
chū jià
  • marry;get married
出嫁 [chū jià]
  • [marry] 女子结婚嫁到男方家里去;嫁人

出嫁[chū jià]
  1. 我从来没想过,我的小妹会出嫁。恭喜你!

    I never thought that my kid sister would get married . congratulations !

  2. 他们希望女儿留在家里,做家务,然后出嫁。

    They want the girls to stay home and do housework and get married .

  3. 这部小说是一部意识流作品,描绘了一个为出嫁而离家的印度女人内心强烈的情感。

    The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married

  4. 古时候,齐国有位姑娘,已经到了应该出嫁的年龄。

    In ancient times , a girl in the State of Qi had reached marriageable age .

  5. Scott是Nick中间的名字,也是他祖母未出嫁前的名字。

    Scott is both the middle name of Cannon , 30 , and his grandmother 's maiden name .

  6. 小KK的好友DerekBlasberg也出席了婚礼,仪式后他写道:“看着自己的小妹妹出嫁,成为一个妻子,我自己也觉得长大了。”

    Her good friend Derek Blasberg also attended , and after the ceremony wrote : ' I 'm a bigger man for watching my little sister become a real wifey today . '

  7. 当你的女儿出嫁的时候,你不是失去了一个女儿,而是多了一个儿子,所以,在VideoJug的帮助下学习怎样更好地维系这种关系。HillieMarshall提出的建议将帮助你和女婿维持良好的关系。

    When your daughter marries , you are not so much losing her as gaining a son , so learn how to make this relationship better and stronger with VideoJug 's help . Using advice from Hillie Marshall , here are some great tips on how to have a great relationship with your son-in-law .

  8. 他还不曾听到有关露茜出嫁的传闻。

    No rumour of Lucy 's marriage had yet reached him .

  9. 出嫁女与本家间的经济交往是多种多样,形式灵活,非常普遍的。

    Economic exchanges between them are diverse , flexible form and common .

  10. 过不了多久,我就有一个女儿出嫁了。

    In a short time , I shall have a daughter married .

  11. 女子出嫁以后通常随夫姓。

    A married woman usually bears her husband 's surname .

  12. 他们想说服我出嫁,阿尔瓦。

    They 're taking me to be wed , alvar .

  13. 她出嫁的前一夜,我陪她哭了一夜。

    The night before she left , we cried together all night .

  14. 史蒂维用了出嫁前的名字这样他就不知道

    Stevie used her maiden name so he wouldn 't know

  15. 他死了,没能看到他女儿出嫁。

    He didn 't live to see his daughter married .

  16. 我要在那里悄悄地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。

    I 'll sew my bridal dress calmly for afterlife 's loom .

  17. 当他听说她要出嫁时,很是失望。

    He lost heart when he heard that she was going to marry .

  18. 妇女出嫁后就丧失了她的阿格纳蒂的权利,而退出自己的氏族;

    The woman loses her agnatic rights on marriage and leaves her gens ;

  19. 在一个村子里住着一个还没出嫁的老太太。

    In a tiny village lived an old maid .

  20. 姑娘们哪里去了?出嫁做新娘去了。

    Where have all the young girls gone ? Gone to husbands everyone .

  21. 牧师:今天是谁将心爱的女儿出嫁给这位先生?

    Pastor : Who gives this woman to be married to this man ?

  22. 他活着只是想看着我出嫁。

    He lives only to see me married .

  23. 他说过他会送你出嫁。

    He said he will give you away .

  24. 聪明的诺姒第八个出嫁。

    The smart Nuosi was the eighth married .

  25. 天生有两次选择,一是出生,二是出嫁。

    Natural selection , two are born , 2 it is to get married .

  26. 我们中有一个换日子出嫁就行了。

    one of us will just have to be married on a different day .

  27. 我本应该送她出嫁的。

    I was supposed to give her away .

  28. 这就是18岁前就出嫁的女性人数。

    That 's the number of women who were married before their 18th birthday .

  29. 前几年出嫁到山那边了。

    She was married at the side over the mountain a few years ago !

  30. 我出嫁时比你还年轻呢。

    I was married even younger than you .