential quarters and small towns will be built on highlands and major dyke - enclosed places in flood-water discharge areas .

  19. 系统整合了分蓄洪区基础地理数据、水利设施以及安全建设等数据,较好地反映了荆江分蓄洪区的现实特点和意义。

    The system unified basic information of Jingjiang flood diversion area , which reflects the characteristic and significance of the area .

  20. 如优化小浪底水库运用方式、发挥分滞洪区工程作用、修建平原水库等。

    Such as effectively regulating the Xiaolangdi Reservoir , making good use of flood plain project , building plain reservoir and so on .

  21. 从地学规律和可持续发展看长江分蓄洪区建设

    Construction of flood diversion and storage areas in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in the light of geology regularity and sustainable development

  22. 在此基础上,对原有的平面二维分蓄洪区水流数学模型进行了改进。

    Based on this , a horizontal 2D model for flow simulation in the flood retention area originally developed using traditional Cartesian method was improved .

  23. 本文将通过平面二维水流数学模型来研究分蓄洪区口门的流量变化规律。

    In this paper , the horizontal 2-D numerical model is applied to model the rule of discharge variation at the entrance of the flood diversion area .

  24. 对鄱阳湖分蓄洪区的洪水保险在实施过程中如何确定洪水保险费率,以及洪水保险的可能性进行了探讨。

    With the flood insurance in Poyang Lake flood diversion-storage zone , to determine the insurance rate in the enforcement process , discussed the possibility of flood insurance .

  25. 长江分蓄洪区工程与堤防工程和干支流水库工程共同组成了长江流域防洪工程体系。

    The system of flood control works in the Yangtze basin is comprised of flood diversion and storage works , flood dikes and reservoirs on the main stem and its tributaries .

  26. 干湿边界的斜对角笛卡尔方法在平面二维水沙数学模型中的应用基于斜对角笛卡尔方法的分蓄洪区水流数学模型研究

    Study cases of diagonal Cartesian method for the two-dimensional numerical simulation of flow and suspended sediment transport over wet-dry boundaries Improvement of 2D flow numerical model using the diagonal Cartesian method for flood retention area

  27. 根据鄱阳湖分洪量变化情况和湿地状况,对鄱阳湖分蓄洪区与湿地保护关系和自然保护对湿地的要求等进行了分析论述。

    Based on the variation condition of the flood diversion quantity and the present condition of wetland on poyang lake , the relationship of the flood diversion area and the wetland protection and the requirement of nature protection on wetland were analyzed and discussed .