
  • 网络impulse buy
  1. 我以前老是冲动消费。

    You know , I used to be quite the impulse buyer .

  2. 另一个解释是,平板电脑带来沉浸式的体验鼓励了更多的冲动消费。

    another is that the immersive experiencetablets create encourages more impulse buying .

  3. 这四个因子是:正面情感、保守和冲动消费,以及存款。

    These four factors are positive affect , conservative , emotional consuming and deposit .

  4. 冲动消费会超出预算并花光钱。

    They control impulse spending . Impulsive spending can bust budgets and drain finances .

  5. 这也许是普遍的冲动消费。

    That may be a universal impulse .

  6. 他们能控制冲动消费。

    They control impulse spending .

  7. 一项最近的调查显示,75%逛杂货店的人至少有过1次冲动消费。

    A recent survey indicates that 75 % of all grocery shoppers make at least one impulse buying .

  8. 尽管网购如此便利,但在大学生人群中,它却常常与冲动消费和其他风险挂钩。

    But convenient as it is , online shopping among students is marked by impulse buying and other risks .

  9. 对于这些消费者来说,有一种简单的方法既能够帮助他们避免冲动消费又能省钱。

    For those shoppers , there is a simple way of avoiding impulse buying , and saving money on groceries .

  10. 特价的促销效果比其他促销方式显著,常冲动消费的人群是最佳的目标受众。

    The promotional effect of price-off was significantly better than other promotion tools . Impulsive consumers were the best target of promotion .

  11. 把信用卡留在家里,只带现金上班,避免在这方面冲动消费。

    Avoid impulsive spending on food and other items by leaving credit cards at home and bringing only cash with you to work .

  12. 中国人民大学心理学教授雷雳表示,大学生的冲动消费方式源自心理因素。

    According to Lei Li , a psychology professor at Renmin University , the impulsive buying patterns found among students have psychological roots .

  13. 无论何时你拿出储值卡或者信用卡,你都很可能冲动消费,买一些你不是非得买的东西。

    Anytime you carry your ATM card or credit card you may be tempted to buy items on promotion which you might not need .

  14. 因为康尼格拉集团认为这个产品会是一种冲动消费,所以让其在冷冻餐里脱颖而出非常重要。

    Because ConAgra felt the product would be an impulse purchase , it was important to make the item stand out in the freezer case .

  15. 因为当你没有一个购物清单时,你通常会进行冲动消费和计划外的购物-所有这些都需要花钱。

    Because when you 're without a shopping list , you typically end up making impulse buys and unplanned purchases - all things that cost money .

  16. 克服冲动消费:当你有了计划之外消费的冲动时,强迫自己等上一段时间,一周以后再看看自己是否仍想购买这件物品。

    Tame the impulse . Use a self-enforced waiting period whenever youre tempted to make an unplanned purchase . Wait for a week and see if you still want the item .

  17. 一些人需要别人提醒,不要透支信用卡或借记卡,要注意冲动消费的问题。

    Few people need to be told not to overspend on credit or debit cards or to curb impulse shopping . You know you shouldn 't , even if you always do .

  18. 超市常常会搞这样的促销活动:买一卷面纸,就能获赠一小茶包。价钱呢,正好避免了可能阻止你冲动消费的欲望。

    Supermarkets have promotions like " Buy one roll of tissue and get a free sachet of tea leaves ", to avoid temptation carry just enough cash to constrain you from overspending .

  19. 但在客户结账时,假如订单金额超过这一门槛,亚马逊可以积极推荐这些附加产品,这与传统超市在收银处摆放口香糖和糖果等冲动消费商品十分相似。

    But the company could actively recommend these add-on products during check-out when an order crosses that pricing threshold , much like traditional supermarkets have impulse-purchase items like gum and candy bars at the register .

  20. 十分之六的女性承认自己经常抵制不住特价促销的诱惑,另外还有十分之六的女性说她们冲动消费的主要原因是通过购物让自己开心。

    Six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation if there is a sale on and six out of ten also cited retail therapy as the main reason for shopping on impulse .

  21. 商业公司认识到,若顾客太过于专注购物本身,则会减少因漫步商店走道而产生的“冲动消费”,抑或是“计划外消费”。

    Companies know that if you 're focused while you shop , you 'll be less likely to make impulse buys or make purchases you didn 't intend to make while wandering the aisles of the store .

  22. 研究发现,收到生日礼金、或是得到一些意外之财,例如公司返还现金或中了小额彩票等,这些通常都会诱发冲动消费。

    The study found triggers such as receiving birthday money , coming into an unexpected windfall such as cash back from a company , or a small win on the lottery often result in spur of the moment purchases .

  23. 十分之六的女性承认自己经常抵制不住特价促销的诱惑,另外还有十分之六的女性说她们冲动消费的主要原因是通过购物让自己开心。只有十分之四的男性是因为上述原因冲动购物的。

    Six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation if there is a sale on and six out of ten also cited retail therapy as the main reason for shopping on impulse 。 Only four out of ten men said the same thing 。

  24. 不要去让你会产生冲动性消费的地方。

    Don 't go to places where you might break your budget .

  25. 像把垃圾食品从冰箱里清出去;不要去让你会产生冲动性消费的地方。

    Remove junk food from your house . Don 't go to places where you might break your budget .

  26. 有关冲动性消费行为研究的文献众多,但难以从内在联系上进行统一。

    So far , the numerous extant literatures about impulsive consumption behavior can not be unified with a thread which indicates the underlying association .

  27. 冲动型消费中的消费者处于极端弱势,消费行为与消费意识出现脱节,实际上是消费者消费的不自由。

    Consumers in impulse buying are extreme weakness , the behavior and the consciousness are out of line , and consumer spending is not free in fact .

  28. 主要表现形式有:节俭消费、滞后性消费和观望型消费。3、计划外消费行为,即冲动型消费行为。

    The main manifestations are : frugal consumption , consumption and wait-and-see consumption lag . Third , the consumer behavior out of plan , namely the impulsive consumption behavior .

  29. 无条件退货权的产生具有时代性,由于新的消费方式的兴起和消费者快节奏的购买习惯,使得在经营者高压销售外出现越来越多的冲动型消费。

    The unconditional return right is a time produce , due to the emergence of new consumption patterns and consumers ' fast-paced buying habits , more and more impulse buying appears outside the high-pressure sales .

  30. 大学生的购买行为有其独特之处,更容易形成品牌偏好,并形成冲动型消费,学生的生意好做,是很多销售人员的共识。

    The purchasing behavior of students in college has its own characteristic , which is so easier to form the preferences of the brand and cause impulsive purchase . Sales staff think that it is easy to obtain the profit form students in college .