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The three types of formation causes be reflected in Quanzhou basin : the alluvial facies in Jinjiang riverway , and the pluvial facies and alluvial facies in highland , and the bay milieu facies in basin .
The basin was filled with thick sediments of Quaternary lake and alluvial facies and accumulated with tin placer which is locally enriched to be commercial deposit .
Magnetic effect mechanism and preliminary dividing region of alluvial cohesive soil of Nanning
Xiabancheng basin is a reversed syncline with its sedimentary sequence composed of fluvial alluviation facies ;
After magnetization handles , the strength of river alluvial cohesive soil of first and second terrace of Yong River of Nanning City are strengthened .
The development sequences of sedimentary facies are : diluvial-alluvial and limnetic , alluvial and limnetic , estuarine and limnetic , bay , and estuarine facies .
It is indicated that the Quaternary strata character in the south sub-area is different from the north : sediments in the south sub-area is major in lacustrine-alluvial facies , however , in the south sub-area it is major in alluvial-diluvial facies .
Characteristic of Beachy underwater alluvial fan facies & with a practical example
The sedimentary facies can be classified into alluvial fan , fan delta , lake , stream and swamp .
The middle member is the gravity slide collapse block and breccia facies-structural movement type alluvial fan facies sediments .
The author has analyzed the Jurassic Cretaceous depositional environments and preliminarily recognized the fluvial , lacustrine and alluvial fan facies .
The sedimentary facies developed mainly include alluvial fan , fluvial , lake flat , lacustrine , fan delta , delta , lake-floor fan and volcanic rocks .
The depositional pattern shows that alluvial fans , delta facies and lacustrine facies are developed hi proper order from the southwest to the center of the basin .
The deep sandstone of delta , fan delta and fluvial fan facies are low porosity low permeability or mid porosity low permeability reservoirs with filling micropores and intragranular pores .
Pinghu formation of Eocene in Xihu sag of the shelf basin of the East China Sea is semi-closed bay sedimentary environment . Marine transgression is from south to north .
The results show that there are four types of system tracts in alluvial-fluvial facies including low system tract , extension system tract , high system tract , contracting system tract .
Fluvial facies strata are one of important reservoirs in Meso-Cenozoic continental basin in China . It is necessary to establish corresponding sequence stratigraphy research method for fluvial facies reservoir evaluation and prediction .
The meandering river facies and the meandering river delta facies are distributed over the northeast side , braided river facies , alluvial fan facies and the fan delta facies are over the southwest side .
The sedimentary facies were identified as alluvial fan facies , fluvial facies , fan-delta facies , delta facies and lacustrine facies , and classified as alluvial depositional system , lake-delta and fan-delta depositional system ;
Because of Indo-China movement late scenes , it is erosion area in the northern of the study area , but the other area is the alluvial plain sediments at the 5th member depositional period .
Sequence ⅲ was deposited during the depression period of the basin , during the period alluvial fan facies , fan delta facies , fluvial facies , delta facies , and shore-shallow lake subfacies were developed .
In flooded system tract , the flooded plain facies is dominated , with sand bodies underdeveloped . In the braided stream system tracts , the delta facies is dominated , and sand bodies well developed .
The latter is further sub-divided into gravelly and sandy braided fluvial facies . Major sedimentary facies in the Luohe Formation include alluvial fans facies , eolian facies , braided fluvial facies , and desert facies .
Among them , lacustrine and swamp facies were mainly developed during early - middle Jurassic , occasionally developed alluvial fan facies ; shore-shallow lacustrine facies , lake delta facies and fluvial facies were developed during late Jurassic .
The dominant facies in Hefei Basin in Mesozoic include alluvial fan , fluvial and lacustrine facies . The evolution of facies and sedimentary cyclicity with time shows synchrony and continuity between the north and the south system . 4 .
The Yanan Formation in Huating mining area was formed in fluvial , lake delta-lacustrine depositional system , and the lake delta plain is in the ascendant , and have sedimentary facies of fluvial , alluvial fan , lake delta and lacustrine .
It can be concluded that clastic facies consisting of tidal facies , lagoon facies , Fluvial facies , alluvial fan facies and fan delta and carbonate facies including evaporation platform , restrict platform , open platform and ford of platform margin .
The mode of sequence stratum of alluvial-fluvial facies & taking the upper Tertiary of Jiyang depression for exemple
The Dongting Lake form by the river facies , and the main process is the lake facies alluviation and lake-river facies alleviation .
In order to know time-space distribution rule of the alluvial - fluvial facies stratigraphic hake , classification basis of sequence , subsequence sets and system tract of the alluvial-fluvial facies was summed up .