
  • 网络Molecular cloning technology;Cell-free molecular cloning
  1. 方法利用分子克隆技术将14个不同亚型的中国旱獭IFNα家族基因亚克隆到真核表达载体,将中国旱獭IFNα5亚型基因亚克隆到原核表达载体。

    Methods Eukaryotic and prokaryotic expression plasmids harboring Chinese marmot interferon alpha gene with different genotypes were generated using molecular cloning technology .

  2. 利用分子克隆技术对土拨鼠IFN-α家族基因进行克隆,并对所克隆的系列基因进行测序、分型并进行真核表达后检测表达产物生物学活性。

    Plasmids harbored woodchuck interferon alpha gene with different genotype were generated using molecular cloning technology .

  3. 通过分子克隆技术,MinD融合在该荧光蛋白的N端。

    MinD is fused in the N-terminus of the fluorescent protein by molecular cloning techniques .

  4. 本文报道了应用DNA重组和分子克隆技术研究雄激素与大鼠储精囊分泌蛋白基因的相互作用。

    Androgen regulation of the secreting protein synthesis in Rat Seminal Vesicle was studied by means of DNA recombinant and Molecular cloning technique .

  5. 方法等位基因分型标准物制备采用分子克隆技术,样本基因分型采用PCR和PAG垂直电泳技术、银染显色方法。

    Methods Allelic ladder was obtained using clone technique . The products of the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) were analyzed by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining .

  6. 4个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及分子克隆技术制备分型标准物

    Genetic Polymorphism of 4 Y-STR Loci and the Construction of Standard Allelic Ladder by Technology of Molecular Cloning

  7. 方法:采用RT-PCR和分子克隆技术构建PrM-E基因片段,包括编码PrM的信号肽序列、完整的PrM蛋白和去除羧基端跨膜疏水区部分氨基酸的97.8%E蛋白的基因片段。

    Methods : The PrM E gene , containing the PrM signal sequence , whole PrM and 97.8 % E , was constructed by RT PCR and molecular cloning technologies .

  8. “随着ABV病毒诊断检测方法和分子克隆技术的发展,我们现在可以开始探讨该病毒的流行病学以及它的发病机制”。

    With the development of molecular clones and diagnostic tests for ABV , we can now begin to explore both the epidemiology of the virus and how it is linked to the disease state .

  9. 为了更好地在体外模拟体内生理环境,预测体内肠道药物转运、代谢行为,研究者应用细胞培养技术、分子克隆技术和生化诱导技术对Caco-2细胞模型进行优化,改善Caco-2细胞模型的性质。

    Further refinements of the Caco-2 cell culture model are needed to better predict human intestinal drug transport . To optimize Caco-2 model , the following technics have been used : modifying the condition of the cell culture , using molecular cloning strategies and inducing the expression of relevant enzymes .

  10. 分子克隆技术在抗生素工程菌中的应用

    Application of Molecular Cloning Technique in Antibiotic Engineering Strains

  11. 采用分子克隆技术在大肠杆菌中表达HPV16E2ORF。

    By using molecular cloning technique , the E2 gene of human papillomavirus type 16 was expressed in E.

  12. 目的:利用分子克隆技术在原核细胞中研究14-3-3γ融合蛋白的表达及分离纯化。

    Aim : To study the expression and purification of recombined rat 14-3-3 γ protein in prokaryotic cell using genetic engineering technique .

  13. 分子克隆技术制备的等位基因阶梯在法医学实践中有较高的应用价值。

    Conclusion : The result demonstrated that the four locus standard allelic ladder produced by the cloning technique are practical in forensic science application .

  14. 本文应用分子克隆技术,脉冲场凝胶电泳技术和分子杂交技术等现代分子生物学手段。对深部致病真菌马内菲青霉菌及白念珠菌进行了一系列分子遗传学研究。

    We applied techniques of molecular cloning , pulsed field gel electrophoresis ( PFGE ) and molecular hybridization analysis etc in our studies on systemic fungi Penicillum marneffei and Candida albicans . 1 .

  15. 通过直接提取土壤细菌DNA,运用PCR、变性梯度凝胶电泳和分子克隆等技术,分析土壤细菌16Srdna的多态性。

    The 16S rDNA diversity of bacteria was studied by directly extracting bacteria DNA from mangrove soil and employing polymerase chain reaction , denaturing grade gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ) and clone technology .

  16. 随着配体门控型离子通道分子克隆研究技术的发展,对由特定亚单位组成的重组受体的药理学研究成为可能。

    Molecular cloning of cDNAs coding for ligand-gated ion channel subunits makes it possible to study the pharmacology of recombinant receptors with defined subunit compositions .

  17. 分子克隆和遗传转化技术的发展为改良植物的营养价值开辟了新途径。

    The advance of molecular cloning and transgenic technology has provided a new way to enhance the nutritional value of plant material .