
  • 网络KEMPINSKI;Kempinski Hotel;kempinski seychelles resort;Baltschug Kempinski
  1. 这家酒店的开发得到了日内瓦的凯宾斯基酒店集团(KempinskiHotels)和首旅集团(BeijingTourismGroup)的协助。

    The hotel was developed with the help of the Geneva-based Kempinski Hotels and the Beijing Tourism Group .

  2. 我们以喜来登酒店、索菲特酒店、和凯宾斯基酒店为例来看看这些国际品牌集团如何保持、延伸老牌酒店的生命力。

    Let 's take Sheraton , Sofitel and Kempinski as examples to see how the big brands to maintain and extend their brand power .

  3. 我们非常遗憾的通知您,三亚凯宾斯基酒店已经与凯宾斯基集团正式解除管理合同,并且即时生效。

    We regret to inform you that Kempinski had ceased our management contract with Kempinski Hotel Sanya with immediate effect .

  4. 作为一家顶级商务度假酒店,苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店在餐饮方面花费了大量的心思。

    As a top business hotel , Kempinski Hotel Suzhou has surely made lots of effort in its food and beverage .

  5. 苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店的大量设施不仅可以满足人们的商务需要,还可以作为人们的休闲胜地。

    Kempinski Hotel Suzhou features not only a full range of business facilities but also a variety of amenities with which guests can pass the off-work hours at leisure .

  6. 从凯宾斯基五星大酒店,到城市里到处兴建的办公大厦和公寓大楼,到处都是繁荣的迹象。

    Signs of prosperity are everywhere , from the five-star Kempinski Hotel to the office towers and apartment complexes popping up all across the city .