
  1. 提高凝汽器真空度和热效率的措施

    Measures to Increase the Vacuum and Heat Efficiency of Condensers

  2. 凝汽器真空度下降的分析与处理

    Analysis of Deteriorative Condenser Vacuum and Improvements

  3. 预应力混凝土管桩的承载机理研究及沉降分析汽轮机凝汽器真空度降低的原因及在线处理

    The Vertical Bearing Capacity and Settlement Analysis of the Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe Pile Causes of vacuum reduction of condenser of steam turbine and on-line handling

  4. 提高凝汽器的真空度,将使汽轮机的出力随之增加。

    Vacuum upgrading of the condenser will increase the capacity of the turbine .

  5. 胶球清洗系统能否正常运行对凝汽器的真空度及机组运行的经济性影响很大。

    Operational behavior of rubber pellet scrubbing systems have a consequential effect on the condenser 's vacuum and the operational economy of the whole set .

  6. 方案一为汽轮机低真空运行供热方案,降低凝汽器的真空度,提高汽轮机排汽温度,从而加热凝汽器中的冷却水达到可以直接供热的温度。

    Scheme one : change the steam turbine run at low-vaccum to increase exhaust steam temperature of the turbine , so the cooling water can be heated to proper temperature for heating in condenser .

  7. 在凝汽器喉部真空度一定的情况下,低压排汽缸的扩压能力越强,汽轮机透平末级出口处的静压就越低,机组的可配置焓降就会越高。

    As the same vacuum degree of the condenser throat , the higher pressure diffusion capability would result in the lower pressure at the outlet of the last stage . And there will be more enthalpy that can be used by the stream turbine .

  8. 通过对2号汽轮机低压缸排汽通道进行优化改造试验,发挥了凝汽器铜管的热交换潜力,提高了凝汽器真空度。

    The purpose is to increase the hot exchange potentiality of the steam condenser and improve the vacuum of the steam condenser .