
  • 网络Feng County;Fengxian County;feng county shaanxi
  1. 陕西凤县庞家河-左家庄地区金矿伴生元素特征及其地质意义

    Characteristics of associated elements of the gold deposits in Pang-Jia-He / Zuo-Jia-Zhuang area , Feng County , Shaanxi Province and their geological significance

  2. 凤县铅锌矿区地质环境质量评价研究矿区地表沉陷环境影响模糊综合评价

    Research on the Assessment of Geological Environmental Quality of Lead-zinc Mine Area in Feng County Comprehensive Evaluation of Mine Area Surface Subsidence by Application of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation

  3. 陕西凤县无公害花椒园环境质量评价

    Assessment on environment quality of hazard-free Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Fengxian

  4. 位于陕西省扶凤县城北之佛教圣地。

    Scenic Famen north of the Fu Feng Town , Shaanxi Province .

  5. 陕西凤县栽培党参中宏量和微量元素含量测定

    Determination of Macro-and Trace-elements in Radix Codonopsis Cultivated in Fengxian , Shaanxi Province

  6. 凤县花椒产区土壤环境质量评价

    Assessment of Soil Environment Quality of the Zanthoxylum bungeanum Production Regions in Fengxian

  7. 凤县平木镇无公害蔬菜产地环境质量评价

    Assessment of Environment Quality of Hazard-free Vegetable in Fengxian

  8. 凤县&两当地区北秦岭构造带地质组成及构造特征

    The Tectonic Characteristics and Geological Formation of North Qinling Tectonic Belt in Feng-liangdang County Region

  9. 山西花椒昆虫群落结构及区划研究凤县花椒寒害的调查研究

    Study on the Community Structure and Regionalism of the Chinese Prickly Ask Insects in Shanxi

  10. 陕西凤县&山阳泥盆系同沉积断裂砾岩

    The conglomerates controlled by synsedimentary faults of the Devonian in the fengxian-shanyang , shaanxi Province

  11. 凤县花椒寒害的调查研究2004/2005年冬季连江县低温考察和橄榄树冻害指标初探

    Investigation of Low Air Temperature and Preliminary Study of Indexes of Olive Freeze Harm in the Winter of 2004 / 2005in Lianjiang County

  12. 陕西省铅锌资源主要集中分布在凤县-太白地区,年产量占全省的72%。

    Mineral resources of Pb-Zn in Shannxi province are mostly distributed in Fengxian-taibai region and its annual output accounts for72 % of the entire provincial output .

  13. 凤县作为陕西省重要的金属矿产资源生产基地,矿产开发对当地经济做出了巨大贡献,但同时也带来了相应的环境污染问题。

    Fengxian is production base of mineral resources in Shanxi . Mineral exploitation has contributed greatly to the local economy . But it also brings about serious environmental pollution .

  14. 随着凤县花椒产业的发展,一些问题随之凸显出来,特别是每到采摘时期,花椒采摘人手紧缺,人工采摘效率低、耗时长。

    With the Fengxian pepper industry , some problems have become prominent , especially every time picking , picking pepper manpower shortage , low efficiency of manual picking , time-consuming .

  15. 不挥发性乙醚抽提物含量较高的有韩城、芮城、凤县、武都和秦安,分别为131.5、130.2、123.5、122.2和115.5g/kg;

    The higher contents of unvolatilizable extracts dissolved in ether were higher Hancheng , Ruicheng , Feng County , Wudu and Qin ` an , it was 131.5,130.2,123.5,122.2 and ( 115.5 g / kg ) respectively .

  16. 运用评价系统对凤县地质环境质量进行评价,把凤县地质环境划分为优、良、中、差四个质量级别。

    Based on this system , the geo-environment quality of Fengxian City has been assessed , and the results show that the geo-environment quality can be classified into four classes : best , good , moderate , worst .

  17. 实例分析结合陕西省凤县调查区,分析了区域地质环境背景,选取了影响其地质环境质量的主要因素,建立了凤县空间图形库和属性库。

    Taking Fengxian City of Shanxi province as example , the thesis has analyzed its geology environment background , chosen the main factors influencing geo-environment quality , and established the spatial graph database and property database of Fengxian City .

  18. 自1995年1月至1996年1月我们对陕西省宝鸡地区的凤县、眉县及岐山县80余万人进行了1992~1994年恶性肿瘤发病及死亡调查。

    From Jan. 1995 to Jan. 1996 , an investigation on the mortality of malignant tumours in three counties , Feng , Mei , Qishan , in Baoji area Shanxi Province during 1992 - 1994 , had been carried out .