
  • 网络Keynesian Economics;The Economics of Keynes
  1. 所有这些都是对凯恩斯经济学的历史回顾。

    All this is reminiscent of the history of Keynesian economics .

  2. 主流凯恩斯经济学正面临着最后的狂欢。

    Mainstream Keynesian economics is facing its last hurrah .

  3. 凯恩斯经济学历史地位的再评价及其适用

    On the Reevaluation of the Historical Position of Keynes'Economics and its Application

  4. 目前以凯恩斯经济学为代表的国家全面干预经济的学说在经济法基础理论的研究中占主导地位。

    Now Keynes economics plays the most important role in Economic Law Theory .

  5. 后面说的是凯恩斯经济学吧。

    Politics is for the present , but an equation is of eternity .

  6. 后凯恩斯经济学的新发展

    The New Developments in Post Keynesian Economics

  7. 但是我们通过模型检验发现,在我国经济运行的不同价格变化阶段,这种新凯恩斯经济学的政策命题并不成立。

    By model testing we find this view is invalid for China 's economic situations .

  8. 试论凯恩斯经济学研究方法的新取向

    Exploration on Research Methodology of Keynesian Economics

  9. 但是后凯恩斯经济学的理论局限性说明,必须探索一种新的研究方法,即一种制度的演化的经济学范式,从而推动凯恩斯经济学的进一步发展。

    We should develop a new research methodology for the theoretical limitations of post Keynesian economics .

  10. 这些争论从一个侧面反映了凯恩斯经济学和凯恩斯主义在西方经济学界的现状。

    The controversy mirrors the current state of the Economics of Keynes and Keynesianism in the Western countries .

  11. 撒切尔夫人反对的几乎所有事物国有化、增税和凯恩斯经济学再度流行。

    Almost everything that Mrs Thatcher opposed nationalisation , raising taxes , Keynesian economics is back in fashion .

  12. 20世纪30年代的经济大萧条促成经济理论的第一次大转换,即由新古典经济学向凯恩斯经济学转换。

    Its combination with Western economic slump promoted the first transformation from the new classical economics to Kains economics .

  13. 新凯恩斯经济学认为,在通货紧缩环境下,由于价格粘性和调整成本等原因,将导致经济政策乘数作用更为显著。

    New Keynesian economics holds that economic policy has higher multiplier under deflation due to price stickiness and cost adjustment .

  14. 后者形成我国对后凯恩斯经济学理论研究的主力军。

    The later are the main economists in our country who keep track of the development of Post-Keynesian economics theories .

  15. 所以萨缪尔森因此就创立了新古典综合,即凯恩斯经济学加新古典经济学模式。

    So " Neo-classical synthesis ", a model composed by Keynesian economics and Neo-classical economics , was created by Paul A.

  16. 新古典综合派吸收了新古典经济学的部分假设,将凯恩斯经济学重新表述为利用名义刚性解释失业均衡的理论,成为新凯恩斯主义经济学。

    Neoclassical Synthesis incorporated some new classical hypothesis and reinterpreted Keynesian economics as a theory of unemployment equilibrium through the mechanism of nominal rigidity .

  17. 罗宾逊强调历史时间和非均衡方法,和她的剑桥同事们构建了包含价值理论、分配理论和增长理论的理论体系,拓展了凯恩斯经济学,但却忽视了货币经济的概念。

    Robinson emphasized historical time and disequilibrium method , and constructed an alternative theory system , however ignoring Keynes ' concept of monetary economy .

  18. 然而,经济学中存在多个与凯恩斯经济学相关的学术流派,至少包括新古典综合派、新凯恩斯主义经济学、后凯恩斯经济学和货币流通学派。

    But there has many Keynesian schools in economics , including Neoclassical Synthesis , New Keynesians , Post Keynesians and the Monetary Circuit Approach , at least .

  19. 从范式角度比较和分析原创性凯恩斯经济学和三个凯恩斯经济学流派之间的本质关系后发现,后凯恩斯经济学对原创性凯恩斯经济学的研究提供了重要启示;

    After differentiating original Keynesian economics with three genres of Keynesian economics from a perspective of paradigm , we find post Keynesian economics provides some important implications to research original Keynesian economics .

  20. 详细阐明了古典经济学的就业理论、凯恩斯经济学的就业理论、货币主义经济学的就业理论与新凯恩斯主义经济学的就业理论。其次,对我国劳动就业的现状进行了分析。

    It illustrates employment theory of classical economics , of Keynesian economics , of monetarism economics , of new Keynesian economics in detail . Secondly , this paper presents the current situation of employment in China .

  21. 在凯恩斯经济学里,有效需求包括消费需求和投资需求两个部分,消费的主体是居民,投资的主体是企业和参与宏观调控的政府。

    From Keynes 's point of view , effective demand includes consumption and investment . The main body of consumption is households ; and the main body of investment is firms and the government which takes part in macroscopical readjustment and control .

  22. 标志着现代西方经济学开始的凯恩斯经济学,自19世纪30年代产生后很快传入美国,并在美国演变和发展成一种新的经济理论&美国凯恩斯主义。

    The economic theory of John M · Keynes , which marked the beginning of the western modern economics , spred quickly into the U.S.A. after it came into being in the 1930s and evolved into a new economic theory & American Keynesianism .

  23. 以英国经济学家琼·罗宾逊为代表的后凯恩斯经济学坚决反对这一做法,在理论上主张将凯恩斯经济理论和古典经济学综合起来,在政策上倡导实行收入再分配政策,以缓和资本主义的分配不公。

    The " post-keynesian economics ", represented by British economist Joan Robinson , resolutely opposed these views , and advocated in theory to synthesize Keynesian economic theories and classical economics , and initiated in policy the income redistributions so as to mitigate the capitalist unfair distributions .

  24. 后凯恩斯经济学是自凯恩斯革命以来,一直致力于完成流产的凯恩斯革命,并以反新古典主流面目存在的一支异端经济学流派,它是对凯恩斯经济学范式的恢复和拓展。

    Post Keynesian Economics is a school of thought in heterodox economics , which has turned against neo-classical mainstream theories and has applied itself to finishing abortive Keynesian Revolution since Keynesian Revolution . It represents both a recovery and an extension of the economic paradigm developed by Keynes .

  25. 论凯恩斯宏观经济学的理论起点

    The Starting Point of Keynes ' Macro - economic Theory

  26. 新凯恩斯主义经济学罗斯福新政与凯恩斯主义


  27. “卢卡斯批评”抓住这一缺陷,构成了对传统凯恩斯主义经济学的理论挑战。

    " Lucas critique " poses a theoretic challenge to the Keynesian orthodoxy .

  28. 新剑桥学派是现代凯恩斯主义经济学的两大分支之一。

    Neo-Cambridge school is one of the two branches of modern Keynes economics .

  29. 在当前金融危机中,我们看到了凯恩斯主义经济学的复活。

    We are seeing , in this financial crisis , a rebirth of Keynesian economics .

  30. 在宏观领域内部被遗忘殆尽的凯恩斯主义经济学,从外部找到了新的代言人。

    Keynesian economics , which had been nearly forgotten inside the macro field , has found new voices from outside .