
  1. 加入WTO后的出口鼓励政策探析

    Discussing the Export Encourage Policy after Joining WTO

  2. 本文分析了我国出口鼓励政策存在的问题,提出加入WTO后的出口鼓励政策。

    This paper analyzes the mishap of present export incentive policy in China , and put forward the export incentive policy after China joins WTO .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国现行的出口鼓励政策必须作相应的调整,制定符合WTO规则、与国际惯例相一致的出口鼓励政策。

    After joining wto , the current export of our country encourages policy must make corresponding adjustment , establish the export that accords with wto rule and is consistent with international usual practice appearance to encourage policy .

  4. 建立更加有效的出口鼓励政策机制

    The Urgency of establishing a more effective Export Encouragement Policy Mechanism

  5. 出口鼓励政策效果评测模型及应用

    Export Encouraging Policy Effect Evaluation Model and Its Applications

  6. 我国需要认真考虑如何运用合理的出口鼓励政策来提升出口产品的国际竞争力。

    Second , How to improve the international competitiveness of export products with the proper export incentives policy should be considered seriously ;

  7. 作为一项出口鼓励政策,我国自1985年开始实行出口退税政策,经过1994年后的多次调整形成了比较完整的体系。

    It was a policy used for encouraging export which was implemented from 1985 and has become into an integrated system after being revised for many times since 1994 .

  8. 从1996年到2005年,其中经历了加入世界贸易组织这一重大外贸事件,我国的出口鼓励贸易政策也经历了由政府干预较多的鼓励出口向中性贸易政策的转变。

    From 1996 to 2005 , china experienced a important incident in the international trade field , accessing to the WTO .

  9. 随着我国市场化改革的深入和对外开放的不断扩大,政府对出口贸易的鼓励政策得到不断的调整和优化,但仍有一些深层次的问题需要解决。

    With the deepening of market reform and ever open to outside world , Chinese government has made continuous adjust and optimization to the export encouragement policy , but there still exists some basic problems to be solved .

  10. 国际贸易中,如何促进农产品出口呢?出口鼓励政策提供了多种实施途径。

    In international trade , how to promote agricultural exports ? Export encourage policy offers a variety of ways to implement it .