
fēn hào
  • semicolon
  • branch
分号 [fēn hào]
  • [semicolon] 一种标点符号(;)

  • [branch (of a firm,etc.)] 主店之外下设的分店

  • 百年老店,千家分号

  1. “分号项目”的官方网站解释了分号纹身背后的理念:“作家在可以结束语句的情况下,却选择不划下句点,这时就需要用到分号。现在,你是作家,语句则是你的生命。”

    Project Semicolon 's website explains the idea behind the tattoo : " A semicolon is used when an author could 've chosen to end their sentence , but chose not to . The author is you and the sentence is your life . "

  2. 在windows中,用分号分隔目录。

    Under windows , separate the directories with a semicolon .

  3. 连锁是拥有若干分号的企业。

    Chain is a business that has several outlets .

  4. 本店只此一家,别无分号。

    Our shop is the only one bearing the name ; there are no branches .

  5. 如今,世界各地患有精神疾病的人们将分号纹到身上,以此纪念自己的抗争、胜利和幸存。

    People who suffer from mental illness all over the world are now tattooing of their struggle , victory , and survival .

  6. 他答应来开会,但是没有来。(however之前不能用逗号,应该是分号。)

    He promised to come to the meeting , however , he didn 't appear .

  7. 还有两个原因:不使用分号,不需要强制转换(casting)。

    Two more reasons : no semicolons and no casting required .

  8. 但是,与DB2不同的是,ENDIF语句不需要使用分号。

    However , unlike DB2 , the END IF statement does not require a semicolon .

  9. 例如,基于C的语言使用分号(;)来指示代码行的结束。

    For example , C-based languages use a semicolon (;) to indicate the end of a line of code .

  10. 还可以将它们组合在一起,并以分号分隔。然后,查看器显示在Show菜单中,作为其中的选项。

    You can also combine them by separating the entries with a semicolon ; the viewers then display on the Show menu as options .

  11. PHP中的每一行都以分号为结尾,类似于C语言。

    Each line in PHP ends with a semicolon , similar to the C language .

  12. 还要注意在JavaScript中分号是可选的。

    You 'll also note that semi-colons are optional in JavaScript .

  13. 这个字符串必须是有效的PHP代码,并且必须以分号结束。

    The string must be valid PHP code and must end with semicolon .

  14. 多数Perl语句都以分号结尾,很多语句看上去像Basic或C代码。

    Most Perl statements end with a semicolon , and many of the statements look like BASIC or C code .

  15. Booleans通过值true或者false来划定,没有分号。

    Booleans are delineated by the values true or false , without quotations .

  16. 作为Java开发人员,您可能发现最初的圆括号加分号的语法更直观一些,没有分号的曲线括号语法很难读懂。

    As a Java developer you may find the original parentheses-with-semicolons syntax to be more intuitive , and the curlies-no-semicolons syntax harder to read .

  17. 再次按Tab键,可移到语句的末尾,输入一个分号。

    Press Tab again to move to the end of the statement , and type a semicolon .

  18. JDBC属性列在URL其他部分的后面,并用分号分隔。

    JDBC properties are listed after the rest of the URL and are separated by semicolons .

  19. 精美的模拟数字LED的控件。除了显示十个数字之外,还能显示分号、点号、横杆,以完整地显示时间。

    In addition to displaying ten digits outside , but also shows a semi-colon , dot , bar , in order to fully display the time .

  20. Java的灵活性允许在DOM表达式中有多个语句,用分号隔开,以及在语句中定义函数。

    Java 's flexibility allows for multiple statements in DOM expressions , separated by semicolons , and define functions in statements .

  21. 演示了对PHP函数echo()的调用。要在该PHP标记内包含多个函数,请用分号(;)字符将这些函数分隔开。

    To include more than one function within the PHP tag , separate the functions by a semicolon (;) character .

  22. 和Java编程一样,Ruby方法也是通过点标记法调用的,但是括号(())和分号(;)是可选的。

    Ruby methods are invoked with the same dot-notation as in Java programming , but parentheses (()) and semicolons (;) are optional .

  23. 您可能已经知道,在大多数Shell中,您可以在单个命令行上通过在命令之间放置一个分号(;)来组合命令。

    You probably already know that in most shells , you can combine commands on a single command line by placing a semicolon (;) between them .

  24. 语法很简单:把完全限定名称和分号放在DROPTABLESQL命令后面,就完成了。

    The syntax is simple : You append the fully qualified name and a semicolon to the DROP TABLE SQL command , and you 're finished .

  25. program的第三个输出让这个分析程序可以获得错误,从中搜索分号,然后继续执行(通常错误对于解析器来说都是非常严重的)。

    The third production of program lets the parser go past an error , search for a semicolon , and continue afterwards ( normally an error would be fatal to the parser ) .

  26. 在这里提供它是因为在您为add()添加了一条语句之后,估计您可能想移动到括号后面的位置上,再添加代码或者一个分号,有了这条绿色线就会很方便。

    It 's provided here because after you add an argument for add (), you 'll presumably want to move past the parentheses to add more code or a semicolon .

  27. 如果连接字符串包含分号或xml标记字符,则在导入报表后,必须手动设置新报表中的密码。

    If a connection string contains a semicolon or XML markup character , you will have to manually set the password in the new report after the report is imported .

  28. 首先,要知道shell脚本传统上来讲是在多行中编写的,它们可以使用分号来分割语句,从而将整个脚本压缩成一行。

    First , be aware that while shell scripts are traditionally written on multiple lines , they can be compressed to a single line with semicolons to separate statements .

  29. 再说一次,记住使用分号将任何已有参数与最新添加的LotusDomino或LotusNotes安装路径分隔开。

    Again , remember to place a semicolon to separate any existing arguments from the newly added Lotus Domino or Lotus Notes installation path .

  30. 例如,Groovy不要求使用分号,变量类型和访问修饰符也是可选的。

    For example , Groovy doesn 't require semicolons , and it makes variable types and access modifiers optional .