
chū shì
  • be born;come out;come into the world;be published;be above worldly considerations;come into being;be not involved in the material world;vouchsafe;rise above this world
出世 [chū shì]
  • (1) [vouchsafe;come into being;be born]∶人的出生

  • 偶有真正伟大的诗人出世

  • (2) [come out;be published]∶问世;产生

  • 《何典》的出世,至少也该有四十七年了。--鲁迅《〈何典〉题记》

  • (3) [be above worldly considerations;be not involved in the material world]∶超脱人世束缚。佛教用语,佛教徒以人世为俗世,故称脱离人世束缚为出世

  • 出世思想

  • 其气浩然,常留天地之间,何必出世入世之面目?--全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (4) [rise above this world]∶高出人世

  • 横空出世,莽昆仑,阅尽人间春色。--毛泽东《念奴娇.昆仑》

出世[chū shì]
  1. 我的出世就已经成就了现在的我。

    I mean , all I 've done is be born .

  2. 我的出世就已经成就了现在的我

    I mean all I 've done is be born .

  3. 新生婴儿出世时孩子常常感到忌妒。

    Children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives .

  4. 第一个孩子的出世使他们的婚姻生活开始了一个新阶段。

    The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life .

  5. 她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。

    She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth

  6. 孩子的出世是我们俩关系中的一个重要转折点。

    The baby was one of the big landmarks in our relationship .

  7. 他们将会影响还未出世的好几代英国人。

    They will affect generations of Britons still unborn .

  8. 她已经结婚,有一对双胞胎儿子,第三个宝宝也即将出世。

    She is married with twin sons and a third child on the way .

  9. 我在儿子亚当出世后开始从事自由职业,自此一帆风顺。

    I went freelance when my son Adam was born , and have never looked back .

  10. 我父亲过世差不多10年了,不过他活着时见到了第一个孙儿的出世。

    My father died nigh on ten years ago , but he lived to see his first grandson

  11. 新生儿出世后,其他孩子极容易受到冷落。

    When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others .

  12. 旧制度行将灭亡,新制度就要出世。

    The old system is dying out ; a new system is coming into being .

  13. 1997年,数码相机横空出世。

    Digital cameras arrived on the scene in 1997 .

  14. 而现在,一种类似皮革的新材料Piñatex横空出世。这种用菠萝叶子做成的材料可能正是我们期待已久的全能环保皮革。

    Pi ñ atex - a new leather-like material made from pineapple leaves - on the other hand , may just be the all-around eco-leather we 've all been waiting for .

  15. 除了母鹅之外,夏洛是第一个得知小鹅出世的消息的。

    Except for the goose herself , Charlotte was the first to know that the goslings had at last arrived .

  16. 她精心选择着她将来的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭配着她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。

    She chose her colours with the greatest care . She adjusted her petals one by one . She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled8 , like the field poppies .

  17. 而现在,底特律资深新闻记者比尔•维拉斯克的新书《汽车往事》(OnceuponaCar)的横空出世则满足了这两个条件。

    Until now , that is , thanks to a new book , once upon a car , by veteran Detroit newspaperman bill vlasic .

  18. iPhone横空出世席卷了整个市场

    The iPhone came on the marketplace it totally blew the market away .

  19. 2007年,iPhone横空出世。

    In 2007 , the iPhone came .

  20. 今年6月,Stephen和Casandra宣布他们正在等待他们第一个孩子出世。

    In June , Stephen and Cassandra announced that they were expecting their first child together .

  21. Monica,快,宝宝就要出世了。

    Ross : Monica , come on now . Let 's go , baby coming .

  22. 如果Blair放弃她的婚礼,假设她要离开路易斯,那么他们未出世额孩子要怎么办?

    If Blair runs out of her own wedding assuming she leaves Louis whats going to happen to their unborn child ?

  23. 而日本国内对这类电子产品的需求一贯低迷,直到iPad三年前横空出世,局面才为之一变。

    Domestic demand for such gadgets was always poor until , that is , the iPad debuted here nearly 3 years ago .

  24. 因为相比更换X光设备,行政部门更有可能换掉我,我怕不能工作,但是我更怕让我未出世的孩子暴露在辐射中。

    Because the administration is more likely to replace me than an X-ray equipment , I 'm afraid to refuse to work . But I 'm more afraid to expose my unborn child to the radiation .

  25. 博客和相片共享网站正繁荣发展,网络DJ和电影制片者组成的新团体正横空出世。

    Blogs and photo-sharing Web sites are thriving , and new communities of online DJs and filmmakers are springing up .

  26. 现在,JRuby的横空出世又引发了一次全新的浪潮,涌现出许多使用(J)Ruby语言特性的类库,试图让Swing应用的开发变得不那么单调乏味。

    The availability of JRuby now started another wave of libraries trying to make developing Swing apps less tedious by using ( J ) Ruby 's language features .

  27. P2P技术的特性同搜索引擎变革的需求照相呼应,因此,基于对等技术的分布式内容搜索技术横空出世。

    The characteristics of P2P , in certain degree , satisfy the requirement of the innovation of the search engine . Thus , the advent of the P2P-based distributed content search technology is coming up .

  28. 随后分类广告网站Craigslist横空出世,令人们可以免费获得地方分类广告,接下来又出现了Ebay和一些专门性网站。

    Then came Craigslist , making it possible to get local classifieds for free , followed by Ebay and specialist Web sites .

  29. 在上世纪90年代末,Netflix刚创立时一如所有传奇科技创业公司那样,它携引人注目的新技术和全新商业模式横空出世,在市场上引起了一轮风暴。

    In the late ' 90s , the company did what legendary tech startups do . It stormed incumbent kingdoms with compelling new technology and a new business model .

  30. 2010年,Groupon横空出世,Yipit轻松转型,转而收集经济衰退时期的团购信息。

    And then once Groupon took off in 2010 , it was an easy shift to becoming an aggregator of recession-era daily deals .