
fēn wèi shù
  • quantile;fractile;fractile quantile
分位数[fēn wèi shù]
  1. 附加信息下的p分位数光滑经验似然置信区间

    Smoothed empirical likelihood confidence intervals for quantile in the presence of auxiliary information

  2. 此外,如果需要收集CARS表中所有列的分布统计信息(频率统计信息和分位数统计信息),那么可以执行以下命令

    If , in addition , distribution statistics ( frequency and quantile statistics ) should be collected for all columns of the table CARS , execute the following command

  3. 因此可以考虑使用分位数回归方法来求解VaR值。

    Therefore consider using points regression method to solve VaR median value .

  4. BMI在第85个百分位数及以上的儿童确认为超重。

    Kids with BMIs in the85th percentile or higher are considered overweight .

  5. Gamma分布百分位数在降水研究中的应用

    Application of gamma percentile to rainfall change

  6. 在一定的条件下,给出了F(x)的大分位数估计量及其渐近分布。

    The large quantile of F ( x ) is estimated under some conditions , and the asymptotic distribution is obtained .

  7. 通过对四分位数稳健统计进行Z比分数法能力验证过程的分析提出高斯节点z比分数法。

    By quartile robust statistical Z-Score way analysis of Proficiency Testing process to make Gaussian node Z-scores ways .

  8. 基于分位数的VaR(风险价值)不具有一致性,可能误导投资组合优化和风险管理,ES(预期短缺)测度克服了这一缺点。

    Quantile-based VaR is not coherent and may be misleading in portfolio investment and risk management .

  9. 的实践,分析了实践中只计算一、二阶矩估计量的原因和条件,给出了二次Hall自助法计算分位数的算法流程图和随机数程序。

    Finally , we present arithmetic flow chart of Hall twi-bootstrap to calculate the quantiles and the programme to generate random numbers .

  10. 本文提供了陕西省0-18岁儿童的BMI的年龄别百分位数曲线。

    Presented here is the age-related BMI centile curves for children aged 0-18 years in Shaanxi .

  11. 由前面提到的VaR的定义,可以将VaR看成是金融收益分布的某一分位数。

    By mentioned VaR definition , can will VaR as financial income distribution of a certain points of digits .

  12. 在正常体重的儿童,BMI百分位数与血压仍然有关系,只是关系较弱一些。

    In normal-weight children , BMI percentile and blood pressure remained related but the associations were weaker .

  13. ρ-混合样本下VaR样本分位数估计的Bahadur表示

    Bahadur Representation of the Sample Quantile Estimator under ρ - mixing Sample

  14. 传统的部分Hausdorff距离,由于采用固定的分位数,在图像匹配应用中具有相当的局限性。

    The conventional partial Hausdorff distance s have strong limitations because of their fixed fractions .

  15. 基于CPFR的需求预测新方法&分位数回归预测法

    New Forecasting Method Based on CPFR : Exponential Weighted Quantile Regression

  16. 该参数控制在RUNSTATS命令上指定WITHDISTRIBUTION选项时将收集的分位数(quantile)数目。

    This parameter controls the number of quantiles that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION option is specified on the RUNSTATS command .

  17. 只需要指定RUNSTATS命令的频率值和分位数。

    You can specify the number of frequent values and quantiles on the RUNSTATS command .

  18. 包含频率和分位数统计信息的RUNSTATS

    RUNSTATS with frequency and quantile statistics

  19. 第三四分位数Q3是第75个百分点。

    The third quartile Q3 is the75th percentile .

  20. GB/T10094-1988正态分布分位数Xp置信区间磷酸厂的地理位置遵循不同的布局。

    The confidence interval of quantile Xp for normal distribution The geographical location of the phosphoric acid plants follows a different pattern .

  21. 中国股市IPO抑价与上市公司内在价值关系&基于分位数回归的实证研究

    The Relationship between IPO Underpricing in China 's Stock Market and the Intrinsic Value of the Listed Companies & An Empirical Study based on Quantile Regression Techniques

  22. 使用2SLS与普通分位数回归方法(QR)得到的估计都存在较大的偏差。

    The estimators got by 2SLS and QR both exist apparent biases .

  23. 方法采用LMS(λ中位数变异系数)法对西安市0~18岁儿童青少年身高百分位数进行拟合。

    Methods Using LMS (λ median coefficient of variation ) method fitting height centile curve for children and adolescence aged 0 ~ 18 years .

  24. 保留的分位数数目(NUMQUANTILES)

    Number of quantiles retained : ( NUM_QUANTILES )

  25. 分位数分析的结果表明,就全国样本而言,人力资本和投资环境的改善有利于FDI技术溢出的发挥,而市场竞争度、技术差距和开放度的加大则不利于FDI技术溢出。

    The result of nationwide data suggests that improvement of human capital and investment environment is favorable to FDI spillover , while market competition , technological gap and openness play an opposite role .

  26. 由于VaR的本质是数学中的分位数,因此这一模型实际上是对(μ,σ2)的联合置信域的求解。

    Due to that the nature of the VaR is a quantile in mathematics , our first model is to solve the joint confidence region of (μ,σ 2 ) actually .

  27. 在执行包含WITHDISTRIBUTION子句的RUNSTATS时,会根据RUNSTATS命令中给定的选项选择一组频率(frequency)和分位数(quantile)的统计信息。

    When you perform RUNSTATS with the WITH DISTRIBUTION clause , a set of frequency and quantile statistics is chosen , depending on the options given in the RUNSTATS command .

  28. Box-Cox变换用于分位数回归曲线相交问题的研究

    Apply Box-Cox Transformation to the Research on Crossing Problems of Quantile Regression

  29. 在低维的情况下,我们用Wilson区间来建立同时置信区间,对每个参数应用相等的临界值,这种临界值由最大模的分位数得到。

    The simultaneous confidence intervals are built upon the Wilson type inter-vals for the individual parameter with equi-coordinate critical point approximated by the percentile of some maximum modulus distribution .

  30. 美国国家教育统计中心(NationalCenterforEducationStatistics)专员杰克·巴克利(JackBuckley)指出,家庭收入位居最高四分位数的美国学生的表现不如具有类似背景的其他国家学生。

    Jack Buckley , the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics , noted that American students from families with incomes in the highest quartile did not perform as well as students with similar backgrounds in other countries .