
  • 网络Phoenix Satellite TV;Phoenix TV;phoenix satellite television;PhoenixTV
  1. 凤凰卫视三名战略初探

    The Study on the Star Strategy of the Phoenix TV

  2. 中国移动入股凤凰卫视,用意何在?

    China Mobile Buys Phoenix TV Stake , What is the Meaning ?

  3. 最近,它又将自己在上市公司凤凰卫视(PhoenixSatelliteTelevision)持有的股份从17%缩减至12%。

    More recently it reduced its stake in publicly traded Phoenix Satellite television from 17 % to 12 % .

  4. 作为唯一获准在中国内地播出的民营华语电视台,凤凰卫视(PhoenixSatelliteTV)的北京办事处却坐落在钓鱼台国宾馆,尽显其特殊的地位。

    Phoenix Satellite TV , the only private network allowed to broadcast in China in Chinese , demonstrates its special status by having its Beijing offices in the Diaoyutai state guesthouse .

  5. 据香港凤凰卫视(PhoenixTV)的视频资料和中文媒体澎湃(ThePaper)报道,四名香港书商已承认向中国内地走私批判性政治图书。这四名书商于去年失踪,随后现身内地警方看守所。

    Four of the Hong Kong booksellers who vanished last year before reappearing in mainland police custody have admitted to smuggling critical political works into China , according to videotaped confessions and a Chinese news report .

  6. 这位凤凰卫视的创始人承认自己是信息控。

    The Phoenix founder admits to being an information junkie .

  7. 然而,凤凰卫视并未因此成为英勇的自由斗士。

    However , that does not make Phoenix a heroic freedom fighter .

  8. 凤凰卫视的股票持有人很看好公司的前景。

    The stockholders of Phoenix TV are optimistic about the company 's future .

  9. 那个女记者冒着生命危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。

    The woman reporter to cover the situation in Iraq for Phoenix TV .

  10. 香港凤凰卫视实现跨国传播的启示

    Enlightenment from transnational communication practices of Phoenix Satellite Television

  11. 凤凰卫视是唯一获准在中国境内用中文播出的非官方电视台。

    Phoenix is the only non-state network allowed to broadcast in China in Chinese .

  12. 这家在香港上市的公司表示,超过3亿华人在收看凤凰卫视的新闻节目。

    The Hong Kong-listed company says its news broadcasts reach more than 300m Chinese .

  13. 凤凰卫视时事评论员制度的组成结构是本文研究的重点。

    The commentator system of Phoenix Satellite TV is the emphasis of this paper .

  14. 栏目策划紧扣时代脉搏,与凤凰卫视构成多元品牌循环体系。

    The magazine , together with Phoenix TV , has formed a multi-cycling system .

  15. 两极交融和而不同&凤凰卫视传播形态之审美观照

    Phoenix TV Transmission From the Aesthetic Perspective

  16. 上述这些因素构成凤凰卫视核心竞争力的基础。

    All the above factors constitute the foundation of the core competence of Phoenix Satellite Television .

  17. 香港凤凰卫视记者:我的问题跟香港的生活与投资有关。

    My question is closely related to the life of and investment by Hong Kong people .

  18. 女性报道者的角色嬗变&从凤凰卫视伊拉克战争报道谈起

    The Changing Role of Female Journalists : The Coverage of the Iraq War by Phoenix Television

  19. 凤凰卫视打入国外市场的计划,可能为该集团开辟更多的营收来源。

    Phoenix ' plans for foreign markets could open up additional revenue sources for the group .

  20. 转型期中国政治传播的一种新尝试&以凤凰卫视政治传播模式为例

    A New Form of Political Communication in Transitional Period Society of China & Phoenixtv Political Communication Model

  21. 香港凤凰卫视有限公司经过十几年的艰难探索,创建了与众不同的凤凰发展模式。

    Phoenix Satellite Television has created a distinctly developing style for more than ten years of difficult explorations .

  22. 我做采访做了12年,加上在凤凰卫视的日子。

    I have been doing that , for , plus the days at Phoenix TV , 12 years .

  23. 主持人:我想默多克曾投资凤凰卫视。

    Host : I think Rupert Murdoch at once was invested in the Phoenix Television , was he not ?

  24. 假如你是凤凰卫视的《环球人物周刊》的主持人,你正在采访一位著名的医生。

    Suppose you are an host ( hostess ), you are interviewing a famous doctor in the TV show .

  25. 从凤凰卫视传媒明星制看大陆电视媒体对传媒明星的打造工作凤凰卫视品牌传播研究

    Study of Cultivation of Media Star from Phoenix-TV to the Mainland 's TV Station The Brand Communication of Phoenixtv

  26. 本文以凤凰卫视的实践为切入点,采用个案研究的方法,从品牌传播角度来探讨这一问题。

    The paper probes into this question in the aspect of the Phoenixtv , with the thought of brand communication .

  27. 长久以来,凤凰卫视的中文节目一直是中国观众所能接触到的唯一相对独立的声音。

    Phoenix 's programmes have long been the only relatively independent voice available to Chinese viewers in their own language .

  28. 在2008年的3月,也就是一年前,我就看过一期凤凰卫视的《锵锵三人行》。

    One year ago ( Mar.12th , 2008 ), I watched a TV show which talked about two types of house .

  29. 这时,2009年凤凰卫视曾子墨有一期节目,说的是这个81岁老人的果园情况。

    At this time , in2009 Mexico Zengzi Phoenix has a program that is the81-year-old orchard in the situation of the elderly .

  30. 在中国连年受挫的默多克不得不降低期望值,而凤凰卫视却已获得长足发展。

    While Mr Murdoch has had to scale down his ambitions for China after years of frustration , Phoenix has come far .